Ran into two JW's in service today, I was on !!!, it was classic !!!

by run dont walk 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • obiwan

    amac, please....here's a quarter, call someone who cares. If you can't see the irony of the whole thing, then you really need to snap your fingers and get out of the borg hold on you.

  • cat1759

    I can't believe you people have so much bitterness that you would rejoice over the insults thrown at someone that you were no doubt very much like not too long ago. How HYPOCRITICAL! I am no longer bitter and I am certainly not hypocritical. I feel bad for my mother's choices but after all they are her choices. I love my mother and never want to see her hurt but she ran from life and her problems into a religion that gave promises labeled from God. People will choose to deal with their pain in their own way and time and they don't need the extra labeling from such placating, judgemental opinions. We all choose our path in life. If we don't fit into a certain mold it doesn't mean we are wrong but we are not choosing to experience what we deem as negative energy in our lives anymore. For those still in that is their choice. It behooves my old mind to see such negative energy on this otherwise wonderful experience. This person took back some of their power by standing up and doing what they did. They are able to heal inside and if you can't see this it is ok. It was their choice to say what they did. It doesn't make it good or bad, it is just what is. Cathy

  • rocketman

    The best part I think was what you said about the Cadillac Escalade. Yep, I guess the end ain't too close after all. Either that, or she's hoping it comes before she has to make a lot of payments on the Escalade.

    So much for 'not seeking great things for themselves' like Baruch was counseled not to do. I guess they gave up on that advice years ago.

  • Zoewrex

    The more I read here, the more that I feel confident when approached by practicing JWs regarding their 'latest literature' etc. - if I can get them to think, if begrudgingly, then I'll be glad.

    Great Point Razor! I'm right there withya. Everyone has their own way of expressing their displeasure with the Society. So take what you can from the thread and use it your own way. Insulting what someone has / or hasn't done doesn't change the situation. Maybe things could have been done differently, but they weren't. Make a recommendation thread and take it from there.

    Silly Rabbit..TRIX are for kids

  • amac

    obiwan - You're wit is a true stumper. Actually, I don't see anything ironic about the situation besides that they happened to start talking to an exwitness. Besides irony does not require insults. Nevertheless I will heed your councel and snap my fingers. The borg no longer "has a hold" on me, so the snapping should do it and I should be able to join the rest of you in rejoicing...


    Right on dude! Way to go! You said the EXACT right thing! You should have also told her she is a BIG STUPID HEAD and that she HARBOURS CHILD MOLESTERS!!!!! Yeah!!!


    Oh wow! that was weird. I suddenly became everything I despise in human nature...

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    Amac, maybe youre definition of pomposity but my dictionary says: ``characterised by excessive self-esteem or exagerrated dignity;" I leave it to you to decede whether that applies to people who are convinced that they have a monopoly on honestt, indstury and decency to the extend that all other humans-- and maybe the half of their own kind who miss meetings, fail to meet fields service quotas, swim in the YMCA swimming pool, take karat or yaga lessons, cut the lawn at the local church yard or play t he lottery -- deserve to be incinerated down to the last man. woman and child. As far as the issue raised regarding the ownership of a luxury car, I believe the JW woman parried that thrust quite ably. It does occur to many, however, that ownership of such material objects along with palatial homes, while not condemned in the Bible and is actually admired/envied by much of the JW community, is hardly consonant with the lip service paid to ``putting the Kingdom first," ``showy display of one's means of life," ``love of money,"" etc. etc., ad infinitum, ad nauseum.

  • kilroy2

    We should all take note and be prepared to wack a jw when the chance comes up. we will not know when it will so like the boy scouts of america says "be prepared" as far as the comments go about not wanting to thing about mothers in service getting wacked in service. only thing I can say If you cant stand the heat get out of the kitchen baby.

  • kilroy2

    We should all take note and be prepared to wack a jw when the chance comes up. we will not know when it will so like the boy scouts of america says "be prepared" as far as the comments go about not wanting to thing about mothers in service getting wacked in service. only thing I can say If you cant stand the heat get out of the kitchen baby.

  • johnny cip
    johnny cip

    amac i was going to jump into this thread yesterday. but i'm glad i did'nt . i let all the world see how screwed up your mind is. rdwalk you did a fine job with thoses zombies , i'll bet that was the only time they got in all day. amac you can take me to task any time or pm me , it will be mty pleasur to make you stumble some more..........john

  • talesin

    good for you, rundontwalk. wish you had it on tape.

    btw, sounds like you went to my old KH. perfect description of the parking lots.

    also, most of the wealthy jw's i knew were driving their caddys on the backs of the poor minimum wagers who worked for them. so they're no different from the rest of the world, which i have pointed out to my parents so many times i'm sure they are sick of it.

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