Man gets life in prison for spitting

by happyout 65 Replies latest social current

  • freedom96

    Once again, I say this guy is a pathetic loser.

    When a judge is looking at how much time to give the criminal, I believe without a doubt that the past actions of the criminal should be taken into account.

    This guy is worthless, and belongs locked up.

  • Ron1968

    Texas Apostate,

    Good to meet you! I am from Houston also!! (Galleria area)


  • Yerusalyim

    The sentence for spitting isn't too long, but the one for spousal abuse is too short.

  • Realist


    please tell me you are kidding!

  • Ron1968

    I agree....Yuru, please say you are kidding.


  • Farkel


    :Spousal abuse should definately have larger penalties.

    You are so stupid, I won't bother with too many further comments. The issue was about "spitting", you stupid moronic idiot. : Who knows what this guys past is. Then why judge him on that without any facts, dimbulb? Let me tell you a little spitting story. One of my favorite uncles, Stewart Parker was a motorcycle Cop. He arrested a citizen who pissed him off and he spit on him. He was dismissed from the police force for that. His career was over. He never got a life sentence. He just lost his job and was humiliated. I saw him at my father's funeral a few years ago and told him he was one of my favorite people. He responded in a likewise manner. He was a nice guy who just lost his temper and made a stupid mistake. The crime of his life which cost him his career was "spitting." That was certainly worth spending the rest of his days in prison according to your "logic." : But I would imagine that someone stupid enough to spit on a police officer is a loser anyways, and probably is doing nothing productive with his life anyways.

    Well, "doing nothing productive with his life anyways" is certainly a good reason for a life sentence in prison. Combined with "spitting", that is. You are so eternally a moron that I find it hard to even respond to your garbage. : That judge just may have saved the life of someone meeting this bozo later. Yeah. He may never "spit" on anyone again, and that DEFINITELY means he deserves to spend the rest of his life in prison. And "spitters" definitely kill people. You are beyond idiotic. There is not even a word for fools like you. Amendment VIII to the United States Constitution: "Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted." Apparently this moron is so stupid as so think that a life term in prison is NOT a "cruel and unusual punishment" for the heinous act of "spitting." Many rapists and murders get less cruel sentences, but "spitters" shoudn't according to doofus. You are the the biggest idiot I've ever seen on any discussion board and I've been around for years and years and years. Farkel

  • kitties_and_horses_oh_my!

    I can see the reasoning behind this law, but I can also see it being abused.

    At my old job a man tried to run me over, after calling me every horrible name you can imagine. I was in real fear for my life and called the police. They picked him up a few blocks away and he yelled at them and called them horrible things, too. They didn't do a thing, let him go. Said "we live in a free country so he can say anything he wants." The prosecuting attny. decided not to file as there was no "proof" that he had tried to run me over (never mind the tape that is no doubt on file of me on the phone with 9-1-1 and suddenly screaming "oh my god, he's trying to run me over!" And then there were the two-inch deep tracks in the dirt leading up to the garage that I ran inside as he roared towards me.

    Anyway, back to the spitting incident - the guy sounds like a real loser, but that doesn't mean he should get LIFE in jail.

  • jelly

    The punishment is definitely incongruent with the crime. I am seeing more and more stupid sentences like this; usually the reason is a flawed three-strike law or mandatory minimums. Both, good in principle but often lack a sense of justice in their execution. Oh, and for some of our foreign friends that may be confused, the jury only determines guilt, the judge sets the sentence.


  • Country_Woman

    as a kid my grandma sometimes spanked us, and when we did say "we haven't done anything wrong" she used to answer : then it's for a time I did'nt noticed...

    Maybe the judge was thinking likewise

  • Realist

    country woman,

    you condone this insanity?

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