Man gets life in prison for spitting

by happyout 65 Replies latest social current

  • Satanus

    Do anything against a govt employee, and that's it, game over. He could easily be relabelled a terrorist, and end up at guantanamo.


  • Dansk
    There are child molesters and murderers who receive a sentence lighter then this one. I realize the article says he had past convictions yet, the crime IMO does not come anywhere close to the time received.

    Cassie, everyone, I agree - but IMO there's something we need to realise about what's behind such a stiff sentence. On the local (Manchester, England) news last night, by sheer coincidence, it stated that the incidence of AIDS has INCREASED and that people are not taking heed and practicing safe sex with a condom.

    The day before, a gay man was speaking about how he can see the AIDS virus wreaking havoc in the homosexual community again because of the gays taking chances (the increase reported above is mainly in the heterosexual community).

    I also remember a few years back when a police sergeant friend, who'd just past his inspector's exam, told me about a private (police only)showing of a film on AIDS. He said that if the public realised the true dangers there'd be absolute panic. In Britain, the television advertisement warning against the dangers of AIDS was pretty nigh on useless - it wasn't hard-hitting enough. I think when people saw the skeletal figure of Rock Hudson it made them sit up more - but even that now seems forgotten.

    In other words, the AIDS virus is a lot worse than we realise - gee, look at Africa! - and it would appear that, whilst not informing us of the true picture, governments are introducing draconian laws, such as spitting being life-threatening and viewed as "attempted murder". Read between the lines. We're not being informed of all the facts. It isn't just the USA. Some years ago I remember reading of a similar charge being considered in England, I think, when another policeman was spat in the face and some ended up in his eye.This could well be just the tip of a stricter global sentencing iceberg.


  • Abaddon

    Before we get into a panic, here's some facts;

    "While scientists believe it is remotely possible, there has never been a known case of HIV transfusion through kissing."

    It would seem therefore that spitting cannot transfer HIV, as the mechanism of transmission for kssing and spitting is identical (saliva).

    However unpleasent and stupid the guy may have been, this is a travisty of jusitce, especially as the real harm he has done his partner is considered so lightly, whilst the imaginary threat of HIV transmission is treated far more seriously.

    Brush up on your knowledge of HIV transmission;

  • Cassiline

    ((( Dansk )))

    In my profession on many occations I work with those who are in need of a some heavy psychiatric care. One evening while commiting a woman who threatened suicide repeatedly I had to call transport to the inpatient care facility. ( these statements were not the only reason, but I do not care to mention more)

    Although I can make the decision to do so, protocol states this must be repeated (her threats) in front of the client with a physcian in the room. While doing so the client became aggitated. She turned on me screaming and then spitting in the direction of my face. I turned my head as her spittle hit me on the cheek while backing up because at this point she became violent as well.

    I left the room where immediatly a nurse was called to clean my face with antiseptic. Afterwards I met with her parole officer and learned not only was she HepC positive but also HIV positive. I immediatly started to worry and looked in a nearby mirror to assure I had no facial lacerations, although I did not, the transmission of anything was still a major concern for me.

    I am well versed in how both of these diseases are transmitted yet the small doubt in the back of my mind had me concerned for quite some time. I thought over and over again what if the doctors are wrong about how it is transmitted? What if I somehow I do become infected?

    I believe the officer most assuredly felt these same feelings. Perhaps there may have been some sort of penalty for causing so much upheaval emotionally for him but I still stand by my earlier statement that this sentence was too much.



  • drwtsn32

    Talk about the "punishment not fitting the crime"! Despicable...

  • Ron1968

    I have heard of some weird things with the legal and judicial system, but nothing has topped this so far. I am pretty sure the appeal will go through, but still!!


  • Agent Double- O- Soul
    Agent Double- O- Soul

    And what the hell were that jury thinking about when they recommended such a sentence, even if on the basis of previous convictions? What that tells me is that the notion of trial by "12 good men (or persons)" can have no meaning if the persons don't have more than half a brain( unless the judge directed them towards the decision). A little while back here, we had a tv docu about a corrupt undercover agent working recently in the US deep south. One of his victims jurors was a woman who voted 'guilty' on the basis of a "funny feeling", & she was adamant that her 'feeling' was always good, irrespective of issues of evidence. If there's enough doughballs on yer jury, who can't tell satan from santa, maybe ya gotta worry.



  • Bendrr

    What happened to the "good old days" when if you did something like that the cop would just pop you upside the head and then make sure to make your life miserable in jail?


  • Texas Apostate
    Texas Apostate

    This is from the Houston Chronicle. More information about this idiot loser.

    July 3, 2003, 12:00PM

    Rapist gets life term for spitting on officer

    Associated Press

    SAPULPA, Okla. -- A convicted rapist has been sentenced to life in prison for spitting on a police officer.

    Creek County Associate District Judge April Sellers White followed the recommendation of a jury for the maximum sentence against John C. Marquez under a law that makes it a felony to place bodily fluids on law enforcement officers.

    White rejected a prosecution request for a 25-year prison term and a defense request for a four-year term.

    Following sentencing Monday, Marquez's attorney, Jason Serner, promised an appeal to the state Court of Criminal Appeals. No appeal had been filed by today.

    Marquez, 35, was convicted of hurling body fluids on Sapulpa Officer Charles Gadd while Gadd was taking Marquez to jail following a domestic disturbance in which a woman's arm was broken.

    The 1996 state law that makes it a felony to place bodily fluids on law enforcement officers was enacted amid concerns that deadly diseases, such as AIDS, could be transmitted this way.

    Gadd told the jury that Marquez spit on him despite being warned and then bit him when Gadd was trying to prevent Marquez from spitting again.

    Gadd and Marquez tested negative for any communicable diseases.

    The jury took 15 minutes on May 14 to recommend the life sentence. Marquez's prior felony convictions, including rape and burglary, were taken into consideration in determining the sentence.

    In addition to the life term, Marquez received one year in jail and a $3,000 fine for his conviction for domestic assault and a $500 fine for resisting a peace officer.

    Telephone calls to the judge, the prosecuting attorney and the defense attorney were not returned today.

    He obviously has no respect for women, property, or police authority. Do i think the sentacing is to harsh? I don't know, but i'm of the feeling that if you can't do the time don't do the crime. Like someone mentioned earlier, the jurors probably saved someones live in the future. This loser was obviously not trying to better his life. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

  • happyout

    I agree that this guy should be locked up for a long time, what I don't agree with is the way the sentence was given. He should have gotten a lot more time for domestic violence than spitting on a police officer, especially since he did NOT have any communicable diseases. Now, if he had been found to have HIV or HepC, then, sure, they could charge him with a higher crime and give him a longer sentence, but as it stands, it's insulting to the woman he beat up.


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