Man gets life in prison for spitting

by happyout 65 Replies latest social current

  • teenyuck

    There are always stories in the news like this.

    This is not right.

    Personally, I would not want to be spit on (Poor Cassi--). I would like to be beat up even less. (been there, had that).

  • patio34

    Abbadon correctly pointed out that kissing, saliva-swapping (i.e., spitting) doesn't transmit AIDS. The second story on the thread states that the man BIT the police officer. This is a completly different story! It makes me wonder about the veracity of the news writers why they are emphasizing "spitting" when the real issue may well be the biting. Here is the article I read.

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    Man jailed for life after spitting

    A man who faced a year in jail for allegedly beating his wife has received a life sentence after spitting on a policeman during his arrest.

    John Marquez, 36, was convicted of "placing bodily fluid upon a government employee."

    It carries the severe punishment because of the risk of transmitting a potentially deadly disease.

    He spat on officer Charles Gadd as he was being taken to jail following a domestic disturbance at his home in Sapulpa, Oklahoma.

    The policeman said Marquez, who was drunk at the time, also bit him when he tried to prevent him from spitting again.

    Both men tested negative for any communicable diseases.

    Marquez was also convicted of assaulting a police officer. The jury recommended the maximum sentence after just 15 minutes of deliberations because he had previous convictions.

    Court officials said he could have received one year in prison and a £2,000 fine for wife beating. His lawyers said they plan to appeal.

    Story filed: 19:21 Wednesday 2nd July 2003

  • primitivegenius

    heyyyyyyyy i got family in sapulpa lol. oh and well when hes in prision............ bet they wont let him spit there

  • freedom96


    First of all, let me make myself clear.

    Should a man spend forever in prison for spitting alone? No, I don't believe so.

    The fact is, that this particular person has a criminal history. My point, once again for those who cannot read, is that when a judge or jury is deciding on a prison term, they absolutely should take into account the past criminal history of the person. Hence, the 3 strikes laws here in California. That being said, no doubt there should be some discretion used as well.

    I was rather suprised at your name calling; completely uncalled for. Easy to do however from a safe distance on the computer where you don't have to back any of it up.

    I grew up in a law enforcement home, so I have some insight on the subject.

    Take for an example, Rodney King. Whether or not he deserved his beating, is another topic in itself. But here is a career criminal, who has been in jail many times since his event years ago. He has a huge disregard for the law, and people around him. When I say a criminal is worthless, and contributes nothing to society, that is a perfect example. When a person continues to violate other people, they need to be put away. Obviously, they are worthless to society.

    This particular asshole criminal had served time for rape and other crimes. I think for rape he still should have been locked up. But no, he got out, and was abusive enough to his current spouse that he broke her arm. Once again, LOSER!! Finally he is back in prison where he cannot harm the average person on the street.

    Think about how many times there have been criminals let loose and they go right back out and commit another crime. Statistics show that most do go back to prison. And some even go back on the street, and now, murder someone. These career criminals need to be put away for a long time, before something bad happens. That is just common sense, Farkel. Not too hard to understand.

    Once again, only for spitting to receive such a long sentence? Maybe not, but carefully read about this guy, and realize that he also BIT the officer! Again, big time loser, and I would recommend a severe sentence too.

    IF that makes me an idiot Farkel, then be thankful I am not in a politcal office. But rest assured, if a career criminal ever hurts my family, when he clearly should have been in jail, there will be some big time shit goin down!

    Exuse me for wanting the protection of all people, whether or not they are related to me, or if I even like them. No one deserves being a victim of crime, and when it can be stopped beforehand, I will always advocate that.

    Back to your name calling. Don't know what provoked you, but for some reason you have some problem with me. I don't recall ever setting out to get you, or to call you names, or whatever. But, I can see that you have some issues, and I encourage you to vent elsewhere.

    Even if you read many of my posts, you still know very little about me. You don't know my value system, you don't know my interests, you know nothing about my agenda's in life. If you did, I would doubt you would act the way you do towards me.

    But, this is a forum where all viewpoints are encouraged, but even as Simon has so many times pointed out, it is not a place for name calling. I am not an idiot, but if you wish to believe that, then go for it.

    Next time you're in San Diego, why don't you stop by, and we can have a chat? Hmmm?

  • Country_Woman


    No I don't condone this insanity - but my first though was my grandmother saying this (and I could'nt stand it)I was just ironic.

    MY idea is that fellows like that should get lifetime in jail - but not for spitting, just for beating his wife.

  • Realist

    country woman,
    i think we don'T know enough about the case to say whether he deserves a harsh punishment for hitting his wife or not. it is very well possible that she provoked him and thus is as guilty as he is.

  • teenyuck
    I think we don'T know enough about the case to say whether he deserves a harsh punishment for hitting his wife or not. it is very well possible that she provoked him and thus is as guilty as he is.


    How can you make a statement like that? That is outrageous. No matter how *provoked* someone is there is always an option to walk away.

    Yes there are women who deliberately provoke (don't look at me--). However, when a bigger, stronger person hits and assualts the person they swore to love in a wedding ceremony, that bigger, stronger person is wrong. Period.

    My first husband was going to beat me for not quitting my job and having children. How did I provoke him? I said no. He threw me up against a wall and I looked for a kitchen knife. I was not going down without a fight. When he realized I would stab him, he let me leave. We were divorced and I got counseling.

    Your statement is really sickening. Do girls who dress provocatively deserve to be raped?

  • Realist


    wait a second wait a second!

    i just said we don'T know anyting about why he hit her (if he did).

    i am not condoning any kind of violence (i never hit anyone since i was 10 years old)....but i do realize that some people have a low treshold level - and just as some mothers hit their children sometimes if they get provoked is it unfortunately possible that a man hits a woman. if she tried to stir a fight and to annoy him than with all honesty i can understand to some degree why he might have hit her (again we don'T know anything about the level of hitting etc.).

    the case with your first husband is completely different from what i am talking about. you didn'T do anything to provoke him so he was just a lower primate and should have put in prison.

    again i am not condoning violence of any sort but i get angry sometimes and i can imagine that some people loose control at some point if they get provoked too much.

    PS: girls who do dress very provocatively play with fire. its sad but its the truth.

  • Bendrr

    Farkel, did you miss my previous post?

    What happened to your cop friend, well that just totally sucked! It's like I said before, "what happened to the good old days....". Back then, a cop had a little more leeway to do some "enforcing". Some dipfuck (may I borrow that?) like the spitter in question here would have found himself in a dark deserted place for a few minutes and met the business end of Mr. Billy Club. Other than that or maybe in addition to that, the cops would have made sure that when the scumbag was in jail the other inmates would do the dirty work for them. Maybe make sure they all heard he liked to take it up the well you know where the sun don't shine.

    It's a shame. Law enforcement these days has a bad image for one reason and one reason alone. Their hands are tied when it comes to the real criminals so their only option is to enforce seatbelt and parking laws. They don't get paid worth a damn, garbage collectors get paid more! The perps they bust are free in no time at all. They get no respect whatsoever from anyone. Hell if I was a cop I'd have done went and done a lot worse than just spit on a subject.


  • wednesday

    Al Capone , the imfamous Chicago Mob leader, commited many horrible crimes. In the end they got him for tax evasion.

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