The Watchtower & the cigarette company

by expatbrit 207 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • zev

    this whole topic is amazing.

    i'm glad that this "spiritual food at the proper time" is being exposed.

    pork chop...

    why? why are you hanging out in an apostate site and making us your association?

    your obviously still an active JW have the proof of what is being said at your hand, on your screen right in from of you and you still deny deny deny.

    that IS what JW"S do and have done.

    deny the truth of their "mother organization"

    wtbts is the ultimate in hypocrital and defines the word in EVERY sence.

  • hawkaw

    BTTT to keep this on page one of the active board.

    This is way way way to important especially for those families who have been torn apart by a loved one who was df'ed because of smoking.

    The bastards who own this trust (aka the leadership) hurt these innocent people and their families whose only crime was to light up.

    And I might point out, it was proven in court that the cigarette companies "spiked" the smokes so it was very tough to stop smoking if they were smoking for sometime. Something these JW bastards did not take into account when they were tossing innocent JWs out the door and getting their families to shun them.

    Think about that "pork chop". Think long and hard about what this smoking ban and shunning have done to JW familes over the years and what these leadership JWs have done behind these families backs in owning "Phillip Morris" stock and making money off the dividends every quarter of each year - which is also a dfing offence based on previous WTS rags shown by Scully et. al. on this thread!

    While your at it read the WT rag article on hypocrisy found here located in the following web site


    p.s. - Zev - good to see you around buddy

  • coffee_black

    Just bringing this to the top...I agree with hawkaw...


  • seedy3

    Pork Chop,

    Let's put it this way, this fund is strictly for the Watchtower Soceity, they fund nothng else. I would agree with you if it were a, say mutual fund or such, but this fund is soley set up to fund the WTS nothing else. Now they have invested in a company that is WROG for any JW to invest in. Yet the WTS does not refuse the money, they accept it willingly. That is the point, they could refuse the money until such time as the investments into Phillip Morris is no longer a part of the fund. Yet they do not, they are hypocrites and continue to show they are.


  • Scully

    I wonder how many people were ever DFd for smoking?? With this "new light", can they apply for reinstatement without having to quit smoking? Can JWs start smoking now, without fear of being DFd? Can people who are studying keep smoking and be approved candidates for baptism?

    What's good for the goose is good for the gander, right?

    Love, Scully

  • jwsons

    I suppose, as usual, they will very soon claim that "We just found out the Trust bla bla bla...has not keep along well with Bible principles. So Our Fetched Mother now no longer receive donation from this Trust anymore..." Typical as such. BUT, even they receive one cent and in only one day from a company or trust like Rand Cam (Army ) Engine, or Phillip Morris, their name already wrote in the the black book. Sorry.... They may don't care ,do they ?


  • reporter

    The Society's actions speak louder than words.

    They could have liquidated the trust and be done with it. They could have politely refused the trust, knowing what was producing income from inside them (dividends, capital gains, etc.)

    But, no, they did neither. They are going to milk this baby for all it's worth. Just like they sit and profit from the donated Rand-Cam investments.

    It shows that they are willing to accept money and assets from whatever source they derive from.

  • SixofNine

    So far, there is no evidence that they did anything wrong. The stock showed up on one tax return.

    It's unreasonable for anyone to say they should liquidate (and I don't even know if they have snap-your-finger-authority to do that) the trust over one wrong buy.

    It's stupid to believe they knew and approved of the purchase.

    If you guys were argueing that the WT should not be involved in big business to the extent that investing in the stock market is big business, I could respect your arguements, as they have loudly condemned "christendom" for it's connection to big business.

    But you're not argueing that, your argueing that they should be responsible for something it is not reasonble for them to be 100% perfect about.

  • reporter
    But you're not argueing that, your argueing that they should be responsible for something it is not reasonble for them to be 100% perfect about.

    You don't quite get it. A wise man once said that you can expect in return the standard you are measuring out to others.

    The Society expects 100% perfection (and no less) on these matters. You have to quit smoking, 100%, or you're DF'ed. Plain and simple.

    There is nothing in their publications which allows for exemptions for those who only believe 99% of their dogma. If they do, they are summarily found out in due course, and are DF'ed.

    The Society all the time expects 100% perfection on all kinds of stuff where it is not reasonable to expect that. Just ask 95% of the posters here. I'm sure many have or know someone who was dragged before a judicial committee on grounds containing all sorts of "unreasonableness."!

    The fact is, they continue to excercise care and control over these questionable assets.

    And, you spelled argueing wrong. It should be "arguing". After all, it is not reasonable to expect 100% perfection, isn't it?

  • Scully

    reporter writes:

    The Society's actions speak louder than words.

    They could have liquidated the trust and be done with it. They could have politely refused the trust, knowing what was producing income from inside them (dividends, capital gains, etc.)

    But, no, they did neither. They are going to milk this baby for all it's worth. Just like they sit and profit from the donated Rand-Cam investments.

    It shows that they are willing to accept money and assets from whatever source they derive from.

    Once upon a time, I worked for a company and part of my job description was to order office supplies. At the end of the year, the consultant at the office supply company sent a holiday card to all her customers, including me. Inside each card was a small gift of a lottery ticket, at the time you could buy these particular tickets for 50¢ each. I was advised (by the elder who happened to work in the same office) that the ticket should be returned to the rep who sent it to me, along with a note explaining the Christian Viewpoint™. He even remarked that the WTS would never accept part of those winnings, because it was "dirty money". (He was assuming that it would win, when in all likelihood it was just a worthless piece of paper.) He stood over me and dictated the letter that he wanted me to send to the rep. He also made sure that I signed it in his presence and put it and the offending lottery ticket in an envelope and stamped it with the appropriate amount of postage. (Can we say "control freak"?)

    I eagerly volunteered to take the mail to the post office that day. For some reason, that letter never made it to the post office. All I was interested in was making sure that elder BELIEVED that I had followed his instructions, so I wouldn't be taken to task over a stupid 50¢ lottery ticket. It certainly wasn't worth it to me to jeopardize a business relationship over it either. Love, Scully

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