On respect for the belief of others. Sorry for the long post

by StarTrekAngel 372 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Viviane

    I can understand that, Simon, and I can certainly make that effort. Since we're discussing behavior, we have seen on this thread people deciding they get to claim I said things when I did no such thing. We see people suggesting I have mental problems. We see people calling me names. We see people using misogyny to dismiss me.

    I don't recall ever complaining to you or threatening to quit the forum or sending people ultimatums in PM.

    Sure, I can use more sugary words when I call people out for their behavior, but let's (as a group, not directed at you personally, Simon), be honest. I am subjected to far worse behavior (see Eden's quit thread and what people said about me there which, you'll notice, I've read and ignored except to use as an example here) by people claiming to be be nice and respectful and loving but who will in a second be nasty and mean in a heartbeat as long as they're ganging up on the right person.

    And you know what? That's fine by me. I'm not complaining. I'm not coming to you with names. I'm not firing off PMs angry about it or denigrating them in forums.

    I wonder what we can glean from that.

  • Simon

    I appreciate that, I'm not here to take care of kindergarten.

    Sometimes though we're all guilty of intentionally pressing other people's buttons because it's fun to 'win' or, well, just fun to play with people.

    Before we click that post button can we honestly say every time "I'm sharing knowledge / helping someone here" and not "I am so clever, this is going to annoy the hell out of them without me stepping over the line".

    'cause at some point that's stepping over the line. There are real people at the other end of line and we don't always know what the buttons we press do to them or why they may react as they do but we can perhaps take a second to consider how our words might affect them.

    ... before unloading both barrels.

    (OK, I didn't know where I was going or how to end it)

  • Viviane

    That's true. I just hope the people that called me an asshole (and other names), quoted me out of context, dismissed me because of gender, suggested I am mentally unbalanced and lied about me yet consider themselves "nice", will remember that should they ever decide to take aim at someone less capable than I of dismissing their slings and arrows. (+10 Slytherin for the Shakespeare reference :D (also something something Timelord Victorious, so +20 total for adding in Doctor Who))

    As I said, I shall be nicer.

  • azor

    To quote Charlie Brown. "Good Grief. " The on and on about hurt feelings here sometimes is just astonishing. Simons reference to kindergartners is apt.

    I have seen over and over again people pile up on Viv. She unfortunately suffers from being an intelligent woman that doesn't flower her words. So what dammit. Woman/Man who f'in cares. None of us should.

    I don't know if anyone has said this yet. No one deserves respect. Especially for their beliefs. Disagreeing with a topic is not hijacking. You don't like it go sing cumbaya with your hippie commune freaks elsewhere.

    To many of the threads that I have read here are full of asinine bullshit. To many damn bleeding hearts. Grow up already. I'm getting a little too pissed off for a Thursday night. This nonsense of respecting beliefs is similar to the pain I went through when waking up.

  • DogGone

    There has certainly been a piling on against Viviane, which is unfortunate. And she is 100% right that questioning her mental health and dismissing her with misogynistic statements is out of line. I also had no idea what a "home truth" was.

    A year ago Eden and I had an exchange with a poster named Focus. Focus had impressive historical knowledge and made powerful points but wrote with a certain bombastic style and, in my opinion, stretched the rules of logic and rhetoric to support his position. Eden and I exchanged a PM where we agreed tone is important if your aim is to persuade. Others may disagree. Personally, I admire the tone Eden uses.

    On the other hand, I respect Viviane's brain, her points are always razor sharp but, much like the great Richard Dawkins, not always with a tone I find helpful. That is entirely irrelevant to anyone but me, of course. People smarter than me use a tone I don't like. Maybe I just don't like that they are smarter.

    Viviane, when your past posts were selectively sliced up and posted it was a direct attack on you. This thread became a chance to settle scores, I think, and if it were me I would be feeling hurt and defensive. You said, though, that the internet doesn't bother you and I respect that. You have a stronger ability to be dispassionate and/or a stronger sense of self than I.

    What I don't understand, then, is why things escalated so much over the word "insist". I went back through the discussion and I thought it a rather fair reading that you "insisted".

    "you're just not backing it up or following through.
    .... Urbanity would include thing like, oh, say, if you make accusations, being able to prove it. It's just common courtesy"

    That is "insisting" to me. Am I also a dishonest and fallacious poster whom you will dismiss until I explain in detail why you should ever trust a word I say?

    The amazing thing is, Eden actually took the time to show you why he felt you insisted and you called it BS.

    Repeatedly framing what is, at worst, a misreading as a terrible reputation destroying lie is disproportionate in the extreme. Notwithstanding the shoddy way you are being treated (and you are) I rather hoped you would retract that. I think it would do you credit (I am aware you don't care).

    Everyone: I entered late and uninvited into the middle of someone else's argument. It seems this has become my MO. I deserve all the vitriol you toss my way.

  • Viviane
    The amazing thing is, Eden actually took the time to show you why he felt you insisted and you called it BS.

    I said that to do a certain thing was common courtesy.There is no definition by which that is insisting. Eden feeling a certain way doesn't make it reality and claiming it over and over is ignorance at best, dishonesty at worst.

    Repeatedly framing what is, at worst, a misreading as a terrible reputation destroying lie is disproportionate in the extreme. Notwithstanding the shoddy way you are being treated (and you are) I rather hoped you would retract that. I think it would do you credit (I am aware you don't care).

    Repeated untrue claims is not a simple misreading, particularly when that person posts why they feels justified in making what they admit aren't accurate claims.

    I stand by what I said.

  • DogGone

    I don't get how that is a lie. If it is "ignorance at best" why not go with that?

    Since you brought up definition, the one that occurs to me is to "press or urge". Pointing out a discourtesy is, in my kneck of the woods, pressing someone. Proceeding that with calling someone out for not following through and for backing down is textbook pressing. Is this is a regional thing? Where I am "since you insist" is a pretty common term for when you are pressed or shamed into something. As an example:

    A: Let's go swimming

    B: No, I'd rather not

    A: You are being lazy

    B: Ha! Well, since you insist... let's go

    It is unthinkable in my area (Western Canada) that A would reply "You are lying, I never insisted on anything, I merely pointed out your laziness.". It would be even stranger if that devolved into an attack on B's honesty and integrity. It would be beyond all comprehension if A stated that B would be dismissed until a full appeal was made and reasons why B should every be trusted again were put forth.

    A: Have another cookie

    B: No, I shouldn't

    A: I made them special for you

    B: Since you insist, I'll have another.

    A: Don't lie, I never insisted, I merely pointed out the fact I made them for you. Don't put this on me. How dare you. I demand an immediate apology. Get the hell out of the kitchen and go to your room until you write me an essay on why I should ever trust you again. You damn little filthy liar.

    Anyway, I don't get it. Maybe I never will. I must say, I do wonder if you aren't just having a good deal of fun playing pedantic.

    But, I can see we aren't coming to agreement on a common definition. I thought I might help, I didn't.

    One thing I missed, where did Eden admit his claims weren't accurate? I'm sorry, I must have skipped that entirely which does me no credit.

  • azor
    At this point who cares. Eden one has left the building. This trivial going back and forth nonsense. Can we get back on topic. Respect of belief of others. Or is this the Damm Viv and Eden show.
  • Viviane
    I don't get how that is a lie. If it is "ignorance at best" why not go with that?

    Because I prefer "going with reality". If someone has to write a long, detailed explanation of "well, yeah, you didn't really do this but here is why I feel justified in claiming it anyway", it's not ignorance. It's a rationalized lie.

    Pointing out a discourtesy is, in my kneck of the woods, pressing someone.

    No, it isn't.

    Where I am "since you insist" is a pretty common term for when you are pressed or shamed into something

    See, you're doing it now as well. Using a synonym of a synonym of a kinda close idea to link a word that doesn't at all mean what you're now claiming it does. Shame is in no way a synonym of "insist". Using such lazy thinking, saying "dinner's ready" is insisting someone eat.

    Can we get back on topic

    We are on topic. Some people believe it's sometimes justified to rationalize a lie if they can connect enough words together, apparently.

    I believe that is untrue

  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    Some posters must write from the heart, and they should be at liberty to do so. They cannot do that if the ideas from the heart are crushed without sensitivity.

    The Rebel.

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