Real reasons behind this change?

by Gorb 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthlover123

    Oh and my husband left a government pension full time job in 1973 to go-----PIONEERING- what did you do during that time? Three years later, he was looking for a job and had to start over again. Believe me, we both got employment with full time companies and a pension plan - no more thinking the governing body- small g, small b- because they had not yet made themselves important with the G....B initials indicating they were something special. Another truth came ( ABOUT THEM) when they dropped the words Holy Spirit from the baptism question #2. They have always indicated they were imperfect and could make mistakes, but when they claim they are speaking, as if from Jehovah, as they do now, you better listen or else you are spiritually sick or becoming an apostate.

    So I see you do stand up for them am I mistaken in that as well? Are you a mole, or trying to find out what is truth? To have your faith shaken reaches right into your soul. It's a reckoning you personally have to deal with and asking for understanding words from the scriptures yourself can one only find the answers. Why do we need imperfect, unqualified men who lie, cover up, squander the "unrighteous riches"- to lead me down the garden path?

  • Simon
    they were saying these things even though people should still have been able to remember the 1969 magazine where they told young people that "the fact" was that they would "never" (direct quote!) grow old in the present system.

    I was born in 67, I remember being told that the end would come before I'd goto or leave high school.

    What a crock of shit. High school was a long, long time ago. Still no sign of big J doing his big A.

    Methinks some people were conned, and it wasn't even a convincing story.

  • Ron.W.
    I was born in 67, I remember being told that the end would come before I'd goto or leave high school.

    Yes I was born in the same year and had the same thing drummed into me.

  • pepperheart2

    if people are not doing as much outreach they will not use as many magazines or flyers so the borg will not have to pay out for new ones.a few weeks ago i got a magazine from a trolley that had been printed in 2019

  • NotFormer

    In the 90s I had a conversation with a girl who had been born in 1975. Her mother's sister (a JW) used to point at the mother's baby bump and say something like "That baby's never going to be born". Presumably meaning "Armageddon's imminent and you're going to die!"

    Apparently it was the family joke from then on that that girl was "the baby who was never going to be born".

    Rattigan, the JWs totally believed that stuff, and it wasn't people"running ahead of Jehovah "; they were being told this from platforms around the world (this happened in Australia).

    Edited to clarify: She was probably due in 1976 (she was 18 in 1994), hence the "will never be born") thing, the pregnancy being during 1975.

  • TxNVSue2023

    I was born in 1977 & came in as a convert in 2003 --- so I have no idea what went on before my time.

    Also what was the significance of 1975 anyway? What were they saying it would bring?

  • NotFormer

    1975 represented 6 "days" of 1000 years since creation and the seventh "day" , symbolically the "day" of rest, was going to be the Millennium. So 1975 was going to be the year of Armageddon.

    There was a lot of it going about at the time. The seventies was a time of upheaval. A lot of "Last Days" books were published by mainstream Christian authors, including: "Armageddon, Oil and the Middle East Crisis" (1974) by John F. Walvoord, "The Late, Great Planet Earth" (1971) by Hal Lindsay, and "What in the World will happen Next" (1974) by Salem Kirban are some examples. The JWs were just one group among many who were trying to tie interesting times to Bible prophecy.

  • Vidiot

    So many folks feel so alienated and disenfranchised by a rapidly changing (by their reckoning) modern world…

    …it’s no wonder that the deeply religious amongst them latch onto what they see as the only way through the chaos.

  • no-zombie

    Vidiot ... you are right of course, but I'd add that its because of ignorance that devout Witnesses allow themselves to believe in the Governing Body.

    I have learned that the more that a person really studies history (not just superficially skimming through it), the more a person understands that war, famine and pestilence are mankind's constant companions ... and in some ways, their appearances not chaotic at all.

    There is a term used by historians and political commentators sometimes ... the long peace ... that helps to describe the peace the modern world has enjoyed under Pax Americana. It was real. But now that America is a declining empire, 'the dogs of war' are once again slipping their chains. Call it a power vacuum, a fourth turning (see Strauss–Howe), call it whatever, but the world goes a bit unstable at the end of a world power's domination. It happened at the end of all the classic world powers that we know of ... and it will happen again.

    So in many ways it should be expected that the weak, the depressed and impressionable will begin to feel like they are drowning in fear and be full of anxiety over the future. And like any drowning man, they will naturally grab hold of anything floating around them, even if it is a piece of rotten old wood ... or a insincere religion.

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    Could anyone post a link for the AGM again?

    I saw it somewhere but now can’t find it


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