by atheist_R_stupid 71 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • MissFit

    So is ARS banned or just given a time out?

    Maybe he will lurk and learn some thing.

    😝PEANUT BUTTER sandwich instead of GRILLED CHEESE????  Bite your toungue.

    EVERYONE knows ONLY GRILLED CHEESE is the only appropriate sandwich with which to accompany tomato soup.😡

  • mrquik


    I loved the black guy who told us he was Jesus. By the way, loved seeing what everyone on the planet is eating. Had pizza last night with anchovies. No one else in the house will even sit next to me. DOES THAT CONSTITUTE HATE FOOD? CAN'T WE ALL JUST EAT WHATEVER WE WANT TO?  DIDN'T GOD CREATE ALL FOOD TO BE CONSUMED BY US?  AREN'T NUTS JUST AS NUTRICIOUS er NUTRISUOUS er HEALTHY AS THE REST OF THE FOOD GROUPS? Sorry for the rant. I'll just go back to work now......

  • Heaven

    EVERYONE knows ONLY GRILLED CHEESE is the only appropriate sandwich with which to accompany tomato soup.😡

    MissFit, oh yeah!  Of course, I don't always have tomato soup on hand so I substitute ketchup. I have to dip my grilled cheese sandwich into it... so yummy!

    I have discovered such food combinations as:

    - Raw walnuts with baby carrots.

    - Date rolls coated in coconut with pecans.

    - President's Choice Chocolate Greek Yogurt with Light Whipped Cream (from the can of course).

  • maninthemiddle
    I had a fantastically spicy lamb curry last night but by accident it was served to me with coconut rice!

    Since the place we were headed to was closed on Mondays, we diverted to what I didn't know was actually fast food.

    It's called Pollo Loco, this is the first one I've seen, I heard they are common in Florida.

    Wow, was it good, for only 6 dollars it was a great piece of citrus grilled chicken.

    Sometimes you think you know where you are headed but when you find out you are on the wrong road you have to find yourself a new destination.

  • maninthemiddle
    EVERYONE knows ONLY GRILLED CHEESE is the only appropriate sandwich with which to accompany tomato soup

    As a lactose intolerant person I demand an apology!! How dare you insult my out-group is such a fashion!

  • maninthemiddle
    Let me say this to the stupid atheists....

    I'm a smart atheist, so this doesn't apply to me.


    Hilarious. When I searched your profile the advertisement on the page was for " Low Testosterone ", I got a good laugh. 

    I agree that you should not be booted from the site, but only if you really want to have a discussion, instead of ranting. If you REALLY want to have a discussion about JW beliefs, just look up " The criteria for truth." 

    Pick any topic that JWs hold dear and we will stick to that topic. 


  • freemindfade
  • sir82
    I'd say this guy is [No Room For George / Misery Loves Elders / forgot what other aliases he had]'s not quite his style, but he certainly seems to enjoy winding up this forum, as [NRFG / Miz / whatever] did....
  • OnTheWayOut

    I haven't read other responses yet, just your opening.  I will go back and read what others have to say and probably comment again, but your opening was just so OFF that I wanted to answer you.

    being that this is NOT "ex jws" and in fact, MORE driven by atheists talking a bunch of CRAP, Im not even going to address you people like you know anything about JWs because you dont. NOR am I going to assume you know the bible because NONE OF YOU DO.

    The vast majority on here are former JW's.  The atheists are former JW's.  And since we are allowed to make sweeping generalizations, I find that the vast majority of believers "know the Bible."  As far as atheists knowing it, many do know it as good as the likes of you.  If they don't, so what?  Do you know the Koran?...Book of Mormon?....any other belief systems besides Christianity?  


    Ha, that is great.  If we stuck strictly to the Bible, they were both created within "days" of each other and the earth is fixed permanently on it's foundation to hint that Bible writers were sure the earth was the center of the universe...(well, at least the solar system).  The writer of Genesis had no idea that the moon did not create it's own light and that the stars were massive and into the billions times billions, so making those tiny lights across the sky just took less time than making the earth.    

    But the dead sea scrolls? ends that stupidity, for they have the book of isaiah in tact far older than Jesus birth.

    You might be careful before you use the Dead Sea Scrolls as any evidence for the Bible.  It does verify that most of the OT was intact as read today, but not always.  Some of what the Scrolls verifies is that in ancient times, two or more contrasting editions of many biblical writings existed side by side and were all regarded as scripture.  It also reveals much about the origins of Christianity.  The scrolls predate Christianity and much controversy is stirred by their content showing that the gospel accounts could be fiction from preexisting stories found in the scrolls.    

    The rest of your science vs. Bible stuff is just as laughable and not worth bothering with.

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