by atheist_R_stupid 71 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    Let me say this to the stupid atheists....

    OK, here is my stupid 2 cents worth. 


    According to the Watchtower interpretation (against the actual meaning of the scripture) the sun and stars were not created on the fourth day; instead they were only made to appear in the sky on that day. Something to do with the water canopy according to Watchtower interpretation.


    The same age??? Didn't you just say in the previous sentence that the Earth was older?

    The order of life in evolution? the bible states the order of creation in that same order..

    Plants created on the third day before they could receive any light until the fourth day. I'm assuming that you believe, like the Watchtower, that the creative days were 7,000 years old.

    LIFE starting in africa? DITTO

    Life did not start in Africa even in Creationist teaching. Africa was not the origin of life, the Garden of Eden supposedly was and that was not in Africa but in the Middle East.

    You must be confusing the origin of our species based on fossils that have been discovered in Africa. In actuality Africa has been the starting point for many species of man - Homo Sapiens, Homo  Heidelbergensis, Homo Erectus/Ergaster, etc. These species would evolve first in Africa, then radiate out throughout Eurasia.

    Mitocondrial eve? DITTO (noah and his wife)

    Mitochondrial 'Eve' has been determined to have lived 120,000 and 156,000 years ago. She/they are supposed to be one of the few women who speciated into Homo Sapiens from a previous species.

    And if you don't want to believe in that date then why do you believe in it at all?

    WHite people's skin color starting just 7000 year and not as originally thought? ALSO the bible agrees as NOAH would have birthed the races.

    Skin color has not been dated by anyone let alone dated to 7,000 years ago. Changes in skin color from white to black and black to white were bound to happen in the ancient past whenever a lightly haired hominid migrated to or from Africa or Europe. That means it's bound to have happened several times throughout Hominid history (Hundreds of thousands of years).

    Dark skin has an advantage in people who wear little clothes in the blazing sun protecting them from skin cancer caused by ultraviolet radiation. Dark skin is not needed in other locations such as Europe.

    By the way, didn't Noah live 4,000 years ago and not 7,000? 

    The DINOs instant extiction? But life continued for smaller beings? YES ..ONES THAT CAN FIT ON AN ARK

    If you were a creative Creationist you would have claimed that it was baby dinosaurs that went into Noah's ark. 

    Village Idiot

  • nicolaou

    OrphanCrow - euwww! But thanks for sharing. 

    Viviane, would you say we're embiggening our pallets here?

  • Simon
    booted because bullies are one sided. I actually welcome it. by then, I would have gotten my money's worth.

    You know I'm not going to pay you any money ... right?

    Thanks for playing, run along now.

    BTW: "Stupid atheist" is an oxymoron like "creationist science".

    For future reference the correct terms to use are "sensible atheist" vs "drooling theist"

  • Viviane
    A fantabulous and eloquacious pallet, Nic.
  • Awake at last
    Awake at last

    Could we all please stop this topic.

    There was enough rubbish when we were all attending meetings, let's be more loving, tolerant of differing opinions and enjoy each other's company.  That's what we, or at least I come here for.  I love different opinions, beliefs, etc.

    Show those Jdubs we are happy, settled and accepting of others.

  • Viviane

    let's be more loving, tolerant of differing opinions and enjoy each other's company.  That's what we, or at least I come here for.  I love different opinions, beliefs, etc.

    Sorry, I don't just ignore idiot assholes showing up calling me a liar. That's exactly what we tolerated at the KH. Why would I/we tolerate it here?

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    "Show those Jdubs we are happy, settled and accepting of others."

    Sorry but we have a reputation to keep up.

  • Simon
    What a revelation! The sweetness of the coconut complemented the spiciness of my Madras perfectly. It was heaven.

    What? You've never had the coconut rice before  ?!?!?

    The correct procedure is to work through the ENTIRE menu AT LEAST TWICE (see how I "all caps" so that it's convincing ...) before you settle on the usual order. Or at least add one "don't even know what it is, never had it before" item to each visit.

    Our last-best surprise food revelation was the new pub that opened - we'd gone for a drink and they asked if we'd like to try the pizza. I was expecting a small square to taste but no, we got a whole pizza and not the normal North American "here is your giant wheel of pastry, cheese and grease" ... proper flat-bread, soft and delicate flavour and all gratis.

    It worked 'cause I had to go back a few days later to order another one and wash it down with a fresh guinness or two.

    Damn, now I'm hungry and the only food to order is Pizza ...

  • FayeDunaway

    Honey you are so angry! Get some sleep. Eat more sweets. Get a massage. Read more Psalms. 

    Everything is going to be ok. 

    I'm Not going to try to convince you I was a witness for 40 years, that I'm not English, that I love the Bible and God. All those things are true. But really, you should do more things that make you happy. This is no way to spend your life, you will get high blood pressure. 

  • Viviane

    What? You've never had the coconut rice before

    I am partial to jasmine rice. I love kabobs with jasmine rice...lamb, beef, kofta...

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