Have You Recieved Any Benefit From This Web Site???

by minimus 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • ikhandi

    If anything I have cried some tears and smiled. It's good to know that many of you experienced many of the same things I did when I was in the org. Its good to know I was never really alone! and that I am very normal. Thank YOU. My only regret is that I did not find this site sooner.

  • animal

    Min: What common sense attitude?

    Simon.... very few enemies, mostly friends or aquantences(sp?).


  • Blueblades

    YES,and still do from the archives of AlanF,Lark,Farkel,Amazing,Garybuss,and the present men and woman contributers, just too many to name.

    Blueblades, SIMON ! SIMON ! SIMON ! and WIFE !

  • minimus

    Animal....you always tell it like it really is.

  • animal

    Min.... thus, some of the enemies!! Not many tho.

    My sister told my pioneer mother-from-hell to go to this site when she called my sister an apostate last week. She told her how much it had settled some of my issues from the past, and might even help her out. So, if some unbalanced, screaming wench shows up, you now know why.


  • acsot

    This place has probably saved my sanity! I received so many answers to so many doubts - about the WTS, myself, was I right/wrong/wicked/crazy - then I find this site and read so many other experiences and it has been absolutely liberating for me!

    THANK YOU SIMON!!! (and Minimus for the question )

  • berylblue

    YES. Emphatically so.

    This place is just what I need at a time in my life when I have no one else. Tim is great, but he doesn't understand the JW thing at all....

    I tried to stay away for a while (partially because I made a total fool of myself on the "manners" thread), but I couldn't.

    The love here is overwhelming.

    Had I experienced this kind of love and acceptance at the KH, I wouldn't be here today.

    I told my partner that in my opinion, this is the best forum I've ever seen on the net. Where else can one discuss every subject under the sun with persons who share a similar background and, in many cases, belief system?

    I've talked about everything here...and gotten loving responses...from topics as diverse as ebay to formal dresses to disfellowshipping to oral sex to...whatever.

    Where else on the internet can you find that all in one "place"?

    I do love it here.


  • minimus

    Simon, I have to say "Thank You and your wife" for continuing this site. I think that you must realize the value of this forum to those that post as well as our lurker friends. I think it's fair to say that you've helped thousands of people get free from Watchtower bondage.

  • berylblue
    The result is redundancy

    Possibly because we share the same (or similar) experiences?

  • Farkel


    : I wish there was more heat, actually, more passionate debate backed with substance.

    This will not happen in "we-don't-care about-that-land" and you'd better get used to it.Consider the source (the folks who run or think they run this place) and then you will understand why passionate and reasonable debates won't happen. These are simple folks, after all and they are proud of that fact. You would find a better and more reasoned debate with Bibleman in your nearest dumpster than you'll find in here. This is no longer the place for debates and JW issues. This is the place for solace and comfort and support and probably no other place is better than here for that.

    It's a haven for healers and also for bloodsuckers like Prisca and Refiners Fire. Figure THAT out ! I don't have a clue what motivates them folks.


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