Have You Recieved Any Benefit From This Web Site???

by minimus 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    That could be said of you too NPY....and me too!

    OK time to 'cool it' for a while, methinks.


  • Prisca


  • greven

    Well, it didn't 'open my eyes' as I was already on my way out. It did however help me greatly with my research and provided me with new friends, a place to hang out and test ideas, and get updated on current developments. Yup, great place.


  • onacruse


    My heart has been freed, my mind has been opened, my eyes have been cleared...

    ohhh, and I met my soul-mate here.


  • Wolfgirl

    This site has helped me so much. I was already DF'd, but it was for immorality, and I was considering going back. Then my aunt found me through an online search, and she told me about the UN scandal. I knew nothing of it, naturally, and nothing of all the doctrinal lies, etc. She pointed me to this site, and I have learned so much from it.

    It also gave me the courage to read COC. I am so glad I did!

    Thanks, Simon. :)

  • Maverick

    This site has helped me in my exit from the borg. When I came back from visiting Blackguard in Australia I was hot to fight the Elders in my Hall. The insight y-all gave me enabled me to be more effective in avoiding the mind-control traps they lay out. I still come here even when I am traveling, such as now. Love to see who is ticked off at who. You guys are a riot! Forgot my personal spell checker though so I'll have to keep the words sweet and simple! Maverick

  • Brummie
    Why don't you just step away from the computer Prisca....

    AND GET A LIFE!!!!!!!!!

    LOL, the rage is too funny. I have benifited from the pure entertainment and dramatics (such as the above quote) on this site. As you can see, it also offers angry people the chance to scream and get it out their tangled system. Helps with their blood pressure I guess.


  • dedalus

    The forum is good sometimes and bad sometimes. Every once in a while I lock horns with someone -- Rick or Herk or Robdar -- and the heated exchange is cathartic. There are so many people in my life with whom I'm unable to argue, so it's good to find and duke it out with their counterparts here, even if, paradoxically, their counterparts are ex-Witnesses.

    All that's good. What's bad, I suppose, is the sheer volume of fluff, some of it fun, of course, but there's so damn much of it. And, yes, the number of questions Minimus asks is "out there," in my view. Many posters on those threads don't read the thread before answering, so eager are they to give their own "experiences." The result is redundancy. Still, once in a while a question asked by Minimus gets my attention, and I don't mind responding. I try to acknowledge other people's answers, though, or to say something new.

    I wish there was more heat, actually, more passionate debate backed with substance.


  • Aztec
    I wish there was more heat, actually, more passionate debate backed with substance

    I'd debate you Dedalus but I usually agree with you.


  • dedalus
    I'd debate you Dedalus but I usually agree with you.

    What do you mean, usually?!


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