Have You Recieved Any Benefit From This Web Site???

by minimus 86 Replies latest jw friends

  • Francois

    Alright Fark, you've been given an ultimatum from Attilla the Nun. Best you should straighten up or she's liable to wing her way up there do unspeakable things to you.


  • mouthy

    Well I was out along time before I found this site. I love it here. I feel a lot like Job- I lost my own flesh & blood kids. & I have gained lots of new one on here. I read the "fights" & figure> Oh well they have to be bitter after spending time in "borg" But they are still on line....& I love em for that- They aint shunning it.... Yes I really have received great benefit from this web site!!!GG

  • Undecided

    Yes, I have benefited from this site in several ways. First I learned a lot of important info. about the borg., although I had left many years ago I had never resolved the issues in my mind and heart. The infomation I learned here has given me the resolve to go ahead with life without the influence of the cult. I still don't have the answers to this or any future life but I am free to look where ever I chose.

    It also has given me a pretty good view of life as viewed by so many other people that I would never have been able to meet. Everyone is so different here, it's quite interesting to listen in on all the name calling and personality clashes along with all the love and fellowship. Life is so different for each of us. Thanks Simon for this oportunity to meet so many people with connections with the JWs.

    Ken P.

  • Simon

    Thanks "Nana Mouthy"

    You are the official board gran ... we love you to bits !

  • minimus

    Ooh. I got scared for a second when I saw Simon post. I thought the thread might get locked.... Just kidding, Simon.

  • animal

    For me, it was a way to verify what I thought had happened to me growing up.

    It also gave me the opportunity to make friends and enemies.


  • Simon

    Hopefully more of the former and fewer of the latter animal.

  • DJ

    ((((((((((Prisca)))))))))))))) Farkel you are a butt hole.

  • minimus

    Hey Animal.....Where the heck have ya been??? I'm glad your common sense attitude is back!!!!!!!!

  • JH

    Yes, it helped me pass through the winter.

    *of the hate winter class*

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