Need Help: My Correspondence with the Headquarters

by Lobsto 154 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Finkelstein

    Yes Johnomos that鈥檚 the same reason I post and make comments on subjects like this , just to openly show how intellectual ignorant and perhaps corrupt most indoctrinated JWS are and can be. 馃憥

    JWS have been mentally indoctrinated to uphold the false doctrines to which the leaders of the WTS devise and create, which have been obviously created to enhance literature proliferation. ........ surprising not really 馃槖

  • Vanderhoven7

    Glad you guys (Johnamos, Fink and LeeT) continued to reply to scholar unsupported views.

  • LeeT



    When do you think Daniel went into captivity?

    617 BCE

    Dan 1:1 (NWT)

    In the third year of the kingship of King Je路hoi使a路kim of Judah, King Neb路u路chad路nez使zar of Babylon came to Jerusalem and besieged it.
    Dan 1:3 (NWT)
    Then the king ordered Ash使pe路naz his chief court official to bring some of the Israelites, including those of royal and noble descent.
    Dan 1:6 (NWT)
    Now among them were some from the tribe of Judah: Daniel, Han路a路ni使ah, Mish使a路el, and Az路a路ri使ah.
    *** it-1 p. 1268 Jehoiakim ***
    Jehoiakim鈥檚 bad rule of about 11 years (628-618 B.C.E.)

    Daniel would have been a pretty poor student if, having been trained in Babylon and writing in exile there, he didn't adopt the Babylonian accession year dating system. If we assume that to be the case, a plain reading of Dan 1:1 points to 625 BCE.

    *** it-1 p. 418 Carchemish ***
    In 625 B.C.E. a decisive battle was fought at Carchemish between the Egyptian and Babylonian armies. Nebuchadnezzar led the Babylonians to a smashing victory over Pharaoh Necho鈥檚 forces
    *** it-1 p. 1268 Jehoiakim ***
    The fourth year of the reign of Jehoiakim (625 B.C.E.) saw Nebuchadnezzar defeat Pharaoh Necho in a battle over the domination of Syria-Palestine. The battle took place at Carchemish
    So Dan 1:1 seems like the same year as B. Carchemish took place.

    And yet
    *** it-1 p. 1269 Jehoiakim ***
    Evidently it is to this third year of Jehoiakim as a vassal king under Babylon that Daniel refers at Daniel 1:1
    You say this is in 617 BCE.

    The society claims their interpretation to be "evident" yet doesn't, as far as I can see, explain what this evidence is. Could you, a scholar provide the evidence for this interpretation?

  • scholar


    A plain reading of Dan.!:1 supports the date 617 BCE. for it has nothing to say about the events that marked Neb's first year of reign but is dealing with events during the reign of King Jehoiakim representing his vassalage to King Nebuchadnezzer. It is evident because of several factors discussed in the article 'JEHOIAKIM' in Insight On The Scriptures.

    Yes, scholar can provide the evidence but scholar wants to train you to think, so see if can understand the material then get back to me and scholar will kindly help you for scholar loves to help the little people.


  • scholar


    that鈥檚 the same reason I post and make comments on subjects like this , just to openly show how intellectual ignorant and perhaps corrupt most indoctrinated JWS are and can be.

    Boy, scholar is breathless in the anticipation and in the reading of some weighty, dense material all in the futile effort to disprove WT Bible Chronology well constructed over the centuries by celebrated WT scholars-past and present!!!!!


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