Biden running in 2024 🤣

by LoveUniHateExams 77 Replies latest social current


    1) Are these quotes from the current case/transcripts? ( haven’t had time to look )

    2) Why wasn’t Trump found guilty of rape?

    3) If Trump or Biden or Obama or The King of England or Gates have been to Epstein Island then they need to burn…



    Pretty sure Trump wasn’t found to be guilty of anything but defamation because this Soros tool had no real case. The only reason anything stuck was because of the Leftist powers of NYC..

    They will do ANYTHING to stop him from winning again.


  • LoveUniHateExams

    To be honest, I struggled with that definition and that choice of words was mine - ok, fair enough.

    because it is a civil case not a criminal one - why should a sexual assault case be a civil case, not a criminal one? <---- this is the key question.

    All forms of sexual assault - be that rape or inappropriate grouping/touching - should be criminal cases, surely?

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Yeah it's hard to work out why he has so little credibility when it comes to his behaviour around women - Trump's behaviour may be bad but he has no filter.

    When he says that rich and famous men can f**k whichever women they like, well, there's actually some truth to this.

    It's a fact (objective reality) that some women are attracted to wealth and power.

    That's why Trump (and other rich/powerful men like Muhammad Ali, Mick Jagger, David Bowie, John Lennon, Prince, etc etc) often have their pick of young, desirable females.

    What's so difficult to understand about this?

  • Journeyman
    because it is a civil case not a criminal one - why should a sexual assault case be a civil case, not a criminal one? <---- this is the key question.
    Any American more familiar with national and state law might know better, but I understand it's because:
    1. the statute of limitations prevents a criminal rape trial in this instance because too long has passed since the alleged crime (it supposedly happened around 1995-96), but
    2. recent changes to NY state's law mean that victims of historic abuse can now pursue their supposed attacker for recognition of the offence and for compensation (this is the same law change which is allowing many alleged exJW victims to now sue the org years later)

    Wikipedia on the case says:

    On November 4, 2019, writer E. Jean Carroll filed a lawsuit against Trump, accusing him of defamation by claiming she lied about him raping her in 1995 or 1996. Carroll had first publicly disclosed the alleged sexual assault by Trump in June and said Trump's reaction had directly harmed her career and reputation. Carroll said she was filing this lawsuit on behalf of each woman who has faced harassment, assault, or belittlement. Trump stated that her allegation was a promotion strategy for her book titled What Do We Need Men For? A Modest Proposal, where she discloses details about the alleged assault. The White House Press Secretary responded to the lawsuit claiming it was "frivolous" and that the story was fake, "just like the author".
    Carroll filed a second lawsuit against Trump in November 2022 that renewed her claim of defamation due to additional statements Trump made and expanded her claim to battery under the Adult Survivors Act, a New York law that allows sexual-assault victims to file civil suits beyond expired statutes of limitations.

  • TonusOH

    I believe that a civil suit can be filed against someone for crimes such as rape or murder. The family of Ronald Goldman sued OJ Simpson and won a large settlement, even though he had been acquitted of the criminal charges. Civil suits have a lower burden of proof ("preponderance of evidence" versus "beyond a reasonable doubt"). Why Trump was not charged with rape in the case of Ms. Carroll, I don't know. Was the crime reported at the time? Was there enough evidence to take it to trial, in the mind of the DA? There can be lots of reasons why a crime will not be prosecuted in criminal court.

  • Balaamsass2

    The incident was way beyond the statute of limitations for a criminal charge.

    New York State passed a ONE-YEAR exception for CIVIL cases in late fall of 2022, the bar is lower for a guilty finding "Only a pre ponderous of evidence" is needed.

    Trump admitted (bragged) "grabbing women he wanted by "the pu....y" on TAPE a couple of times. A half dozen women had made accusations of just that, and a couple testified in court about him doing exactly that. So the jury simply took him at his word.

    About 17% of Americans will vote for Trump no matter what he says or does. The far-right Republican base has a lot of sway during primaries. So only time will tell what Trump's future will be.

    The extreme Left is about the same.

    Perhaps the 76-year-old and the 80-year-old will have strokes or heart attacks during debates.......

    331 MILLION Americans...and these are the two most qualified??????

  • Queequeg

    Balaamsass2, 👍👍👍

  • SydBarrett

    "The US is the leader of the free world. What goes on over there eventually comes to other countries."

    No it doesn't.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    No it doesn't - yeah, it kinda does.

    Petty criminal George Floyd was unlawfully killed by a policeman in 2020.

    Then BLM and other activists went ape, rioted, caused lots of criminal damage, burned down shit, etc.

    Then, for some bizarre reason, the death of that criminal sparked similar scenes over here in the UK. Rioting, 'protests', statues being defaced and attacked, soccer players dropping to their knee (did George Floyd even like soccer? lol) etc.

    That's just one example but there are others.

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