Just got back from Field Service

by biblexaminer 44 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • biblexaminer

    To lost generation and smiddy.

    I didn't sidestep anything. Your assumptions are rather boorish.

    Why do you want to hijack the thread and turn it into something else. Are you a watchtower apologist in some degree?

    What kind of person makes such a broad assumption that someone is "supporting the WTS" based on their limited knowledge and meagre grasp of the facts? Do you just like to point fingers and make broad accusations, smear everyone with your self righteous brush?

    Did it occur to you that there are hostages in the WT organization who don't want to flush their families down the toilet? Add as far as supporting the WT... gasp. I'm the guy who got the UN DPI to issue the first letter outing the WTS and this past summer I went physically to the UN to get more information.

    And I have battled the WT from within on many fronts, some of which I cannot speak here for various and legitimate reasons.

    I hosted Barbara Anderson and her hubby when they came through my city years back.

    And I sent Ray Franz, my friend, the letter from the UN signed by Paul Hoeffel to put in CofC.

    But I bet you two fellas think you are doing more.

    I am a Watchtower Hostage. But am a busy one.

    Why not assume people are not dog doo.

  • rebel8

    What exactly should I have done?

    I don't think I'm hijacking the thread because you are venting about a bad situation, which implies you're open to discussing it, and then you're directly stating, "What should I have done differently?"

    Participating in the religion in any capacity, but especially preaching, encourages more innocents to join and existing members to stay.

    This is the actual consequence no matter how "held hostage" you may feel.

    But you are not an actual hostage.

    Granted--just like many other adult situations, religious or not--all available choices have imperfect outcomes.

    You're choosing yours. Choose wisely.

  • smiddy

    biblexaminer you started this thread and I commented on it then you accuse me of highjacking the post and of me being a JW apologist ? Come on now.

    After 16 years being active on this site ,knowing TTATT you still engage in FS ? Who`s the JW apologist here.?

    I can understand people on here who because of close family members still attend some meetings and hope by their exampl they can extricate them from this religion , but still engaging in FS after 16 years ? my mind boggles.

    When you knock on a door and a householder answers do you just stand their and not say anything ? or do you give out WT propaganda .or do you tell the HH that the religion your representing is a false religion/cult and dont listen to any others who come in Jehovahs name....?

    Or would you have us believe you work with another Bro,or sister and you never have to talk with the HH.

    I`m just asking.,curious.how you have got away with it for 16 years.

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    Every persons got to do what right for them when it comes to this cult, while I personally could never fake it I can see that others could it all depends on circumstance and temperament. I can judge someone until I walk a mile in his shoes.

  • Listener

    Bible Examiner, was your attack brought on by what you were witnessing and the position you were in? You were obviously distraught at what was going on.

    Since the Brother was an Elder it would have been very difficult to do anything but watch on as you can't be seen to questioning his authority.

    I think Snowbird made some good points. Would it have been possible to invite the Elder and his son to just be observers as you took charge of all the door knocking and presentations? You could do this under the guise of them being new to your country and giving them time to adapt.

  • biblexaminer

    Brokeback, thanks.

    Listener, yes, I believe so. It's taken a lifetime to understand my own condition(s) but severe stress seems always to be the common denominator. And if the situation was going to persist, then I would have put myself between that young fella and what I consider harm.

    And before anybody tells me how wrong I am when I say "harm", please take the time to review the reflections of the thousands of us who, as children, were subjected to this and who experienced long-term negative consequences.

    If you haven't had the same experiences as we who have had to endure this religion since childhood and suffer the ill effects, then you need step aside and let others do the talking.

    Smiddy, I consider it hijacking when the thread is about Bro B and his actions towards his son, and all you focus on is me. It was never about me. Was it.

    1. a person seized or held as security for the fulfillment of a condition.
      "the WATCHTOWER had instructed the hostage's family to drop the TRUTH at noon"
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    1. I want to stop going. Do you think I want to keep doing this? Smiddy, you took the time to look up how long I have been posting here, but did you take the time to read some of my postings from the last 16 years?... To know what is happening with me, before you start condemning...??

      And in fact, it's been longer than 16 years. I've been at this his since before the internet. At some point I plan to post my correspondence with Ray Franz that date 20 years ago, but I have to scan them and redact.

      The fact is, for they who cannot understand it, if you quit WT, your whole life will change, and because of family ties, some of what changes will NOT be for the better. And Smiddy, if you take the time to symbolically put on the shoes of those of us who have gone through this, then perhaps you will be tempered in your accusations.

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  • biblexaminer

    Sorry for the junk in my last post, the EDIT function is not working so I can't fix it.

    And I forgot to mention that, to say I stood by and did nothing, is quite unfair. My physiology dictated to me. I quit service abruptly.

  • Etude
    "You can guess what I called Bro B" -- biblexaminer

    What? A bullshitting beeotch? Bumbling butthead? Ball-busting bastard? I realize that there are people with different temperaments. And, I don't judge you for sticking in there while trying to stick it to them. But I would have been out in a heart beat because I would have laid into that guy like gangbusters. Normally I'm very tolerant when people from an entirely different culture. I tend to excuse them for not knowing the social graces we depend on. However, that was a teachable moment. Perhaps not for other JWs who would have excused him. For sure, I would not have. I don't have your kind of patience. That was shameful. What an asshole!


  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    BibleExaminer... Life is different for each of us. Thank you for sharing how your day went. Otherwise, we would never know. I do hope you are feeling better now.

    This is directed to any of you out there that are in difficult circumstances and must go/feel the need to go... and blend in.

    We do not know your individual circumstances. You know TTATT. So then, it must be very hard for you to hear the constant brainwashing, the inapt way they treat children and the abuse whether it be sexual, educational, physical that goes on... and keep your comments neutral to minimal. I think of you as spies for us. Not everyone has the mental strength to be one. You are in the actual front ranks of the WT delusional army that sees everyone but themselves as the enemy. When in actuality, they are their own worst enemy.

    I wish you well in your game plan.

    Thank you for checking in. I actually hope you go out with this dick head again. Then rip him another one! Oh... and please tell us how it went...


  • biblexaminer

    Thanks Lois

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