Just got back from Field Service

by biblexaminer 44 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • LostGeneration

    Ah so bible Examiner you are the savior we all need to praise because you stay in "undercover" and can name drop unlike the rest of us.. Or maybe we simply choose not to name drop and enjoy our freedom day after day, while you go out in field service on your Saturday mornings. Quite the saint you are!

    As Rebel already pointed out eloquently, your participation in the cult (16 years after joining the board!) is not a badge of honor. Its simply an admission you are quite comfortable in your little prison, because the company is good.

    In the end, we all live with our choices. I'm quite happy with mine, there are scars of course, but I'd rather have take the damage that comes with those decisions rather than lack the pair of balls necessary to fight that battle.

  • biblexaminer

    Lost gen.... with trash like that coming out of your mouth, you can't have too many friends. Maybe you should make up a new posting name, LonelyRunt.

  • _Morpheus

    Im always amused at the plethora of know it alls who are quick to tell others how to live their life on this forum. Everyone has to live their own life and be accountable for the why's and wherefores's of their life. And no one else's.

    Examiner, i spent my fair share of time figuring out how and when to leave and in the process did as much good as i could. Be it 16 min or 16 years everyone has their own path. Nothing but respect for you.

    And as for watcher... lol how typically JW. Its up to someone else to save the boy. Not his own father to have an ounce of sense. You choose to blame the bystander thrust into an uncomfortable family situation. How much better would the world be if you had the sense you wish on others.

  • blondie

    BE, I work with the SNAP organization


    This is the organization that came of the crap in Boston featured in the movie Spotlight.

    I work with and donate to 2 organizations in my state that aid in the recovering of abused children sharing my experience and that of my jw family.

    I work with the ones seeking to change the laws regarding reporting child abuse, especially requiring "clergy" to do so.

    There are things to do...to help. I even went up against 2 BOEs, a CO, DO and WT service desk representative and prevailed and had the abuser, my by then jw father, at least reproved privately in the mid-80's at a time the WTS first put anything in print about that kind of abuse anywhere (not them of course) and managed to say a regular pioneer through it all. Of course it helped that I was in daily contact with the DA and the law enforcement in my area because I was part of that system. I saw what brave people risked to get this problem more open in the non-jw and jw world. I too had been a victim of my father as were all of us siblings. Some just pulled into themselves in denial. Others were angry and lashed out. I didn't want to do that. I wanted my "blows" to hit the target. Barbara and Joe Anderson have not seen their son and daughter-in-law for years though they don't live far away. Never seen their grandchildren. All the jw survivors that came forward and faced this in court, and on and on.

    You must do what you feel you can do, but think of this, if you had seen this man beating the crap out of his son, would you have stepped in, at least to the point of reporting him to the secular authorities?

    I have appreciated your comments, BE, many times over the years. But when it comes to abuse, verbal, mental, physical, and sexual, there is a time to ask what would it take for me to risk my own comfort?

  • biblexaminer

    Blonde, I think you'll agree that responses have to be measured. I think that throwing that elder off the porch and stomping him in front of the householder would have been over the top. No?

    Putting children at stranger's doors with the Watchtower rag is what the religion is all about. This is what they practice. I was an equal recipient of this tradition as a child in the 60's.

    What was intolerable for me was that this coward left his son to hang. He teaches from the platform, using the Society's videos, that even if there are two adult JWs, then both should participate. Yet he cowered away and let the boy hang.

    He was to afraid to face t he possible rejection so he used his son as a shield.

    After I saw what he was going to do, I said service is done and I left. That coward will not continue on his own. He took his son home.

    You have done much, and I commend your efforts. But I think it quite unfair that you judge me.

  • wannaexit

    I wasn't planning on making any comments on this thread, but I feel that some of you have spoken harshly and perhaps judged Bibleexaminer , questioning why he is still going in field service after 16 years of knowing the truth of this religion.

    I will say that every situation is unique. I applaud those that have been able to cut ties with this cult and have never looked back. But for some, the family dynamics is so complex, that cutting ties poses a hardship on family members.

    I know this firsthand because Bibleexaminer is my husband. It's been extremely tough for him keeping up with the charades. It's been tough for both of us. We are both keeping up the facade for my family. I can't go into details, suffice it to say that my family depends on us. Our leaving and severing ties would create a huge hardship for them. We have managed to go unnoticed.We do as little as we can. Yes we go in service, not often,but its so easy to fake it. Most of the times, dubs in our area will do 2-3 calls and then out for breakfast or lunch.

    Only once in a while, something happens that is hard to swallow. The situation that BE spoke about in his OP was quite disturbing for him. It made him physically sick.

    Lost generation said:

    so bible Examiner you are the savior we all need to praise because you stay in "undercover" and can name drop unlike the rest of us.. Or maybe we simply choose not to name drop and enjoy our freedom day after day, while you go out in field service on your Saturday mornings

    No lost generation BE doesn't need to be praised. But the reasons he stays "undercover" are very noble. If you only knew how much. As to the name dropping, everything he said is the truth. I am proud to say that he is a very effective apostate.

  • LostGeneration

    Apologies to BE and to you WannaExit, I spoke from my personal perspective, I just couldn't seem myself doing it for that amount of time. Glad to hear of his success in waking others.

  • blondie

    BE, if I said you beat him up there or anywhere, or that I beat anyone up in response to abuse I saw, I think you are escalating my comments to a level I never said.

    Many people saw how my father severely verbally abused us and humiliated us in front of his friends and my mother and did they did nothing to reassure us. Later in life I asked them why not and each one said they were afraid something bad would happen to them, that my father would quit fixing their car for free, my jw mother that he might divorce her and she loved him, loved the man she knew was sexually abusing us because we told her.

    At the time I had an appointed position I could have lost, as my oldest brother, but we were prepared to lose that and perhaps gain a bad reputation. But we followed the WTS rules and herded the BOE, CO, DO, and WTS representative into a corner where they had to form a JC and see if my father was "repentant" since he had confessed to 2 elders. The elders on the BOE did not talk to us for years, shunned us. Not most because for once the gossip was contained. In their minds we should have let go and let Jehovah. I lived as a jw for 18 years after than and it ate into me; my sister had already tried to commit suicide once, would she have tried again if we had not helped?

    I am just suggesting that people not give up too soon, and use the resources they have and realize that they might lose something, but nothing compared to what a child loses when people see the abuse and say nothing or very little, not even to the child later to reassure them they aren't worthless.

    In my family it finally came to a head when my youngest half sibling (we were young adults when my parents divorced (2 siblings), and my father remarried, 3 more children) came to us and said she was being abused and then told us she had told 2 elders that and my father confessed, but no JC, no telling her she has not the guilty one he was.

    So what I am saying, don't come here and just say what you saw, tell us what you did to help that young boy after that, commending, encouraging away from his father, being a friend?

    BE is not alone is his response, I have seen jws and non-jws excuse themselves from reaching out to children when they see this happening. It is hard, painful even if you yourself were abused, but who will help and when and how.

    If you don't know what your options are, contact support groups or agencies who offer help to such children or even adults that are still suffering from what happened when they were children. If you don't know and want anonymity, contact Barbara Anderson, she has contacts all over and can steer you to the right place.

    I agree, I seem to be picking on BE but that was my intent. I may be judging but if you left out the most important part of the story, how you continued to help him after seeing his pain. If you did continue helping, forgive me.

    For those that think I have not healed from this, I have; but not from realizing there is always something I can do (beating up the parent is not even a response I would suggest and it would have made things worse).

    Love, Blondie

  • snowbird

    Blondie, you are a true survivor!

  • redvip2000


    Thanks. You have done nothing wrong. Some people here like boast about how much they would do this and that. There are no superheroes, and you are not going to save the world.

    Many of us in your circumstances, would have to ride the fine line between calling these things out and not giving up the fact that your an apostate.

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