Just got back from Field Service

by biblexaminer 44 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • biblexaminer

    I had to work with an elder in FS today. There was no way out.

    This elder is from Africa somewhere, right off the boat. How do they view children?

    So, this 'brother' and I took along his 8 year old son. We will call the elder Brother B. Or Bro B for short.

    So, Bro B knocks on the door like a little girl. As I watched him, I thought 'buddy your son can knock much harder than that'.

    He waited about ten seconds and turns to leave. This was his modus operandi. Door after door.

    Finally, after a householder told us to get lost, he put his 8 year old son out front. He forced the kid in front of the door.

    The poor kid was squirming. Now, Bro B knocks for his son and he bangs real hard.

    I thought, so he knows how to knock after all...!

    The guy comes to the door and Bro B looks down and to the right. Bro B doesn't want to face the householder.

    The householder asks what we want, and Bro B stays silent, looking down and to the right. His kid, who is naturally quiet, doesn't even talk to me, never mind strangers. Of course the boy stands there paralyzed.

    Awkward silence.

    Finally, Bro B answers in a lame fashion, not even raising his eyes as he stares down at the porch to his right.

    The householder says "we are too busy" and Bro B turns to run. Leaves his boy standing there.

    This SOB coward used his son like that for the next three doors.

    My heart sank. I thought of the days when my own son was that old, and how protective i was of him. I made sure he never had to face any of that kind of garbage. I kept him out of the way. Protected.

    I stopped service right there. I had no choice. I had an attack and I had to medicate.

    In the car, I had choice words for Bro B as I headed home to get medicated.

    You can guess what I called Bro B.

  • snowbird

    Are you in the USA?

    He's probably unsure how to act around Americans, or his English may not be too good.

    Or, it may be a form of mock humility that I've observed in quite a few immigrants.

    Whatever, he should not exploit his son in that manner.

  • LostGeneration

    Sounds like a dick.

    Why are you going, if you don't support the WTS?

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    A dick is a dick is a dick...

    Comes in all colors...

    What a moron to treat his own son like that and leave him hanging at a strangers door. I don't think this guy even knows what common sense is.

    Makes me wonder what happens behind closed doors.

    This 'brother' is not normal. Is your congo desperate for Elders?

    Hope you are feeling better and yes, what choice words did you say to him and his reaction was... Oh, oh. I got found out? Or,,,

  • Finkelstein

    Sounds like a complete coward who rather use and exploit his own child when facing homeowners.

    Exploitation takes many angles in the Watchtower Corporation.

  • biblexaminer

    What kind, exactly, are the kinds of JW parents that send their most vulnerable of their family members, their children, out with other members so that they can be abused?

    It seems obvious that the situation has repeated itself over and over again, where children of JWs suffer abuse by other JW members. How did the situation come to exist where those who were sexually molested were alone, repeatedly, with their JW molester?

    All I know, is that I looked down at that young lad, and my heart went out to him. I thought... his father was such a coward. A huge coward. He can get up on the platform and dictate what everyone else should do with their kids.

    There are other families in our congo who have sent their youth out to the group with others while the parents stayed home or whatever. Seems these JW parents always have an excuse.

    I think it starts with cowardice. Then they sent their kids to be the martyrs.


    Finally, after a householder told us to get lost, he put his 8 year old son out front. He forced the kid in front of the door.

    The kid should have been home playing, like a normal kid..

    Instead, he`s taken for a door to door humiliation..

    JW Kids know FS isn`t voluntary, you go or else!

    "Smile and You Won`t Be Punished."

    Image result for Jehovah's witness child at door

  • scratchme1010

    I grew up seeing that fear of whatever (people in general, being seen preaching, encountering a coworker, a former drinking buddy, a former lover/girlfriend/boyfriend/spouse, being judged the same way they judge others, the list is endless). That avoidance is reflective of the attitude that many JWs have. To me that's clear evidence of what really in the hearts of many JWs and try to have their children do and be what they don't/aren't. Just pathetic.

  • a watcher
    a watcher

    biblexaminer, after that first disastrous door, why didn't you take the rest of them?

    Who's the dick?


    a watcher.....Who's the dick?.....awatcher

    ..........................Image result for Small Arrow pointing down

    ..............................a watcher

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