Front row seats watching the collapse of watchtower

by Indoubtbigtime 76 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Magnum

    In the minority, I know, but I think it quite possible the whole thing could collapse. JW theology does not allow for a weakening religion that is decreasing in membership. According to JW theology, there is supposed to be an increase in the end and a great shout of warning to the world. As JWdom grows weaker, it looks more and more wrong.

    I view it kind of like the physiology of a lot creatures. There is a situation called "homeostasis" that is characterized by all body systems' working properly and working together in harmony. When one system starts to function improperly, it affects other systems. If the situation is not corrected, the whole overall system with its various feedback loops can get to a point of no return at which point the body crashes and death occurs.

    I think JWdom is sort of like that. For example, lower attendance at meetings hurts the morale, spirit, and zeal of those in attendance. As they get weaker, some of them stop attending. That makes the situation even worse. In the meantime, donations dwindle, the preaching work weakens, etc. All of these phenomena are interconnected and feed back to each other. I believe there could be a crash and that JWdom can't exist as a small group as some say it could.

    Things change. Look at how shopping has changed in the last few years (at least in the U.S.) I see a lot of brick and mortar retail businesses dying and at the same time, I see huge distribution centers being built all along interstate highways.

    JWdom's time is up. The heydey is over. It is in survival mode. It is no longer proactive; it is simply reactive. It is flapping at the water trying to keep from drowning. Whether it crashes or just simply continues to weaken remains to be seen, but I hope for the crash and think it's possible.

    Businesses and other organizations do crash.

  • HiddlesWife

    @ Hello There: Since you mentioned JIM JONES, I wouldn't be surprised if GB2.0 (particularly ANTMO, especially IMPHO, he gives the impression of being UNHINGED in some shape, form or fashion) would resort to the likes of this cult leader. Many exdubs are and have wondered if they would command the members to eat foodstuffs and drink beverages laced with poisonous/caustic ingredients (chemicals); and if they do, would these members obey this command at the expense of harming/endangering their own lives. Unfortunately, there are a number of dubs--SPIMIs particularly--who have remarked that they would do so and without question! As for those who wouldn't do so, they would get the HELL OUT OF DODGE WITH A QUICKNESS!, just like the former members of that Peoples' Temple Church, making their swifty exodus while they were in Guyana, fleeing for their very lives!

  • wannaexit

    I don't believe it will collapse in the near future. It will change and become more mainstream but it will be here.

  • Hellothere

    Hiddleswife Maeby if vaccin are as dangerous as some sources say. Members are already taking the poison watchtower told them too. This could end in a new Jim Jones scenario for sure. Typical ending for a cult.

  • enoughisenough

    Hddleswife and Hellothere....they HAVE already taken the poison against their own common sense because of what they heard on the broadcast. As one person told me, " you have to obey the GB," to which I replied," not if they are telling you the wrong thing. There is a bit of history of bad things happening to those who listen to the GB...1975 in more recent history. I remember reading about, but not the date, when the end of the world was predicted and many witness farmers didn't plant their wheat they depended on for a living, so they had no crops for income. So we see history repeating itself in the the sheep suffer from following the GB. ( but many still won't wake up!

  • Foolednomore

    Watchtower will become an online TV thing where it is pay to view. While they will keep asking for money 💰.

  • slimboyfat

    Well I used to think that, but personally I think society itself has better chance of collapse than Watchtower in the near to medium term. And for that spectacle we may well have front row seats whether we like it or not. The two may be related too, inasmuch as Watchtower and other apocalyptic religions may benefit from societal disruption, only caveat being, if societal disjunction becomes too severe then the Watchtower variety of apocalypticism may be too tame and conformist to meet the needs of widespread dissatisfaction with the current ‘system of things’.

  • Indoubtbigtime

    Hddleswife and Hellothere....they HAVE already taken the poison against their own common sense because of what they heard on the broadcast. As one person told me, " you have to obey the GB," to which I replied," not if they are telling you the wrong thing. There is a bit of history of bad things happening to those who listen to the GB...1975 in more recent history. I remember reading about, but not the date, when the end of the world was predicted and many witness farmers didn't plant their wheat they depended on for a living, so they had no crops for income. So we see history repeating itself in the the sheep suffer from following the GB. ( but many still won't wake up


    yes we are always told to follow directions even if you don’t agree or don’t understand

    many didnt want want to keep taking these boosters they know they are harmful and there is no need to take them as they don’t work, but you are indoctrinated to obey direction no matter what

    these poor rank and file are damaging their health until the GB do a U turn in the direction to keep fully vaccinated

  • Indoubtbigtime

    Latest broadcast new lower hours for pioneering

    special pioneers 100yrs for brothers 90 for sisters over 40

    regular pioneers down to 50

    auxiliary 30 and then only 15 for special CO visits or memorial 👏

    even then these pioneers only do 10mins coffee breaks

  • JWTom

    I haven't been on here in quite some time as I am mostly hanging out over at Reddit EXJW these days. But I still catch up on the threads here to see what the topics are.....

    InDoubtBigTime: My advice to you is to consider stepping down as an MS. Myself or others here or on Reddit EXJW will help you with this. Staying in just to have the inside track or relationships is really cutting your life short based on what it could be. The most impactful thing any JW male can do it so step down from being an MS or Elder. Secondly, stop volunteering all of your time to provide free labor for Watchtower.

    Related to what may happen in the next 5-10 years.....this is one of my favorite topics and I believe there is at least some evidence to predict a few things that we are already seeing.....

    1. There is an overall decline in the number of JWs that are active. This is from many different demographics. The Borg is slowly shrinking.

    2. There are not enough MS/Elders to run the show in many congregations. Thus, Elders are doing mics, stage, A/V or (gasp!) sisters are taking on roles that were always done by males.

    3. The foundational JW membership is aging and dying off at an increasingly rapid pace. In 10 years or less many of the bedrock members of JW Land will be dead.

    4. There is not going to be a replacement of the older JWs that die off 1 for 1. The replacement rate is going to be something like for every 3 older JWs that die off...there will be 1 younger person that decides to stay a JW. Or for every 4 older JWs that die off there will be 1 younger JW that stays.

    5. Based on points 1-4, the only for JW Land to operate as it does today is to keep shrinking. Merge congregations, sell Kingdom Halls, reduce the number of COs, merge or eliminate branch facilities globally, etc. Honestly, for point 5 there is a great deal of evidence that this has been happening for about 20+ years. I was a bethelite when they started cutting older JWs and sending them home with nothing.

    Based on the points 1-5 above I feel there is quite a bit of evidence to show that Watchtower / Jehovah's Witnesses will continue to shrink as an corporation/cult. Getting smaller and more extreme each time they have to downsize a bit more just to keep the scam going. To me, there is quite a bit of evidence that this is already happening.

    The unknown is how fast it will happen. Will the Borg shrink in a massive way in just a few short years like 3-5 years? Or will it take 10-20 for all of this to play out? No one can say for sure. One certainty is that in 10 years a significant % of existing JWs will no longer be alive.

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