It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 2724 Replies latest jw friends

  • Toblerone5
    He's just trying to give the illusion that he isn't hemorrhaging support.

    Guess the Croatian apple didn't fell far from Warwick New York...

    He can play with numbers if he likes ,we all still know this...

  • Tamalam

    I fully agree re: stagnation.

    It feels like he is finally in the grifting Last Days (lol)

    The Internet is forever. This thread, reddit, youtube and twitter aren't going anywhere any time soon.

    There is no magic wand to reinvent himself.

    He fucked around and now he's finding out.

  • DerekMoors
    He fucked around and now he's finding out.

    He got it in his head that he didn't need to do diddly shit but make a little noise about Watchtower to get paid. He came on the scene when people were starving for anyone to take on WT, so exJWs just threw money at him for subpar work, as long as he was still making noise.

    Those days are over and the only way to keep his head above water when it comes to getting paid for anti Watchtower stuff is to really buckle down and put some work into it, stay on top of news, make videos that have something to offer. He won't do that because he's so lazy and his heart isn't in it.

    He's never learned that your heart doesn't need to be in your job for you to do it and earn a living. Does he think accountants, purchasing managers, salespersons are all in love with their jobs? No, they just put their heads down, do what needs to be done, and earn their keep.

    He's no longer enthralled with calling out Watchtower. Well too fucking bad, if that's how he expects to earn a paycheck, he needs to put in the effort and treat it like a job. He just went from working as little as possible as a pioneer to working as little as possible as an ex JW.

  • Diogenesister

    How in hell can his numbers go up by 100 in just one night when he's

    A) on holiday

    B) Not in communication with his viewers or patrons

    Eejit definitely sat up all night creating email accounts to join his own Patreon on the free tierπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    We'll call his free Patreon numbers his PatreConπŸ€“

  • Thisismein1972

    You don't get anything for the free tier by the way πŸ˜‰

  • Ron.W.
    How in hell can his numbers go up by 100 in just one night...

  • Toblerone5
    How in hell can his numbers go up by 100 in just one night

    Bots ?

  • Toblerone5
    Not in communication with his viewers or patrons

    I know ! His last post on Patreon was Sept 28 , 17 days ago . Come on he can't have send all 439 P. a private email asking them to also get a free subs.

  • Ron.W.

    Amazing - one site here sells 100 youtube subscribers for $23.

    Thank god Lloyd is a good man (Lloyd Evans 2023 ) and would never stoop so low!!!!

  • Simon
    You don't get anything for the free tier by the way πŸ˜‰

    You don't really get anything for the paid tiers either, as he doesn't live up to his promises.

    You can buy followers on all platforms, usually it's for a mix of personal vanity and fraud reasons ("why no both?" meme).

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