It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)

by Simon 3010 Replies latest jw friends

  • Thisismein1972
    He honestly thought his website and survey and book would blow the lid off the WT.

    Personally speaking, I don't think he wanted to leave, he was forced out and for the last 14 or so years he has pursued a vendetta against the watchtower for daring to throw him out. His father could not even help him this time. I once thought he was controlled opposition, in a way he is as he is a useful idiot where the watchtower is concerned. All those people who would defend him by saying we are doing watchtower work for them never realized it was Lloyd who was doing that all along.

  • vienne

    Lloyd is disgusting on so many levels. He is morally bereft. He is a bad father, a worse husband. He is vulgar. He lacks self-control not just sexually but in every other area of life. Those who stay with him find him a mirror of themselves. Like many narcissists, he believes he is much more intelligent that he really is. Worst of all, he is average, He hates being exposed for the average human he is because he wants to be so much more. He fails.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    They weren't interested in having the great Lloyd show them the error of their ways, and then make their changes while shaking his hand and thanking him for his guidance.

    This is precisely what Lloyd thought when the AAWA and JW Survey websites were launched. They both issued an invitation to the GB to meet and discuss the concerns raised by him and AAWA. GB won't even meet with traveling overseers and branch members about concerns unless they were specifically asked for by the GB. Yet he felt there was a chance they might meet with a group of apostates led by him.

    I don't think he wanted to leave, he was forced out and for the last 14 or so years he has pursued a vendetta against the watchtower for daring to throw him out.

    Everything I've heard about the entire situation leads me to agree with that. I believe he was perfectly content with being a JW elder so long as he could live his double life and having his misdeeds covered by his dad and the elders. In fact it is right there in his book - he got caught sexting and didn't want to tell the elders, proposing to his wife that they carry on like normal. Him and "Geoffrey" had a grudge match and he wasn't ready to let it go. Lloyd was still an elder but stripped of most privileges, and he was plotting to bring Geoffrey down.

  • TonusOH

    That was the sense I got from his telling of that story. Out of everything that happened, the thing that he was most concerned about was that Geoffrey might get the last laugh; he might feel vindicated. The thought of that brother getting the better of him, and feeling like his moral superior, just ate him up inside. If he could not hide his behavior, then he preferred to run away in shame. As long as he didn't have to face a triumphant Geoffrey, he didn't care.

  • JeffT

    What he really thinks of his relationship with the WTBS is right there on the cover of his book: "The Reluctant Apostate." He (by this admission) advertises the fact that he did not want to leave the religion. He seems to have cobbled together some complaints about the Watchtower's doctrine and control, but when I look at what he says, and don't sense a lot of emotion behind it. Why?

    Because he didn't want to leave. His complaints ring hollow to me. I think the vast majority on this board would not go back if you dragged them in with wild horses. I think he'd go back in a second if they said they'd make him an elder this time next year.

    All this Sturm Und Drang is about him wanting to be a big shot witness. Then he wanted to be a big shot ex-witness. One problem: Most of us having gotten rid of one controlling big shot don't want another one.

  • slimboyfat

    That’s a good point. One of the questions they ask prospective elders these days is whether they have ever abused someone. If you can’t answer “no”, then you can’t ever be an elder. (I think I’ve got that right, others might know better) If that’s true, and if the circumstances fit, then perhaps what put LE off JWs was not just the demotion from being an elder, or the DFing, which can usually be reversed given enough time, but the realisation that there was no way back to being an elder ever because of the reason for his removal. If that is the policy then it actually sounds like quite a good policy if it flushes out people like this.

  • Las Malvinas son Argentinas
    Las Malvinas son Argentinas

    Here’s the thing I’ve found to be true about Lloyd: he always minimises things that are detrimental to his interests. You saw it in his letters to his wife. You saw it when he managed to take several conflicting positions regarding the COC bootleg.

    In the book he casually mentions that the time she caught him sexting wasn’t the first time. The impression is made that it was one other time. I don’t think that is accurate. This sounds like a long pattern of behaviour (they were married for almost two years) that she got fed up with.

    The story about him shoving a letter of confession and resignation as an elder under the door of another elder is highly sus. He expressed disgust that it wasn’t the end of the matter, like he expected that the elder was going to throw up his hands and say “well that is too bad, Brother Evans has several online sexting relationships outside his marriage and no longer qualifies as an elder. Letter accepted, I will announce it next week at the KH”. Of course there was going to be a JC or at very least a series of shepherding calls.

    In reality it was a much longer and complicated process than he reveals and the letter under the door story is a literary device - an allegory that he employed in order to avoid answering all those inconvenient questions. Dijana told people she had left him and fled to Croatia. This was also part of Marko’s statement.

    But it was never told as such by him. She is a very private person who avoids conflict at all cost, and for some apparent reason, against his express wishes - chose a path that was destined to cause the most upheaval in their lives.

    Makes sense only if she planned to leave him as it appears she did. Must have been something more involved than meaningless sexting. There was something real there, not limited to online contact.

  • WingCommander

    Wait, some of you actually bought and read LE's trash autobiography?



  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    @WingCommander Someone sent me a printed copy. I couldn't read it.

  • nicolaou

    No-one needs to buy it, though why anyone would even want to download it for free is beyond me.

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