Need help - the Revelation Climax book

by ozziepost 44 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ozziepost
    Further, wt can get permission to use original art or they may otherwise have the right to use non-original art. Did you forget to read that? The only point is that wt artists have the resources to create original art and logically that is what they do. If they don’t, you wonder what is the reason.

    I presume that they would acknowledge the origin of any art-work in the publication. That would be the ethical thing to do.

    For me it was almost a lifetime ago but my understanding at the time of its publication was that the artwork in the Revelation Climax book was original i.e. from the Borg’s own graphics department in Brooklyn.

  • Fisherman

    Hi Ozzie

    they would acknowledge

    Who? I’ve explained the difference between what the Bethelite artists are supposed to do and what they can do outside the parameters given to them. Obviously, if the gb told the artists to go around stealing other’s artwork (because they have a lot of fun wasting time in Court and defending lawsuits and wasting time and money with legal proceedings and lawyers and paying judgments when all they had to do is create something on their own,) that would be wrong.

    (There are some issues with the Rev artwork if you study some illustrations carefully you may detect it. Obviously escaped the notice of wt officials before the book was published.)

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    The Borg is only being pointed-out for plagiarizing other publishers artwork.

    Not only that,,,but not mentioning the source of it too.

  • Diogenesister
    There was something in a 1982 Watchtower front page that plagiarized an alcohol add magazine.
    This was commented on a few years ago.

    Yup. It's a picture of a lake or something and structure on stilts(?) with a big red sunset. I remember Beth.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    It was a 1982 WT cover.

    Looked like a boathouse overlooking a lake with a sunset

    The Borg got caught and changed the picture in the bound volume to something entirely different.

  • blondie

    I found this link used a 2006 JWN original post.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Blondie, great work.!!

  • TD

    (Picture taken from Jeffro's post on page 3 of this thread)

    If I'm not mistaken, that was actress and Playboy model, Pascale Petit.

    There's no delicate way to ask the question, so I'm just going to blurt it out.

    What are JW's doing reading Stern?

    Ich bin nicht prüde, aber ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass Zeugen Jehovas diese Zeitschrift lesen:

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    TD,,great point.

    How would the ''sheeple" know where to find this.?

    Without looking?

  • TheOldHippie

    TD, I think you are making two misrepresentations.

    First, the Stern is not the sort of soft-porn magazine you seem to be try to make it look like. It is a common weekly family magazine, on the right side of politics, and deals with queations in society, television programs, new books, trends etc. You probably have found one of the more special photos.

    Second, the WT did not steal the picture from Stern, but they both bought it from a stock or whatever it is called, where thousands of photos are available for magazines, newspapers etc. I remember a few years back, when the WT had a picture of Santa Claus on the front page, and a big newspaper in my country had the same picture. Neither had stolen it from the other, but both had bought it from such a stock.

    Und ich sehe also gar kein Problem darin, den Stern zu lesen..........

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