JWs At My Door This Morning

by Francois 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • SpunkyChick
    What's the difference between a porcupine and a Volkswagen full of Jehovah's Witnesses? With a porcupine, the pricks are on the outside.

    LOL! I likie! Hehehehehe

  • riz


    that poster whose brother burned the mags in front of the jWs was OrbitingTheSun. Here's the thread http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/43094/601358/post.ashx#601358

  • anti-absolutist

    I have to agree with teejay. (This is the first time that I have disagreed with Francois)

    With JW's there is no such thing as "winning" an argument. They think they are "in a perfect faith", and anything anybody throws at them is "imperfect". Therefore, the harsher the treatment to a JW, the easier it is for them to believe in how imperfect the other person was.

    They don't necessarily understand this scripture themselves, but "an answer when mild turns away rage" is a very true piece of advice. I know that in anything in life, (not just witnesses) it is really hard to look down on someone who is kind, even if he is disagreeing with you.

    I say this, not because I do it perfectly, but I have tried it both ways and have gotten better results with the more peaceable way. The best chance we have of teaching JW's to OPEN their minds, is by allowing them to see that we are happy, loving individuals, EVEN THOUGH we are not dubs anymore.

    Brad (P.S. Francois, in no way do I question your quick mind, though..... )

  • mouthy

    As usual I have to add my two cents. I am glad you felt good about how you handled Brother Jones Francois..... But I have to agree in part with teejay..... How will they ever realize they havent got the truth- If we chase them away with the "heavy "stuff. I do believe we were taught by experts to be deceivers..... Why not use what we learned by the BORG to trip up the R&F JWs..( CUNNING). I think if you befriended that guy- maybe you could help him see the falseness of the things he believes. I had a lot of that when I was a JW--- water thrown at me- being swore to etc" etc" but I now believe if some one had shown me love in a kind way- I might have been enlightened a lot sooner that 25 years.....

    But we all have to do what our hearts & minds tell us . So if your happy I am too. Jusy wish I had them come to me ........ Not to reinstate as they did last year, But to discuss.. I have just listened to Martin Merrimans tape -It is so good How they handle educating folks IN the WT.... & it works....Sorry if I offend

  • JamesThomas

    Being a Witness can cause very deep wounds, often remaining hidden. In a moment unaware, the anger and hurt from the wounds can be triggered. W e see the magazines, the book bag, the flowered dress or the suite and tie, but we don't see the trapped and enslaved, fearful and confused person inside. When I was a Borgkill-them-with-kindness (not to be confused with the immaculate JT)

  • hurt

    The JW in Francois' post certainly knew about the "heavy stuff". He had a ready defense. But if we assume he knew nothing of this heavy stuff, he would've asked. And some discussion would've ensued. I doubt that Francois would've shrugged him off had he claimed ignorance. We can't always hide behind the we-were-also-always-like-that curtain, not every JW is arrogant and unlistening. I had an encounter a few weeks ago. It was in a taxi. We got talking about some elections. And some man just said "I will never vote for anybody..." His arrongance shone through. I asked his religion, and he was simply JW. I couldn't resist, threw UN and Bulgaria and blood at him. I was kind some, but he said he couldn't, wouldn't believe it, but promised to do some "research" still. It's a question of reception. Did brother Jones show humility? No he didn't. And he lost a chance at learning some good stuff that could save him from his slave drill.

  • Francois

    You are absolutely correct. His demeanor was "subdued hostile" at having the cover ripped off. I was holding his sheep's clothing as he vamoosed down my sidewalk like the wolf he was. Maybe he was a pederast himself.

    No one here has walked in my shoes since I left the JWs but me, therefore I get to select my reactions and everyone else gets to have their responses but that's as far as it goes. I satisfied myself with my reaction to the swine, which was to withhold my pearls. My choice, my action. Everyone else gets to choose their reaction to that dynamic when its their front porch upon which such little dramas are played out. And each of them is correct for the person who's the protagonist.


  • mouthy

    (((((hug)))) Francois Didnt want to hurt you- You know me Mouthy,,,sometimes to much

  • Blueblades

    I agree with francois.Here is why.The quick comeback for the brother was a strawman type of response.tag lining francois by asking if he was or wasn't a catholic.

    Instead of doing that,he could of asked francois what did he mean,could he explain himself further.The comeback question indicated at least to me that he was aware of this issue and tried to compare it to the catholic church,hence evading the issue.

    Francois I know that you don't need anyone to defend your actions,you do quite well for yourself.This is just my observation on what you posted.


  • teejay
    Being a Witness can cause very deep wounds, often remaining hidden. In a moment unaware, the anger and hurt from the wounds can be triggered. We see the magazines, the book bag, the flowered dress or the suite and tie, but we don't see the trapped and enslaved, fearful and confused person inside. – JamesT

    I think this says more about us than any other post in this thread.

    The JW in Francois' post certainly knew about the "heavy stuff". He had a ready defense. But if we assume he knew nothing of this heavy stuff, he would've asked. And some discussion would've ensued. I doubt that Francois would've shrugged him off had he claimed ignorance. We can't always hide behind the we-were-also-always-like-that curtain, not every JW is arrogant and unlistening. Did brother Jones show humility? No he didn't. And he lost a chance at learning some good stuff that could save him from his slave drill. – hurt

    Wow. I didn’t realize you were standing there on Frank’s porch... or that you knew Brother Jones.

    So... you KNOW this Brother Jones, eh hurt? The fact that he had a “ready defense” (was schooled in ‘overcoming objections) proves it. Frank wouldn’t have nearly thrown him out for any other reason. ‘Tis true: “not every JW is arrogant and unlistening”, and not every post here tells the whole story, either. The wild assumptions that are allowed to stand (and are roundly applauded) here amongst the ex-JW crowd astound me every now and then and posts like these—the “I acted like a total jerk but gave ‘em hell” kind—that are mostly applauded gives those of us who’ve supposedly found higher ground a really bad name.

    No one here has walked in my shoes since I left the JWs but me, therefore I get to select my reactions and everyone else gets to have their responses but that's as far as it goes. I satisfied myself with my reaction to the swine, which was to withhold my pearls. My choice, my action. Everyone else gets to choose their reaction to that dynamic when its their front porch upon which such little dramas are played out. And each of them is correct for the person who's the protagonist. – Frank

    You are quite right, Frank, in everything you said. You get to select your reactions. Sometimes, unbeknownst to you, they are selected for you.

    As I see it, the advantage that many of us have here over a “Brother Jones” is that we’ve spent YEARS in his exact shoes while he has NOT EVER BEEN in ours – not for an hour. We know how he (the ‘enemy’) thinks. In a battle of wits this represents a true advantage, if there ever was one.

    At the same time, lost on you is the fact that Brother Jones is human, too. Just like you. He walked up to a neighbor’s house and got his teeth kicked in... by someone that should’ve (IMO) known better... all to the rousing applause of fellow exers who should ALSO know better.

    I wonder about your reference to Brother Jones as “swine.” It troubles me.

    I wonder how you so securely view whatever contradictory points of view you have at your disposal as “pearls” as opposed to him being “swine.” Does this mean that you (we) have the ‘truth’ now and all those at odds with us, necessarily, don’t?

    Have we learned anything? Anything at all?

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