Could any American posters please explain to this Brit' why so many of your countrymen are hostile to Obamacare?

by nicolaou 93 Replies latest members politics

  • pbrow

    Finkle.. I dont disagree with the "more people more leverage arguement. I simply do not think the federal goverment place is mandating its citizens to buy health insurance. Greedy private health industry.... cmon man, every industry is greedy... So this is all about how government is going to save us from the evil greedy capitalists?

    Nic, I would hope that all Americans are obsessed with personal accountability, come to think of it, I would hope peoples of every nation are obsessed with personal accountability. I would postulate that the world would be in a much better place if we all were. In fact, I would argue that personal accountability necessitates that we look out for our own as one of its main principals. The united states has excellent health care. I work in a field where I see it used to both great effect and also see it abused every day! Its difficult to compare the US to the UK, Cuba, Germany or anyone else for that matter because our goverments are not run the same way and our populations are not even close to one another.


  • Vidiot
    nicolau - "...explain to this Brit why so many of your countrymen are hostile to Obamacare?"

    General right-wing "f**k-the-left"-principled rejection?

  • dubstepped

    I'm trying to understand the mandatory car insurance comparison. That is compulsory to protect others, not yourself. Obamacare is compulsory care for yourself, there is no liability as with car insurance.

    I want to also add that I don't understand people saying that they couldn't get care before Obamacare. Sure, some couldn't get insurance, but care is another thing. My parents never had much income and were always taken care of. Now all of the sliding scales, payment plans, etc. to help are gone, but hey, more people have insurance, with high deductibles. My mom had to go back to work just to afford insurance after my dad became disabled when before Obamacare they were fine.

  • Spoletta

    I'd like to respond to the poster that claimed his insurance as a single person would be $22,000 a year. I suspect that he's quoting the price before his mandated subsidies kick in(something a lot of opposers fail to mention when quoting cost). Actually, the subsidy limit for a single adult cuts off at $46,000 at which point they would pay $2500 a year for the Silver plan. The other poster that said his mother had to get a job to pay for insurance with a disabled spouse rings false to me. To not qualify for subsidies to offset the premiums, they would have to make over $62,000 a year at which point they would have to pay $5000 a year in premiums. The silver plan is the mid price plan with a yearly deductible of $3000 for an individual, and $5500 for a family. This is according to research I just did using reputable sources on Google. I invite anyone to check these figures.

    The point is that it is the AFFORDABLE Care Act, designed so that anyone can afford to be on it. I'm sorry if people choose to consider those that have lost their jobs, or have pre existing conditions, or have circumstances beyond their control, are freeloaders, but if you can actually afford to pay for it, have a roof over your heads, have enough food to eat, and decent clothes to wear, I think you should get over it. I know that there are some who take advantage of it, but should we let large numbers suffer to punish a few offenders? I look at the people fleeing Syria, portions of Africa, and so many other places, and am tired of of all the whining I hear from folks who don't know how well-off they are!

    Whew! I feel a lot better! Sorry about the rant, but I just wish we could all concentrate on taking care of everyone, not just ourselves.

    Thanks for listening.

  • Finkelstein

    I simply do not think the federal government place is mandating its citizens to buy health insurance.

    You might have a point there but you understand why don't you ?

    This is the kind of problem that occurs when half of the population has outside private insurance coverage.

    If for example the HC was taken over completely by the government as it is in Canada for example, the premiums would be lower because there are more people contributing to the plan and the mark up costs by the insurance companies would not be there.

  • redvip2000

    I simply do not think the federal government place is mandating its citizens to buy health insurance.

    Yeah, but the issue is that there are certain things in life, where the government needs to step in and manage. Why? because most people are shitheads.

    You could make the same argument for unemployment and say " I simply do not think the feds should force me to pay for unemployment insurance". Well, ok then most people who are shitheads won't pay. Those same shitheads will also not save for a "rainy day". Result? A whole lot of shitheads lining up at the soup kitchen because they lost their job.

    Or maybe you could say you should not be forced to pay for the pension system. Result? Yup, you guessed it. A whole lot of shitheads lining up at the soup kitchen after they retire.

    What about healthcare? Will those shitheads put some money in the bank in the event they need medical treatment? Doubt it.. They will just rely on charity that me and you support.

  • sparky1

    Spoletta......I don't know what state 'exchange' that you have checked, but my postings are EXACT numbers for the state that I live in. There is NO subsidy for me in my income range and I have the Silver plan. My costs are as I have posted them. For me to purchase the insurance myself, the cost was nearly identical to having my employer purchase my health insurance. It is my understanding that different states have different rates set by the insurance commissioner of each state. Please correct me if I am wrong. I don't mind helping people in need but this is ridiculous. Our insurance rates are high because so many unwed mothers, worthless drunks and drug addicts, lazy bums and outright 'grifters' are gaming the system. Sorry to be so harsh. I think that we should help the elderly and physically disabled but everyone else needs to take a larger share of responsibility for their own lives.

  • Giordano
    Pbrow When you say "free" what exactly do you mean?
    Some of them provide a wide array of services ranging from free to sliding scale services

    Clinic services we list include: Pediatric Health Clinic Services
    Pediatric Dental Clinic Services
    Behavioral Health Clinic Services
    and more!!
    Dental Clinic Services
    Medical Clinic Services
    Women's Health Clinic Services
    Adult Health Clinic Services

  • dubstepped

    I too posted honestly and don't care what Spoletta has to say. Subsidies don't offset premiums entirely and you don't know my parents' situation so I don't care how it rings to you. I'm sure that you donate all of your money beyond basic food and shelter to Syrian support organizations, right?

  • Spoletta

    Sparky1 and Dubstepped, I'm sorry if I've offended you, but I'd like to know what states you live in so that I can research it myself. If you can direct me to their insurance websites, I'd be more than happy to admit I'm wrong. Since you won't share circumstances with me, I still say I'm mystified that a couple with one disabled partner can't qualify for inexpensive insurance. The ACA isn't allowed to count assets as income, you can't disqualify a person with pre-existing conditions, the disabled should qualify for S.S.I., and if you're low enough income you qualify for welfare, as well as subsidies that make insurance affordable, if not free. All I can think is that you live in states where the Republican Governor refused to go with the plan. Like I said, I'm glad to admit I'm wrong, but I need more than anecdotal evidence.

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