A call from family - Armageddon this month!

by kaik 74 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • stuckinarut2

    An influential elder in our area has repeatedly proclaimed messages of "it will be in a few months" for years now!

  • Heaven

    I like to say the following to JWs who are hyping Fail-mageddon:

    "I've heard this 'Armageddon is imminent' story my whole life. I am 52 years old. If I told you I was coming to your house 'soon' or 'imminently' and 52 years passed, would you still think I was coming over soon?"

    I let that sink in for a few moments, you know, because there is usually that stunned, deer-in-the-headlights look of silence.

    If they don't respond, I feed them the answer by saying "The answer is No you wouldn't think I was coming over soon."

  • Half banana
    Half banana
    An alarm bell which has been ringing for two thousand years is worse than useless.
  • notjustyet

    Q: Whats the difference between a cow and the crucifixion?

    A: You can't milk a cow for 2000 years,....

    Everyone thinks that Jesus is gonna come within their lifetime. It's a "dangling carrot" that does not even exist.



  • mrquik
    Great; now I won't have to rake my lawn...........
  • tiki
    Vidiot....I thought it was extremely funny.....and apropos given reality....thanks for giving me a lol moment!!!
  • tiki
    Sigh......why are these people so anxious for mass mayhem and slaughter.....why can't they just live life now in the reality and make /be the best they can be......
  • Vidiot

    @ tiki...

    My pleasure.

    Maybe "like" it next time. :wink:

  • stuckinarut2
    Half banana
    An alarm bell which has been ringing for two thousand years is worse than useless.

    Yep...I call that "Alarmageddon"!
  • Finkelstein

    "Armageddon soon" was a marketing strategy for the WTS to spur up public interest and the

    continuing proliferation of the literature the WTS published. As far back as the late 1800's the

    WTS. proclaimed that Jesus had returned and that he was examining ones that he deemed

    worthy of saving, like his father in Noah's time.

    Yahweh never existed or his supposed son Jesus Christ albeit a better (god) version of the

    his father, never really exited either and Armageddon as spoken about in the bible is just

    fictional ancient mythology. (bullshit)

    One thing that will occur is that religious charlatans will use that old ancient bullshit to sell

    and create self assuming power for themselves.

    ie. to survive this Armageddon you have to be in complete submission to their direction

    and control exclusively.

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