I believe in Evolution and that God created life

by Crabby 154 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Heaven

    How is it possible for a spirit being to have any sort of ability for complex thought processes without a brain or gender without a physical body with specific glands, hormones, and organs to define this?

  • LoveUniHateExams

    How is it possible for a spirit being to have any sort of ability for complex thought processes without a brain or gender without a physical body with specific glands, hormones, and organs to define this? - you fool, Heaven.

    He is made of wispy stuff. And he has a wispy penis and wispy testicles.

    He just does, ok?

    "On thy knees and pray for forgiveness, daughter mine!"

  • Crabby

    Viv, you are a JW, either you follow the rules or they will disfellowship you. Have you spoken to your elders and informed them about what you are posting here about science? No you have not, because they would have made you stop pronto, then you would be an ex-jw like so many others here. So viv you are as mentally confused as the average JW, so give it up already and choose the light.

  • Crabby

    Heaven, how is it possible for you to smell a flower and have that smell stored in your mind, then somehow pass that smell on to your child. This is what has been shown to be happening, however the answer is unknown...Though fascinating because it shows that we know little to nothing about how info is coded into DNA

  • LoveUniHateExams

    how is it possible for you to smell a flower and have that smell stored in your mind, then somehow pass that smell on to your child. This is what has been shown to be happening - I don't think so.

    Please read my recent comment on your thread about 'smells being passed on in DNA' ...

  • Crabby

    Do you believe that your comment is the answer to the question? Because it is not.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Do you believe that your comment is the answer to the question? Because it is not.

    You're asking the wrong question, Crabby.

  • Crabby

    Then please tell the group what the question should be? Ask Viv for help if you need it.


  • Hadriel

    The amount of deflection by the hardline evolutionists folks is astounding. Pose a tough question or one you really can't solve at least not yet and what do you get?

    "you're asking the wrong question", "you don't understand the question", "you're not being clear", "you're talking in circles and not making sense"

    I could go on and on.

    It's o.k. we get it you don't have the answer to these perplexing questions anymore than scientists who have dedicated their lives to these very things.

    Just say I DON'T KNOW!

  • Crabby

    An intelligent person say I DON'T KNOW often, but then proceed to use the truth that God is knowledge to seek the answer. How does one remove a cataract from an eye to restore sight to the blind? No JW has a clue.

    Remember someone had to ask how to miniaturize a transistor in order for you to make this your post here. They were not JW's, as all JW's are ignorant.

    PS. Baiting morons is easy

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