Brooklyn Layoffs and Halt to Kingdom Hall construction projects

by James Jack 75 Replies latest jw experiences

  • berrygerry

    Are they planning to beg for more money at the meeting and tell the r&f that they are in such a pickle that they have had to cancel projects, proving that they desperately need every penny they can get?

    This actually makes the most sense.

    Televangelism at its finest.

  • Zoos
    Is this their Tammy Faye Baker tearful-eye-makeup-running moment?
  • paradisebeauty
    I wonder if special pioneers will also be let go ...
  • bohm
    A good source just just told me that at Morning Worship today that the Governing Body announced that a total of 1600 Bethelites will be let get go and not transferred to Warwich when the last property is sold in Brooklyn and all Kingdom Hall building projects are on hold for at least a year so that all the focus will be on the Preaching Work.

    Is there confirmation this affects all kingdom hall building projects or that it is just large projects (Bethels, assembly halls, etc.) as was stated in another thread?The kingdom halls are plausibly far more expensive than the larger projects and it seems more reasonable. Can anyone confirm or disconfirm?
  • respectful_observer
    Is there confirmation this affects all kingdom hall building projects or that it is just large projects (Bethels, assembly halls, etc.) as was stated in another thread?The kingdom halls are plausibly far more expensive than the larger projects and it seems more reasonable. Can anyone confirm or disconfirm?

    I can't officially confirm, but my contacts tell me that the construction freeze applies to "assembly halls and larger" (e.g., branch expansions), and therefore would not affect kingdom hall construction.

  • bohm
    thanks, RO.
  • James Jack
    James Jack

    I remember the food at the Conventions and Assemblies. They made Money until it was changed to a donation for the food.

    All of sudden, they were losing money for the lack of Donations.

    Food Program ended, problem ended!

  • SafeAtHome
    Anyone know what the average age is of those being let go?
  • bohm
    SafeAtHome: I would also like to know more about this. It would be great to know if this is a world-wide downsizing and so also affecting all european Bethels.
  • sir82

    My source said "worldwide Bethel reduction".

    Someone posted on one of the threads something about age 60 and age 70 as cutoffs, but I don't recall the details and it's getting harder to search thru all of these!

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