Why Are Schools Targets Of So Much Gun Violence?

by Brokeback Watchtower 75 Replies latest social current

  • truth_b_known

    The answer to the question asked will lead to the root cause of this issue.

    I can provide a unique insight to something similar going on where I live. Over that past year we have had a rash of Murders in our jurisdiction. The suspects are all ages from 17 to 19. I arrested an 18 year old who shot and killed a kid for paying him $120.00 in counterfeit money for marijuana. Here is what I found interesting.

    We regularly monitor the jail calls of these suspects. Each and everyone of them exhibit the same behavior on the phone with their parents. These suspects are in complete shock that they are sitting in jail. They literally cry "Mommy" to their mothers and complain about having to be in jail. The parents conversely assure their child that they will put large deposits of money on their child's commissary account and will pay for the best legal counsel possible.

    I arrested another 17 year old who, with his 18 year old buddy, attempted to beat to death another high school kid who they thought told the local police of their low-level marijuana trafficking. The victim had his ocular bone crushed and lost sight in that eye. The suspect I arrested asked if he could stop by Panda Express to get something to eat before going to jail.

    I am not sure where this complete disconnect with reality has come from. What I know is that this is definitely tied in with these mass murder incidents in public schools in the US.

  • _Morpheus
    You just proved Flipper's point, Morpheus. Those two guys were angry at what they perceived as injustice and imbalance between the haves and have nots. They felt that they had a right to something that they were ultimately denied.

    That is exactly not what flipper meant. Not even close. Flipper was taking his standard social justice warrior stance and trying to draw some rich/poor parallel, not some ‘have a girl/not have a girl’ comparison. Your explanation makes zero sense.

    Why are there so many dislikes for Flipper's comment? He's absolutely right. Just because you don't want to believe something doesn't magically make it false. That's EXACTLY what the Watchtower does when it allows pedophiles to remain in good standing in the organization while shunning the victims. They don't want to believe the horrible truth, ergo, it CAN'T be true.

    Like wise, just you believe something to be true dosent make it so. I gave evidence supporting the baseless nature of flippers conclusion. Also, when you pull the “your just like the wt!” card, you have as much as admitted you have no point and no idea what to say other than reach for what you percieve to be the worst insult you can think of. You would be better served setting aside your emotions and thinking things through with just a bit of dispassionate logic.

  • _Morpheus

    @giordano- gyns arnt a motive, they are a means. The article was focusing on motives/causes for the violence, not the means the ciolence is carried out

  • Diogenesister
    They literally cry "Mommy" to their mothers and complain about having to be in jail. The parents conversely assure their child that they will put large deposits of money on their child's commissary account and will pay for the best legal counsel possible.

    Its complicated, with many facets no doubt.

    These parent's may SAY, and promise, all sorts....because others are listening/authorities are involved etc But do they really? If they do, are these parents trying to compensate for never being home, never monitoring their teens/kids whereabouts or spending ANY meaningful time with them? In terms of the "normal" teen violent offenders you often find the father or mother is in jail.

    I also think teens are susceptible to copycat behaviour, as has been noted with teen suicides. The media will suppress reporting too many teen suicides in one area when this starts to happen.

    Narcassism, the " look at me" reality tv , "love of self" and I should BE respected not EARN respect crap is no doubt a factor.

    Just a few ideas. My 2cents

  • Finkelstein

    DOC says .......

    Get rid of the guns and violence, crime, and murders will stop!

    Well doing this lowered the gun violence in two countries namely Australia and England .

    Other restrictions directed toward the sale of certain guns would help as well.

  • nicolaou

    Why are American schools the targets of so much gun violence?

    That's what the title of this topic should have been. If you think that's an irrelevant detail you'll never approach an understanding of the problem.

  • humbled

    I walked home from grocery store last night and saw a storefront Church cleaning up their holiday BBQ and basketball game frim their sidewalk. Multi-colored Teens laughing, car radio blaring hip-hop Jesus music.

    I thought of Morpheus’ post.

    That op Ed piece was by a J Warner Wallace, police detective, Christian convert. I don’t agree with every small particular namely when he calls for sexual purity (l want to call for Sexual self-respect and Respect). He reminds me that the solutions are not and cannot be found by returning to political backbiting. Like divorced parents more concerned with assigning blame than looking out for the children, doing what’s best for them.

    Unless we, as a nation, are willing to embrace and promote a worldview that helps us understand the proper role of money and financial stewardship, promotes sexual purity and restraint, and helps us place the needs of others ahead of our own desires, we can expect more of the same. — from the J. Warner Wallace op ed piece
  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    Why are so many youth flipping out and gunning down fellow students?

    If I'm not mistaken, all of the school shootings have been carried out by young males.

    (The comment below is one I made on an earlier thread on a similar topic)

    There are studies that suggest that since the "women's movement" young males are becoming increasingly lost because large numbers of fathers are either absent entirely or are distant with their sons because they too were ignored or neglected or are unsure of their place in the world. The role of men has become blurred and hard wired masculine traits that were once thought of as admirable or even necessary, are often deemed as bad or in need of correction. Boys are no longer able to do things that boys like to do as a group without girls being included. Girls are the gold standard of behavior and the message is that boys need to be more like girls and if men were more like women the world would be a better place. Fathers are the butt of every joke on television and adult men are portrayed as clueless buffoons who are mocked and disrespected by their wives and children. There is evidence that more and more boys and young men are lost, resentful and hate themselves and are lashing out at the world around them. Girls on the other hand statistically are doing better in every way.

  • humbled

    Pete Zahut—

    The role of men has become blurred and hard wired masculine traits that were once thought of as admirable or even necessary, are often deemed as bad or in need of correction.

    I marked this in my mind when you first posted it. But you haven’t said what things are being deemed bad or in need of correction. I can’t know what you mean here.

    Boys are no longer able to do things that boys like to do as a group without girls being included.

    I agree that this is a problem. Certainly women can benefit from getting together without a man—and men without a woman. Private spaces. The public spaces—jobs -have to handle this in other ways. Lines on this have to be clear but practical. Like washing the babies in the tub. For a time the tiny girl and boy get scrubbed together—but there comes a time that they don’t.

    Other cultures seem to have handled gender differences better than we have. I agree there is a shift going on in some places for men and women. But l know a lot - a lot- of young couples that are doing just fine.

  • _Morpheus

    @humbled- i agree in tht i didnt feel as he did when it came to solutions. The whole sexual purity thing hs no relevance to school shootings. The motivations, however, were worth thought.

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