Why Are Schools Targets Of So Much Gun Violence?

by Brokeback Watchtower 75 Replies latest social current

  • dubstepped

    For all of the chatter from the left that the right was separating people by race you'd almost fail to realize how much they are doing it by class/economic status. Neither is better.

  • cofty

    Mass shootings are mostly, but admittedly not exclusively, an American phenomena. So what factor - or combination of factors is unique to the USA?

    It's not caused by violent entertainment - the world is awash with violent media.

    It's not caused by neglectful or over-indulgent parents - Europe has no shortage of those.

    It's definitely not about 'haves versus have-nots'. Inequality is universal and the perpetrators are frequently among the 'haves'.

    Could it be a part of a narcissistic obsession with fame (infamy will do) and celebrity?

  • scratchme1010

    Why are so many youth flipping out and gunning down fellow students? Is there something seriously wrong with society? Does the public education/indoctrination system need some serious tweaking? Are parents to blame when their child goes on a rampage?

    The recent rise in these shootings tells us something, what is it?

    I don't think that I could ever come up with an accurate answer as to why the violence in schools. I do believe that there are serious issues with society in general.

    What worries me most is that people are in denial. They refuse to relate their attitudes, believes and values, with their actions, the way they relate to others and the consequences of all of it.

    The recent rise in these shootings tells us something, what is it?

    To me the message is not clear. Other than there's something fundamentally wrong with the way we live today, that is.


    Because people want to be on TV.

    Because the media talk about it endlessly.

    Because people copy what they see on TV.

    Because many of them need a slap.

    I agree to some point with what you state. I do believe that many people want the attention, and some things, especially among the youth, can become "a thing". However, I think that some things go deeper than that.

    I have a friend who is a psychologist, and he's tells me that there's a rather exponential increase in depression among children and adolescents. His opinion is that he feels like the way parents raise them makes them feel abandoned and dismissed. Too many parents are letting electronic devices take care of their children, and those parents who work have minimum wage strangers taking care of them and raising them.

    Aside from a "slap", they need to feel present in their lives as family. Just my thoughts.

  • FedUpJW

    In the United States the biggest reason for firearm violence in schools is, IMO, The Gun-Free School Zones Act (GFSZA)...an act of the U.S. Congress prohibiting any unauthorized individual from knowingly possessing a loaded or unsecured firearm at a place that the individual knows, or has reasonable cause to believe, is a school zone as defined by 18 U.S.C. § 921(a)(25).

    If YOU were hell-bent on committing a firearm crime wouldn't YOU want to go where there was the LEAST chance of someone taking YOU out?

  • waton

    The emotional environment among hormone laden teenagers, resentment between in and out cliques, all play a part, and absolute rejection, frustration will led to an absolute response.

    Humans should be spaced apart, only one or two to a km^2

    Wait until we have ~ 100 billion perfect bodies, teenager-like, after the end of the millennium, when they come out of the four corners of the ring for the final boxing match. guns blazing.

  • Nevuela

    You just proved Flipper's point, Morpheus. Those two guys were angry at what they perceived as injustice and imbalance between the haves and have nots. They felt that they had a right to something that they were ultimately denied. They didn't have to be poor or underprivileged. In fact, most people who feel entitled already have a lot more going for them than the middle-class majority.

    Why are there so many dislikes for Flipper's comment? He's absolutely right. Just because you don't want to believe something doesn't magically make it false. That's EXACTLY what the Watchtower does when it allows pedophiles to remain in good standing in the organization while shunning the victims. They don't want to believe the horrible truth, ergo, it CAN'T be true.

  • Finkelstein

    Short answer is the American cultural is gun loving crazy with many guns in possession within the population.

    Sometimes mentally disturbed people are also in possession of these guns and all hell breaks lose, even at public schools.

  • smiddy3

    America has always had a fascination with guns its a cultural thing going all the way back to the "Wild West" to the Mob violence of the 20`s and 30`s .

    What other nation on earth has in its Constitution the right of every citizen to own and carry a firearm ?

    correct me if I`m wrong but isnt that the case with the USA ?

    Could it be a part of a narcissistic obsession with fame (infamy will do) and celebrity?

    That certainly could have a lot to do with it too

  • DesirousOfChange

    Short answer is the American cultural is gun loving crazy with many guns in possession within the population.

    That's right!

    It's the GUNS!

    Get rid of the guns and violence, crime, and murders will stop!

  • Giordano

    Morphus this was a good article:


    At least one of these three motives is the driving force behind every homicide, theft, burglary and robbery. In fact, these three motives lie at the heart of every conceivable crime or misdeed.
    Human misbehavior is motivated by: financial greed, sexual – or relational – lust, and the pursuit of power.
    All murders (kill) are motivated by financial greed (steal), sexual lust (rape) or the pursuit of power (control). Sometimes only one of these motives is the driving force behind a crime. Sometimes two or more are involved.

    I would add another factor......guns that are easily available. In the case of minors many have access to their parents legally owned guns. In other situations guns are acquired in person to person transactions.

    While many non gun weapons can be acquired easily....... It is difficult to control the over all situation in a school for instance with a club or knife.

    The easy availability of hand guns and long guns has to be considered.

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