What if the US loses?

by Robdar 97 Replies latest jw friends

  • D8TA

    My, how a 50 year old mind can be so small:

    Now why don't you just quietly send a large campaign donation to Nancy Pelosi,

    And you just luuuuv having your brain sucked with:

    GOP vs. DNC

    Right vs. Left

    FOXNews vs. CNN

    Lack of ability to be a "fee thinker". You totally buy in to all of that, eh buddy boy? Well, your head is buried deeper in the sand then most people here.

    You're so stuck in the "us vs. them" arguement, you don't even acknowledge the atrocities the U.S. has done to others all over the world. If you are saying that your foreign policy is okay, that your corrupt politicians are in the right? Then I say, let the American public get what they deserve for their ignorance.

    The rest of the world will go on, while they turn against her. This world doesn't need the U.S.A. to survive, just like they didn't need Rome.

    The price for "arrogance" my friend, is a kick in the ass. I wish you all the luck when your America crumbles, as will your mind when remembering my words here today.

  • Grunt

    You said:

    "Then I say, let the American public get what they deserve for their ignorance.

    The rest of the world will go on, while they turn against her. This world doesn't need the U.S.A. to survive, just like they didn't need Rome.

    The price for "arrogance" my friend, is a kick in the ass. I wish you all the luck when your America crumbles, as will your mind when remembering my words here today."

    You are calling us arrogant? Read your own words. Why don't you hold your breath until "America crumbles?" Your children will probably have a happy future in America. I hope so.


  • czarofmischief
    The price for "arrogance" my friend, is a kick in the ass. I wish you all the luck when your America crumbles, as will your mind when remembering my words here today.

    Ah, now we get to the crux of the matter. americans that oppose this war are doing so because they fear another Vietnam. Foreigners that oppose this war are doing so because they fear that Iraq WON'T be another Vietnam.

    When we say "dump" the UN, it's because everyone there hates us. I think we should keep it, for the entertainment value when foreigners say things like the above. The UN is irrelevant, but it makes France feel like they are still important, so I say let 'em keep it, so they can dream of the world before 1754.

    this war is about vengeance and justice. If that's too Old Testament for you, then duck, because we are going to do what we need to do to KILL the people responsible for 9/11. That's right, I said the K word. I want blood in the gutters, as do many of my fellow americans, because the foreigners did NOT have to deal with the twin towers. I have been there. They were beautiful in the sun, imposing in the night, and when I see them in old movies my heart hurts for their loss.

    Imagine 15 clubs in Bali erupting into flame and raining fire and death. Osama and Saddam don't care about your politics Prisca. They want you to be their slave. Only their fear of American power holds them in any kind of abeyance.

    If the price for arrogance is a kick in the ass, then what is the price for blowing up three thousand people? That's right, we're going to take out our fury on the dictators of the world, and make them pay in blood for what they rejoiced over on 9/11.

    Learn a lesson from 9-11? The only lesson is that our enemies have hardened themselves into inveterate slaughterers of women and children, mad dogs that must be put down. they gave away their humanity when they sought to press their claims in such a fashion.

    Personally, we are going to roll into Baghdad and start selling rap albums - and they will thank us for it. Do you know that the Japanese are grateful that they lost the war? Germany owes us for liberating them, and safeguarding them from the USSR for fifty years.

    Bomb, Bury, and then Rebuild in our Image.


  • Robdar

    this war is about vengeance and justice. If that's too Old Testament for you, then duck, because we are going to do what we need to do to KILL the people responsible for 9/11. That's right, I said the K word. I want blood in the gutters, as do many of my fellow americans, because the foreigners did NOT have to deal with the twin towers. I have been there. They were beautiful in the sun, imposing in the night, and when I see them in old movies my heart hurts for their loss.


    I understand an eye for an eye justice. Hey, I support the death penalty. However, what has Iraq got to do with the twin towers? Bin Laden's supporters are Saudi.


    Edited by - robdar on 9 February 2003 22:14:3

  • Farkel


    : Bush has the potential to be the next Hitler if he wanted to. Seriously think about this.

    No I won't. It's too idiotic to actually think about. Everyone has that "potential." This a broad-sweeping generalization that one can make about ANYONE being a "potential" Hitler. You don't have any real arguments, just assertions without foundation. Get real, or at least make some serious arguments instead of grade school fantasies.


    : Oprah and CNN are bleeding-heart liberals, folks. They are totally biased and rarely present in a fair manner any views opposite to theirs. For balance, try the Fox Network.

    : LMAO. The pot calls the kettle black.

    Actually, I'd bet money that Oprah (whom I admire greatly) and CNN didn't suggest that folks viewing her show should watch Fox or read George Will and his ilk for the other viewpoint, now did they?

    I merely suggested that those so influence by Oprah and CNN had an alternative point-of-view to use.

    The "pot calling the kettle black" argument is only valid if the opponent of that argument is a hypocrite, which I'm not. I only presented the places to find the opposite arguments. I'm not a hypocrite and the "pot calling the kettle black" is only valid if I am. I haven't changed.


    : You didn't actually address the argument that Prisca made.

    Which one was that, bigboi? I've never actually seen Prisca make ANY valid arguments, so I'm very curious about WHICH of her so-called arguments I should address.


  • czarofmischief

    Iraq is a VERY real potential source of terror, and is therefore a hotbed for another twin towers.

    Here's my reasoning.

    Saddam WILL make weapons of mass destruction. He has the resources to do so, because he rules an entire country with a history of militaristic development over social programming. He has proven that not only will he do so if afforded the opportunity, he will make the opportunity by kicking out inspectors.

    If Saddam really wanted to disarm, he would not have kicked out the inspectors.

    My second point runs thusly, and follow me here my left-wing friends, because I am going to spell it out for you in simple terms. SADDAM... HAS... USED... THESE... WEAPONS... He has no compunctions about gassing or sickening people. At least the US is sensitive enough to the will of the populace to have NOMINALLY refused to use these devices. I have no illusions about my country's track record; however, I think a democratic society would rebel at the slaughter of what we deem innocent civilians. My Lai is a perfect example of how our country reacts to those kind of situations. Saddam's people have no choice about whether Saddam uses those weapons, and would probably cheer him on.

    Ok, so we know for a fact that Saddam will build these weapons, and that he has no fear of using them. So, would he use them against the US in an unprovoked fashion? Does he have a track record of unprovoked aggression? Iran, Kuwait, and the Marsh Arabs would respond with a yes.

    So, now, we come to the final point, if he had the weapons, COULD he use them against the US. Ah, there, he would have a willing ally in Al-Qaida. Not only has he hid some of their representatives in his country, they would also serve as willing hitmen to deliver toxic weapons to the US.

    To sum up, He wants the weapons, he is building the weapons, he wants to use the weapons against us, he would have the ability to do so. The writing is on the wall. If God ever gave anybody a warning, it is to the United States that Saddam is a bad guy and some defense is necessary.

    On another forum, someone said that a righteous New Order is the only way to ensure complete peace and security. I agree. If Jesus shows up, I'll burn my flag - but I don't think he minds if nations take collective action to ensure their security.

    I hope this seems like a more balanced and informed opinion than the explosive rhetoric I indulged in while in a fit of existential fury. I apologize if I frightened or offended anyone.


  • bigboi

    : You didn't actually address the argument that Prisca made.

    Which one was that, bigboi? I've never actually seen Prisca make ANY valid arguments, so I'm very curious about WHICH of her so-called arguments I should address.

    I have no idea what you are talking about. Are you quoting me here or just putting words in my mouth?

  • chappy

    How US (and everyone else) loses war:

    US attacks Iraq

    Iraq attacks Israel (who has said it won't hold back this time like '91)

    Israel responds, pissing off all Arab the countrys. They join the fray.

    Iraq responds with chemical/Bio weapons on Israel and US.

    US responds with nukes on Iraq and Iran (they're in the war now)

    Pakistan figures "well if they can use nukes so can we". Hits India

    India responds.

    N. Korea takes advantage of the situation and invades S. Korea.

    Us Hits N. Korea with nukes.

    China comes to their aid, also figuring this is a good time to take back Taiwan.

    Now we've got to "protect Taiwan from China (Nukes?)

    Russia see the chance to take the Middle East oil fields they need so bad.

    US and it's allies are now at war with Russia, China, and the Middle Eastern bloc.

    While trying to protect Taiwan and S. Korea, the Russions help the Arabs try to take out Israel.

    Now we're protecting the Israeli's, maybe Pakistan, S. Korea, maybe Turkey and Taiwan.

    Meanwhile the terrorists are having a field day back in the States and Western Europe.

    Nukes are flying everywhere, people are dying everywhere from Bio. and chemical weapons.

    Anarchy, death, horrible illnesses etc. prevails throughout the world.

    You take it from there. This is not an unthinkable scenario.

    later (I hope)


  • czarofmischief

    Uh, dude?

    Russia is the world's second largest exporter of oil. They don't need the Middle eastern oil fields.

    If Israel responded, the Arab countries would be whipped so badly they wouldn't know where to look. Arab solidarity, and Muslim solidarity, are both myths perpetrated by the fearmongers. Each country would hide or try to ensure its own survival.

    Israel kicked ass back in the sixties - and any Iraqi strike on Israel would kill just as many Arabs as Jews! And who's to say that Iraq's shaky grasp of rocket technology won't fail and wind up hitting Damascus or Jordan, thus severing any tenuous Arabic alliance?

    All these might be's are useless blathering and speculation. The point is, if we don't kill Saddam, he WILL try to kill us.


  • FreeWilly

    I agree with Czar

    Saddam's a criminal - apprehend him and kill/try him. Its really that simple folks. Nobody is going to risk their necks for Saddam. He has waged war on all his neighbors. They don't like him either. The Iraqi people want liberation too.

    War is not pleasant, however it has a proven history of dealing effectively with tyrants.

    Edited by - Freewilly on 10 February 2003 0:24:36

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