What if the US loses?

by Robdar 97 Replies latest jw friends

  • Robdar

    What if we lose the war with Iraq? I watch the news and all commentators act as if our winning is a given. Yes, we are the biggest, baddest nation; we have the nukes, but what if?

    The south sure thought it was going to win the War Between the States. Afterall, it had England on its side. Or it did until England backed out. What if our allies not only back out but also turn against us?

    Do you think it is possible that this conflict that Bush says will only last weeks instead of months could actually turn into a full blown war not only with Iraq but also with some of our former allies? Germany and France are particulary upset with us right now.

    Before some of you start hollering at me about what a bad ass the USA is, think about it. I would like logical posts to this thread. Not alot of name calling and emotional outpouring from guys with too much testosterone.



  • Stephanus

    The US is highly unlikely to lose a shooting war with Iraq - after all, it's not like it hasn't happened once already. The South was never going to win the Civil War, either. Germany in WWII was a much more formidable foe, but luckily for the Allies, it was run by a a dictator who had no idea about things military. Iraq is the same...

  • Mulan

    Oprah had a great 2-day show about the possible war. It was a combined effort with CNN all over the world. I was surprised by the comments from people in Indonesia, Pakistan, South Korea, South Africa, Italy, and other places. The Muslim countries say they will side with Iraq if there is a war, because they will see it as an attack on Islam. Even though they see Saddam as a fanatic, they also see Bush as just as much a fanatic. A student in S. Africa asked if the U.S. will require it's friends to disarm too, or only their enemies..............and "who made America the boss?"

    Nelson Mandela was the most effective I thought. He said Bush isn't using his mind, and kind of made a joke about his intellect, and said he isn't his father.

    A woman in the audience said that she was tired of people complaining about France and Germany not supporting a war. She said "remember, they lived through war, not that many years ago. Maybe they remember what it's like."

    Lots of good points made. It was kind of a wake up call for me, that Americans aren't admired as much as we might hope.

    I'm against a war, of any kind. FYI

    Edited by - mulan on 8 February 2003 17:22:36

  • Robdar


    What you say is true. What I am concerned about is our allies joining forces against us. Afterall, many of them feel that the war with Iraq is not necessary and is only the US using its power to gain a foot hold in the region.

    Thanks for your comments.

    Love ya,


  • Robdar

    Even though they see Saddam as a fanatic, they also see Bush as just as much a fanatic.


    Excellent point. I can't say that I disagree. I wish that I had seen the Oprah show. Thanks for posting.

    Love ya,


  • freedom96

    Whether or not the US has the support of other countries really doesn't matter. It makes things easier, sure, but ultimately the US will do what it needs to do.

    We are the country everyone else looks to when they need help. They may complain, but when push comes to shove, they will do nothing to stop it. They know it will only harm them in the future.

    They try, and they will get same same wrath that Iraq will get.

  • DevonMcBride

    According to the media, Iraq's army is a fraction of what it was during the Gulf War. Saddam's military is poorly trained and they are using outdated machinery and weapons. The aircraft he is using is so old, they can't even get replacement parts. A few weeks ago Saddam recruited many young boys to fight in his army and didn't even train them. All they know how to use is a gun. During the Gulf War a large percentage of his army gave up and surrendered. This will probably happen again.

  • bigboi

    Besides any surprises they may have waiting for our forces, I'm not all that concerned about the actual war over there. It will be what it will be and will possibly have a far greater effect on the ppl of Iraq and the surrounding regions than any of us. However what will effect us is the aftermath. How will extrmeists respond? Will this action by the gov, deter terrorism or simply add fuel to the fire. What will be our long-term goals in Iraq? Can we afford to keep a significant military presence there? How will this afect the governments seeming inattention to domestic issues, like the states currently being either broke or forcasting huge deficits?

    Edited by - bigboi on 8 February 2003 18:43:54

  • Mary

    I wonder how I'd look in a burka...........

    Seriously though, I can't see the USA losing............Bush will use every weapon he's got before he surrenders to those assholes.

    Edited by - Mary on 8 February 2003 18:33:32

  • TR


    That's what you get for listening to DOprah. LOL!


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