What if the US loses?

by Robdar 97 Replies latest jw friends

  • Prisca

    Why hasn't Bush learnt the lesson of Sept 11?

    Prisca- what was this lesson Bush is supposed to have learned?

    Read the sentence I wrote before it.

    (emphasis mine) More propaganda. Hussein's probably saying the same thing about you guys.

    Are you serious?

    Yes. Propaganda is a very powerful tool. And the those who want you to believe certain things will use the media to push these ideas into your mind.

  • copsec

    I feel that while we won't lose, it will last awhile But, if we would have just went in there and done the job right last time we wouldn't be having this problem right now (at least not with Saddam). We should have taken care of it in the Gulf War. And I am so sorry there are people here who don't like our President..........those of you who condemn him, did you vote? Did you make a choice in who won? Or did you stay at home on Election Day cause you were too scared of what the WTBS told you for years about voting being wrong? IMHO, DON'T mouth off about a political leader if you did not take the time to make a choice.

  • Aztec

    And I am so sorry there are people here who don't like our President..........those of you who condemn him, did you vote? Did you make a choice in who won? Or did you stay at home on Election Day cause you were too scared of what the WTBS told you for years about voting being wrong? IMHO, DON'T mouth off about a political leader if you did not take the time to make a choice.

    But copsec, as Americans we have the right to free speech no matter what. I agree that it is annoying if people complain about a government but don't bother to do anything to change it; such as vote. However anyone is free to voice their opinion. As we saw with the last election debacle, however, it doesn't matter who you vote for because the American publics will was not respected. Thus we have Bush the usurper as our mouthpiece. I, however, did vote and always do. Unfortunatly I have unpopular political views and very infrequently do the people I vote for get elected. I'm hoping Nader will run again. I think he would have been an honest president.


  • xenawarrior
    It's due to the attitude that America has, that it's got the right to do anything it likes, and that it's got the right to force countries what it wants them to do, that has led America into the predictament that it's in.

    you mean that sentence Prisca? So, this is the lesson you feel Bush should have learned from Sept 11? Sept 11 is our own fault? WOW

    (emphasis mine) More propaganda. Hussein's probably saying the same thing about you guys.

    Are you serious?
    Yes. Propaganda is a very powerful tool. And the those who want you to believe certain things will use the media to push these ideas into your mind.

    Prisca- thank you- I understand propaganda quite well and know how it works.

    According to the media, Iraq's army is a fraction of what it was during the Gulf War. Saddam's military is poorly trained and they are using outdated machinery and weapons. The aircraft he is using is so old, they can't even get replacement parts. A few weeks ago Saddam recruited many young boys to fight in his army and didn't even train them. All they know how to use is a gun.

    Do you really believe that if Saddam says this same thing about the US military that anyone would actually believe him? Hardly.


    War is ugly. And few actually want war. Sometimes war is necessary. And for anyone who lives free in this United States, the freedom you enjoy was fought for on many battlefields.

    For that- I am grateful to all of those who fought for that freedom.


  • AGuest
    You can't force social change with bombs and bullets.

    Yes, you can. Well, sort of. For it IS true that even during the 1960's PEACE MARCHES of the Civil Rights Movement... bombs... and bullets... were used. Just not by those who were FOR social change.

    Peace (truthfully) to you!

    A slave of Christ,

    SJ, who is still trying to figure out WHY:

    1. If the events of 9/11 is the 'gist' of this whole thing, as many, including some here, wish to claim, Iraq, which is NOT allied with Al-Qaieda, is the target of war, versus Pakistan (oh, and some rich folks in Texas), which is at least "anti-US"... and

    2. If terrorism is such a threat, since the events of Oklahoma, in which BABIES were killed, domestic militias are not targeted for disarmament, but are allowed to keep and "bear arms", pursuant to the 2nd Amendment of the US Constitution, but foreign countries, which have their OWN people to protect and OWN form of rules/regs are threatened to "bow down" to rules "we" don't even enforce on our own... and

    3. "We" assume that ALL citizens of certain foreign countries dislike their governments and so should be helped to overthrow them, but PLEASE GOD... don't let 'em want to leave that country and come over here to live...

    4. Especially in light of this country's very... ummmm... "special" history, wherein just about a 100 years ago, a major faction of the population (aka former black slaves living under "Jim Crow" laws... and poor whites) disliked THEIR "government", but no other country made it their business to come over here and overthrow Uncle Sam...

    But then, pardon me, for who am I to open and my eyes and ears and PAY ATTENTION to the FACTS... versus making a rather poor judgment call against people I don't even know and who don't know me or wish me any ill-will...

  • JeffT

    Bush did not usurp the will of the people. Al Gore tried to side step the US Constitution. Here is the relevant clause, from Article II, section 1:

    Clause 2: Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector.

    Note that only the legislatures of the states can determine the method of selecting electors. The courts, governors, presidents etc have no power in this matter. Under Florida law the secretary of state was to certify the results of the election by a particular date. As of that date certified results showed that Bush carried the state. No one had the authority to order the continued counting of Chads, examing chicken entrails, whatever, to try to get a different result. End of story. Bush won. Deal with it.

  • Elsewhere

    What if the US loses?
    What if I fart a genie out of my a$$ and get three wishes?

  • seawolf
    What if I fart a genie out of my a$$ and get three wishes?

    That depends. Will Robin Williams be the voice of the genie?

  • Shakita

    Mary wanted to know what she would look like in a burka......

    Islam Women's Veil - Burka / Bourka Afghanistan Pakistan

    These Muslim women's burkas are available in blue or black.
    $150.00 each
    click here for ordering info
    COLLECTIBLE ETHNOGRAPHIC MUSLIM COSTUME FROM CENTRAL ASIA. Contemporary burka (bourka burqa) beautiful periwinkle blue or black mixed silk & rayon material with elaborate silk needlework, a bit more embroidered and pretty in the design than the taliban prefer for their women-folk's standard "uniforms". This full length veil attached to a shaped cap has a woven silk mesh through which a woman conducts her social interaction, negotiating the perilous streets of Kabul or Peshawar with "major blind spots". This veil / shawl is a woman's costume when she goes out in public in Afghanistan & Pakistan, where she is not to have a shape discernable to within 50 lbs of her actual weight. Worn over her personal clothes, the burka can provide a degree of anonymity for a woman who feels shy making eye contact with strangers. American women will like this burka for the gorgeous colorful fabric and detailed embroidery, but also for the
    educational value ... wearing one in public in America is a unique experience. Measures 61 inches from crown of cap to
    longest point on the back of the veil, 33 inches crown to hem in front. Very slightly worn, if at all. See images for scale.

    See Mary, you too can be very fashionable(and sexy) in your hooded prison. And, for only $150.00!


    I have read countless stories, some of which I have posted here, on the atrocities happening on a daily basis in Iraq by Saddam's regime. They are stories of horror and any freedom loving person would be disgusted by them.

    I know that these same horrors are happening around the globe, but when you couple the human rights violations with the weapons of mass destruction the regime has, they are a very volatile combination.

    Should we invest our own sons and daughters lives to fight for another countrie's freedom from a butcher dictator?

    Should we turn a blind eye to the suffering of the people of Iraq who live with sanctions that are crippling them?

    Should we go out of our way to liberate the people, knowing that any war will cause innocents to die?

    Right now there are people from Iraq in this country who have fled from their homeland because Saddam has murdered, tortured, and have taken away family members never to be seen again. They are here and telling their stories of horror hoping someone will listen. What if we listen and not react? Does that make us just as guilty?

    North Korea already has nukes. Jong is a complete lunatic. Do we want another lunatic in the area to have them, too.

    Innocent people will die if there is a war in Iraq. But, innocent people have been dying, and will continue to die with the butcher of Iraq and his Son in control. There are no easy answers.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • manon

    Do you all think these burkas come in red? They'll match my red pumps fabulously.


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