life is good when you can get CBC in 3 timezones!!! it has helped work out some of the bugs...including a station in Manitoba Lady Lee
It is amazing how many JW officials evaded the camera. And the PR Thomas guy is a real treat
The footage they got though from Grant Horner was telling. Evade, evade, evade. We know what you're driving now, guys. You can't hide from the ubiquitous camera!
Bill Bowen was right: the FOURTH goal is the child...underneath all the protect-my-arse mentality of the theocracy beaurocracy.
"You're that little piece of mold in the bread that would spread to everyone else..." - Vicki Boer.
There are so many quotable quotes...when I have time I should make a big list.
"Two instances; is a tidal wave in my opinion"