TV.JW.ORG (September 2015) - Generation explained again

by Designer Stubble 210 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • rege  brazzy
    rege brazzy
    it is difficult to understand because it is fruit of gbimagination...the generation that Jesus said was His generation 33 C.E TO 70 C.e
  • stuckinarut2

    So this doctrine is just like the old illustration of the frog in boiling water....(if a frog is put into water that is ever so slowly brought to the boil, it does not realise or feel the change until it is too late)

    It seems that witnesses already IN THE WATER don't realise just how much the doctrines and teachings are changing all around them. They just keep swimming and accepting the environment of teachings the GB feed them...

    However, for those OUTSIDE of the water, it is so plain to see that it is all very, very strange and pathetic....

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once
    We fulfill prophecy! We are the measuring line for prophecy! How do you know God has appointed us as the ones? We told you so, silly. Do what we say or die at Christ's hand. We are the answer! Dipshits.
  • rege  brazzy
    rege brazzy
    please send me a link about the TV.JW SEPTEMBER PROGRAM
  • FayeDunaway
    Stuckinarut, are you working on 'illustrations' tonight?? I give you a 'good' mark!
  • Oubliette
    They just plagiarized this chart I made a year and a half ago to point out how stupid this teaching is:

    I think mine is more clear, but that's just me!

  • notsurewheretogo

    At least DS admitted that Jehoover will be anointing loads in the future...that explains the increase!

    What a shower of absolute shite...mental gymanstics at best.

  • Oubliette

    It is more than likely that Mark Sanderson did not begin partaking until AFTER Fred Franz died. This means that he is categorically NOT a member of the "second part" of the "overlapping generation." This is, I believe, the reason why the WT writers came up with the third group of "anointed ones" a little more than a year ago.

    Thus, not every anointed person today is included in “this generation” of whom Jesus spoke.- WT, January 15, 2014, p. 31, paragraph 16

    Classic cult damage control to explain away Marky-Mark.

  • rege  brazzy
    rege brazzy
  • Oubliette

    This Overlapping Generation teaching is really complete nonsense.

    I year or so ago, I trying to wrap my head around the latest "update" to it in that week's WT Study article; not to try and understand it--because, hey, it's nonsense--but to make clear to any lurkers how silly and implausible it all is. - Watchtower, January 15, 2014, p. 30-31, paragraphs 14 - 16.

    Here's my take on it then and now (see also my chart posted above):

    So, apparently, there are now three groups of "anointed" ones:
    1. Those anointed before 1914
    2. Those anointed after 1914, but before the death of the last of those in group #1.
    3. Those anointed after the death of the last person in group #1. (See point #2 above)


    Although not mentioned in the January 2014 article, the key person in this concept is Frederick William Franz. Born in 1893, Franz was baptized in 1913 or 1914, making him part of the first group. He is also presumably the last person of the first group to die. Franz died on December 22, 1992.

    According to the January 2014 WT, the first two groups comprise the "this generation" that Jesus mentioned at Matthew 24:34, albeit in an "overlapping" manner. The third group is explicitly NOT part of "this generation."

    Thus, not every anointed person today is included in “this generation” of whom Jesus spoke. - w2014, 1/15, p. 32, para. 16

    Careful readers of this month's talk by Splane and previous study articles will note that there is no scriptural references or evidence of any kind to support this new twist on the "Overlapping Generation" idea. It is all just unfounded assertion.

    But hey, who needs evidence when you're the leaders of a cult.

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