by rich_1961 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    Hi Rich,

    We will still talk to you, if you come back. We do not shun people here. We are not afraid of the truth.

    Good Luck

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Hi Dick,

    Don't pay any attention to people who suggest that YOU are the person who controls your life, Dick. Remember Dick, that the demons are the ones who are really in control, just like in that movie. Get yourself down to the Kingdom Hall right away, Dick - you are just the sort of person that Jehovah's Witnesses are looking for - you have demonstrated that you have the right heart condition, and more importantly, Dick, the right head condition.

    Dick, perhaps you recall from your earlier association with The Lord's People (tm) that Jehovah's Witnesses offer the most spiritually advanced treatment plan for your problems and the problems experienced by lots of other people - you need to submit to mind numbing cult indoctrination study your Watchtower magazines, talk to yourself out loud pray to Jehovah with all your heart and work as an unpaid salesman for a Brooklyn book publishing company spend time in the door-to-door ministry. THAT is what will solve your problems, Dick.

    In a situation like yours, Dick, YOUR BRAIN IS YOUR ENEMY! Do not use it - seek the counsel of the wise elders in your local Kingdom Halls, and live your life exclusively according to their hypocritical whims theocratic instructions.

    If those things, don't work for you, Dick, remember that there is always the resurrection. I'm sure you find that comforting. The Bible-based (tm) fact, Dick, is that this life DOES NOT MATTER. This life is only a dress rehersal for the life you will have after you've stopped living. Armageddon is just around the corner - can't you feel it in the air? Look at world conditions - people are using SPRAY CHEESE, for Christsakes!! How much clearer does it have to get?

    Be a good Dick - get yourself to the Kingdom Hall.

  • Francois

    Rich - I CAN AND DO understand exactly where you're at with drugs. I am on fentanyl, a drug that's about 50 times as strong as heroin. Prior to that, I was on 200 mg/day oxycontin. I've experienced the horror of wds. I KNOW what I'm talking about. And I KNOW that they have nothing for you at any Kingdom Hall on this planet. That's because the elders, none of them, are trained to provide the kind of help and counseling you need. In fact what you need is looked DOWN on by the society since it includes psychological counseling. What you will get at the KH is attempts to manipulate you through guilt. You will be told that what you need to do is go to more meetings, pray more, and get yourself out in service more. None of these things will help the problem you have.

    I think what you need is treatment with a newly approved drug called Subutex (I'm assuming the drugs you're talking about are opiates, opiate-based prescription medication, or heroin). Neither AA nor NA will give you a fair shake if you're taking Subutex to help you off opiates, etc., because in their view, you're still on drugs. They make no distinction about why you're on a given drug. However, what you do need is an appointment with an addiction specialist. Ask him about either Subutex, or Suboxone for getting off your drug. If it's some other type drug, he'll know what to do about that as well. Getting off isn't the problem it used to be. STAYING off is a much bigger problem.

    Once you're off your drug, THEN go to NA or AA or both. These people can offer actual assistance that will work. The JWs have nothing, man, nothing for you.

    Also, come back here. We can offer support and we can offer truth - something the JWs can't even begin to offer to you. The others are right, by the way. There's no demon making you take these drugs. YOU are doing this to yourself. And if you don't accept responsibility for your actions, but blame instead little demons running 'round in your head, you'll NEVER get off your drugs. You CAN and SHOULD ask God to help you with this problem. JWs, however, will tell you that God will not hear you until you get yourself straightened out. They'll tell you this even though Jesus said that he came here to help sinners, not the righteous. Don't you see there's something wrong with that? And that ain't all there's something wrong with.

    Decide what you want to do. If you'd like to deal direct with me in private, let me know and I'll arrange it. If you want to go back to the KH and see what kind of "help" you get there, go ahead. When you get back here after they've failed you again, I'll still be here, still willing to help you through this, willing to take the steps with you, and with no judging. You decide.

    Standing by

  • calamityjane

    Hey Dick.

    Lyineyes is right, the jw religion is a cult. You say you've been associated with jw's for a long time. Well just because you associate doesn't mean you know what its all about. Yeah, they're going to be nicest people on this earth, because they have an agenda. They want to suck you into the vortex of their beliefs, and then you become part of the borg. But you step out of line once you're in there, they'll spit you out just as fast.

    You do need professional help. Our hearts go out to you. You won't find the professional help through the jw's.

  • bikerchic

    LOL @ Nathan Natas:

    Look at world conditions - people are using SPRAY CHEESE, for Christsakes!! How much clearer does it have to get?

    go here for pic,

    Katie (of the lighten up and get a life class)

    Edited by - bikerchic on 19 January 2003 12:31:16

  • back2dafront


    you were either in the wrong congergation.or you have a problem with jws in general

    Shouldn't all the congregations be the same? Is the congregation she referred to going to die at Armeggedon?

    Good luck in your recovery. Be assured that there are numerous people here that can relate to you and assist you. These people have something here to offer to you that the Witnesses can't - A WELL-ROUNDED VIEWPOINT. You were right, there are a lot of nice people in the organization, however the thing they lack is that a lot of them have only been exposed to the JW culture the majority of their life. Their answer for everything is based on information they read amongst the Society's publications. It stands to reason that if the Society, being imperfect humans, ever got a bit of information incorrect, the whole organization would be taught the wrong thing. You must realize that in life it is an absolute necessity to CROSS REFERENCE MATERIAL to get to the real answer. For example, people go to several doctors to get several diagnosis on what is possibly wrong with them. You would think one doctor would be enough because they all study the same course to graduate, right?

    All I'm saying is don't slam the door shut on anyone who offers suggestions that differ from what is taught in the Kingdom Hall. In order to find out the truth, one must challenge the huge amount of facts, philosophies, principles, etc out there to gain a REAL accurate knowledge of the world and religion. You can't just take what the Catholics tell their people, or what the Mormons tell their people, etc. as FACT and LAW, because obviously these organizations have an agenda to support and they WILL taint information in a way to support their cause. I'm sorry Rich but Jehovah's Witnesses are guilty of this as well, and there is PLENTY of evidence to support that.

    As everyone has already stated, please get professional help with your alcohol and drug problems. Please don't think that your problem is a result of you not going to the meetings, because tons of people have left the organization or never even been a part of the organization and don't have those problems. I walked away from the Headquarters in Brooklyn - yes, i've tried drugs before, yes I drink occasionally, but I have no addictions whatsoever and I'm a very happy person as well. So yeah...get help from professionals who help people like you as a living and also because their heart is into it.

    Good luck my friend.



  • Mary

    ".....hello everyone.my name is richard and i would like to come back to the truth......"

    Go for it. Here's your new suit that you can wear to the meetings and out in Service.

  • Buster

    ... well, so do I. Problem is, I've seen what's behind the green door and it ain't there.

    Dig out from your drug and alchohol problems! Tha's the bes you can do. Lots of people need to replace one addiction with another, hopefully less-harmful addition. But the purpose of ditching the drug and alchohol is so your mind can function and you can make better decisions for yourself <-- the key word there is 'yourself'.

  • rich_1961

    what the heck are you people doing on this site if your so set against jw's....? you or most of you obviously have no life....or you would be off persuing your interests.instead of being on a religious site that you dont want any part of.....! im confused here.

  • outoftheorg

    HI Dick. You want to go back to the JW's ? Go for it man. If thats your thing, do the walk.

    If after a couple of years you feel all torqued up and confused and pissed off.

    Come back and check in with us. We'd be glad to help if we can.


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