Most ridiculous statements from the JW stage?

by Smiles 69 Replies latest jw experiences

  • AlanF

    A brother who knew no more about science than he did about the Queen's private parts was assigned the old talk "Man's Littleness In Relation To God". At one point he quoted a scripture (Job?) about the sea, and how the Bible said about the border between land and sea, "here your proud waves are limited". He said, "See? Man doesn't know why the sea doesn't just flood in over the land. Why, when you're standing on the beach, you look out over the water and you can SEE that the water is higher than the land! Why does it stay out there?" I had a lot of trouble not laughing out loud.


  • LB

    Sisters that wear boots just want to be lesbians.

    So I suppose I should forbid my wife from having female friends????

  • ThiChi

    During a Public Talk the Speaker proclaimed:

    "If the Society claimed that the moon was made out of cheese, I would believe it, no matter what others would say.."

    I was a good Dub then, and it still made me sick.

    Or, once on stage a Brother exclaimed:

    "Some say we are brain washed. So, I ask, what is wrong with a clean brain?"

    Hahaaaaa wooowa! Yea!

    Hey, undercover:

    Were you attending the La' mert AH in LA at the Time? I remember the same thing.........

    Edited by - thichi on 9 January 2003 12:8:21

  • Gedanken


    I have heard similar things said about the tides. One that always used to bug me was an elder who everytime he gave that same talk (or one similar) would point out, incorrectly, that "no one knows why ice floats" (which stops lakes freezing from the bottom up); ergo there must be a Creator. Another elder used to claim as proof of the Flood that Bird's Eye (a frozen foods company) once tried to flash freeze an elephant but that it had rotted on the inside before it could be frozen. Therefore the only way the Mammoths could have been flash frozen with fresh food intact in their bellies was if there was a Flood..

    Yet another brother, not an elder, used to state (although I can't swear he actually said it from the platform) that the only mathematics a child needed to know was that 1914 + 607 = 2520 after correcting for there being no year Zero. Then again this individual kept a German Shepherd dog constantly tied up in his house and which he fed almost exclusively on raw carrots - I don't know if that was due to poverty or because animals were originally created to be vegans. Either way the dog was pretty pissed off most of the time and had to be avoided.

    Another elder refused, and also refused to allow his wife and kids, to brush their teeth, since "Adam didn't need a toothbrush." This guy sold ice cream from an ice cream van. He parked the van outside his house and so the local kids would often come knocking asking for ice cream. This sometimes happened before the book study which was held at his house - so up he'd jump, and this was what was funny, he'd don his ice-cream-man outfit first, go sell them the ice cream and then come back, tale of his outfit and do thestudy. I suppose that was the thing to do on grounds of hygiene but it was pretty funny - but imagine buying ice cream from someone who refuses to brush his teeth. He also was the elder who would work with you in field service and then ask if you were having problems with self-abuse, explaining that he used to have a terrible problem with it. After he'd told us this we all used to tell him "no, not me" and that was that. He wasn't too happy but what could he do? Tell us that it was normal?

    Of course this is all pretty mild stuff compared to the statements routinely made in WTS publications.


  • Swan

    From a circuit assembly, "Sisters should not wear dark colored pantyhose because that's what prostitutes wear."

    This was at a congregation meeting. "We will have rocket ships after Armageddon in order to shoot all of the garbage from the cleanup into the sun." Apparently this is an interpretation of the scripture about the "sun, being intensely hot, will melt the elements" or something like that. I don't have a NWT anymore.

    I think this was a special event or an assembly. "There will have to be a phone system in every part of the earth to fulfill the prophecy about earthquakes. People will call each other up to say 'We are having an earthquake!' and the other end will answer 'So are we!' and then they will know that Armageddon is here."

    "Jehovah will destroy the ships at sea by sending giant squids up from the deep to attack them." This came from watching too much Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, I think.

    Book study conductor in referring to artificial heart recipient, Barney Clark, "It will be interesting to see how his personality will change, because without a real heart with human feelings, he will be just like some zombie."

    At a congregation meeting, "All in the Family is not a good show for Christians to watch because they are always making mean remarks about black people, Polish, and other races."


  • undercover
    Hey, undercover:

    Were you attending the La' mert AH in LA at the Time? I remember the same thing.........

    No, it wasn't there that I heard it. It was an Eastern seaboard state though. That's all the information I can divulge at the moment. Sorry. Us undercover folks have to be careful. Maybe one day I can reveal more.

    I remember during a talk on evolution an elder made a statement that the universe is constantly shrinking and that measurement is relative. We just all kinda looked at each other and shrugged. Huh?

  • SheilaM

    Pleading total amnesia to remembering the talks

  • JeffT

    "Reading the AWAKE! is equivalent to getting a college education."

  • AlanF

    Hey, Gedanken!

    : I have heard similar things said about the tides. One that always used to bug me was an elder who everytime he gave that same talk (or one similar) would point out, incorrectly, that "no one knows why ice floats" (which stops lakes freezing from the bottom up); ergo there must be a Creator.

    The logic of "we are so stupid and don't understand everything therefore there must be a loving Creator" always escaped me.

    : Another elder used to claim as proof of the Flood that Bird's Eye (a frozen foods company) once tried to flash freeze an elephant but that it had rotted on the inside before it could be frozen. Therefore the only way the Mammoths could have been flash frozen with fresh food intact in their bellies was if there was a Flood.

    Hah! I remember this bit of nonsense but can't remember where it originated. In Awake! perhaps? Anyway, when I was in my first year at MIT in 1979 I decided to contact someone in the Mechanical Engineering department to see if I could verify what sort of conditions it would take to flash freeze a mammoth. The professor I finally talked to looked at me like I was nuts, and I seem to recall his saying that the Bird's Eye story was an urban legend. I didn't really believe him, but I was at a dead end. A little later I started trying to prove that there really was a Noah's Flood (this was for an Anthropology paper). I looked up the original references whenever I found in WTS literature some references to "frozen mammoths" and such. To my horror I discovered that the very idea of "flash frozen mammoths" was invented in the 1950s by a charalatan name Ivan Sanderson, who the Society was in the habit of quoting. Turns out that Sanderson embellished the fact that lots of frozen mammoths have been found (this got a big kickstart in the late 19th century with the writings of the armchair geologist Henry Howorth, who embellished the reports of Arctic explorers, and another in 1950 when Immanuel Velikovsky's nonsensical Worlds in Collision got a lot of ignorant media attention), by claiming, without any evidence, that the frozen carcasses were quick frozen. I looked up the original 1903 Smithsonian Institution report on the Siberian Berezovka mammoth (the Society has long printed a picture of a restoration of this in writings about the Flood) and found that the men who excavated the carcass from the frozen ground specifically stated that all the internal organs were rotten. The only parts of the carcass that were well preserved were the outer portions such as the shoulder meat, which of course could freeze in a few days without rotting when exposed to near-freezing water followed by a gradual freeze-up. It became obvious to me that Watchtower writers had read the report, since they were publishing pictures of it, and so it was clear that they were simply lying to the JW community about the existence of "quick-frozen" mammoths in order to pretend that there is solid evidence of Noah's Flood.

    : Of course this is all pretty mild stuff compared to the statements routinely made in WTS publications.

    True enough. I don't have the reference at hand, but about the best description I've read about Watchtower mentality came from one Alan Rogerson, who wrote a book Millions Now Living Will Never Die: The Story of Jehovah's Witnesses. He wrote something like this: "JW writers live in an intellectual twilight zone. Whenever their publications stray into any severe academic field such as science or theology, they at best mirror popular misconceptions and at worst are complete nonsense."


    Edited by - AlanF on 9 January 2003 14:10:31

  • AlanF

    Ok, I found my reference to Rogerson's statement:

    A long acquaintance with the literature of the Witnesses leads one to the conclusion that they live in the intellectual 'twilight zone.' That is, most of their members, even their leaders, are not well educated and not very intelligent. Whenever their literature strays onto the fields of philosophy, academic theology, science or any severe mental discipline their ideas at best mirror popular misconceptions, at worst they are completely nonsensical. (Alan Rogerson, Millions Now Living Will Never Die: A Study of Jehovah's Witnesses, p. 116, Constable, London, 1969.)


    Edited by - AlanF on 9 January 2003 14:10:59

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