Most ridiculous statements from the JW stage?

by Smiles 69 Replies latest jw experiences

  • riz

    lmao @ Running Man


  • Elsewhere

    Guess I'm gonna have to go and get some black underwear!!!

  • heathen

    Don't forget the fish nets and garters with that elsewhere. lol

  • Smiles

    Here is one that was emphatically declared from a District Convention stage:

    "The congregation Elders are the best counselors available.......because they base their counsel strictly from God's Word the Holy Bible!"

    I guess no P.H.D. could ever measure up to those expert credentials.........

    Another JW "cure-all"?

  • yumbby

    Actually the last meeting I attended, the brother said that men and women had no business being friends, because they was no such thing as a "platonic relationship". If any brothers and sisters were in the congregation claimed to be just friends they were lying. Men and women were not capable of not allowing sex into a relationship. My husband just looked at me and said "were going" and we never went back. Straw that broke the camels back. This was a public talk, he went on to say alot of other inane things that were so weird.

  • Dismembered

    "Millions Now Living, Will Never Die"

    ha ha ha

  • Pistoff

    "One time at the congregation an elder made the comment that children could not enter the kingdom on their parents coat tails"

    THIS was said at my kingdom hall not two months ago, by our CO. He made the exact statement:

    Minor, unbaptized children are not carried by their parents' faithfulness at Armageddon.

    Nice, huh? In other words, let's baptize(social contract) more minor children.

    Unbelievable. He seemed like such a nice guy.

    How about this:

    Our CO, JACK THOMAS, had just covered some material about the seriousness of husbands beating and abusing their wives; to summarize he said: Now that does NOT mean that if you husband slaps you up a bit, you can go running to the elders.

    HUH? That is EXACTLY what it means, Jack.

    What that CO said and did wrong and stupid would fill books.

    Does anyone else remember him?

  • Elsewhere
    One time at the congregation an elder made the comment that children could not enter the kingdom on their parents coat tails

    Sure sounds a lot like the old Catholic teaching that unbaptised infants went directly to hell. What's more... the JW's condemed the Catholics for teaching such a thing.

  • blondie
    I guess no P.H.D. could ever measure up to those expert credentials.........

    Smiles, what about


    More of the Same

    Piled Higher and Deeper


  • czarofmischief

    When the CO said that the sister who committed fornication and is havinga child should not be given a baby shower. Oh, yeah, thanks Brother-Never-Lived-In-The-Real-World, it's hard enough being a single mother without the complete opprobriaton of a social sector. Screw'em.

    He went on to say that if anyone offered her a gift she should turn it down, out of shame and dishonor.

    Pharisee Alert, anyone?


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