Most ridiculous statements from the JW stage?

by Smiles 69 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Stephanus

    Just imagine what other weird and wonderful things have been created as a result of mistranslation, and been accepted without any question...

    There's one example I can think of; a quite deadly one. My understanding is that the blood doctrine grew out of the anti-vaccination doctrine. One has been discarded, yet the one based on a false foundation has continued.

  • Smiles


    LOL!That would be about the only education degrees that most JW hierarchy possess!

  • Realist

    on one of the 5 meetings i attended an old (in his mid 80ties) sh**head from brooklyn came over to new jersey and gave a talk about the new order. he said how important it would be that the sisters in god's beautiful organisation would learn how to make bread rather than pursuing worldly carreers... he was afraid noone would know how to do it in the new system! what a BRAINDEAD MORON!

  • Englishman

    Fred Franz, Twickenham.

    ""Brothers, a Sister came up to me last night and said "Brother Franz, why must we take the children to the evening meetings, they get so tired staying up so late?", I said to that Sister: "Which would you prefer, Sister, a tired child or a dead child?""


  • ashitaka


    I sure there were whispers of admiration in the audience at that lame attempt at being profound. What an ass.

    Brother Franz, what is it like in heaven?

    "Very hot"


  • TR


    Just imagine what other weird and wonderful things have been created as a result of mistranslation, and been accepted without any question...

    That pretty much sums up the lot of 'hovah teachings. LOL!


  • TR


    She said peer pressure is difficult because of the intense stares of opposers peering at Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Another HA! Christ all Mikey this crap is funny, though embarrassingly funny. LOL! This is what happens when we concentrate on being in a cult rather than a real education.


  • Farkel

    I heard my PO at a DFing of two young sisters say, "nice girls don't get pregnant."

    So, only sluts should be allowed to get pregnant, huh? What would the world be like if he had his way? By the way, several years later, his single daughter became pregnant. I wonder if that deleted wit remembered his own words when that happened.


    Edited by - Englishman on 10 January 2003 13:25:50


    We actually had a brother make the claim that we might be able to live on the moon in the New System. Thats right on the moon. Now here I am devoting my life to this org so I can live forever on EARTh and this nut case tells me we might even live on the moon. LUDACRIS!!


  • dobby

    The brother giving a talk on the Creation book saying "amonia acids" repeatedly instead of "amino acids".

    The DO who slipped on one white glove during a talk about obedience. He stated "nobody is going to tell me what to do", whilst waving his gloved hand in imitation of Michael Jackson.

    The elder who said that we shouldn't be doing TAE Bo because their was a Tao symbol on the packaging AND the instructor claimed to believe in a higher power. (like JW's don't ?)

    The numerous times brothers have said that women are the weaker vessel because they are: physically, emotionally and intellectually inferior to men, can't make decisions on their own, are not logical but too emotional and are basically screwed up because of having a menstrual cycle.

    The CO who said that if we are happy and comfortable we aren't doing enough for the kingdom. ANd then later said that there is something wrong with us if we aren't joyful because God is a happy god.

    And my all time favorite...the book study conduter that tried to compare the four cherubs surrounding Jah's throne to the wizard of OZ

    and i quote "it's kind of like the tin man with the heart and the lion with the courage" what the hell?

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