The Elders are coming over

by Princess 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • Princess

    The more the merrier mum! Cool idea. If this happens then an impromptu apostafest is in order!

    We plan to sit in the front row.

  • Shakita

    Wow! First Scully, now you. I wonder how many more of us here who are just inactive are going to be getting that visit or phone call from the caring elders soon?

    My question to them when they come: "How do you guys sleep at night knowing the families you destroy through the unbiblical shunning policy you enforce?"

    Keep us informed on what happens.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • Mulan

    I know we will be next. Same congregation.

    I sent this to Princess a few minutes ago: "Ask that elder why no action was taken against his son for assaulting his ex wife in a public place, and spending a weekend in jail. I'll bet that will put him on the defensive. In front of another elder too. :)" He probably thinks it's a private family thing.

    That will be the kicker.

  • bigfloppydog

    Make sure you hang that MistleToe and give him a big kiss to welcome him.

  • Trotafox

    Hey, Princess! Got any mistletoe?


  • Trotafox

    Hey, BigFloppy. Great minds think alike.


  • outoftheorg

    Well now! Mum sorta beat me to it.

    But I have this visual picture in my mind of you both and anyone else that wants to, jumping up at the announcement of you being df'd and clapping hands singing haleluja free at last. I am around 800 miles away but I would drive there to see it.

    Probably too late huh?


  • Princess

    No point in making it ugly. I'm sure he has an agenda and will be quickly satisfied. Steve made it really clear he will not be evasive and will answer their questions directly. They will do what they will do.


  • LB

    Rachel tomorrow will be fine for donating the tree. Post the photos whenever you have time. I also expect to get a Hawaiian pic or two in my email you brat.

    It's hard to believe that they are doing this after 7 years. I mean you guys don't associate with anyone from the kingdom hall anyway.

  • Mulan

    Rachel, you should have some fun while you're at it. Why make it easy on them? You can really make him squirm.

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