Forbidden Pleasures ......

by BobsGirl 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • Prisca

    The best thing is not feeling guilty about doing any of the things you guys have mentioned!!!!!

  • BobsGirl


    Maybe I should sing for the Bengals ..... couldn't hurt!



  • SixofNine

    *blushes @ Beck*

  • Tinkerbell4125

    MARY, you KILLED me with that pic!!! DON'T DO THAT!

  • Swan


    I was just being facetious about the blood sausage, and yes, a bit of sexual innuendo too. However, it's nice to know that if I ever go to Spain and am offered blood sausage, it will be my prerogative as to whether to try it or not.


  • Mulan

    mouthy, you crack me up. (Young and the Restless)

    The WTS ban on soaps was ridiculous. They saved me from dying of boredom when I was a young wife and mother,...............and a not so young one too. I was never tempted to do what they did. Pure entertainment only.

    But, I gave them up for a long time. Eventually got hooked on Days of Our Lives and As the World Turns................again. I seldom watch any of them time to be on the computer if I did, but I got hooked on a story line of the Bold and the Beautiful a few months ago. That story line ended so I don't watch it anymore, but I might get back to it one day. I watch TV while I eat lunch, so sometimes watch B and B.

    Otherwise I was a good little dub.

  • justhuman

    I bought my self a couple of expensive Avana cigars and sad down and smoke them...

    I feld like Judge Rutherford

  • simplesally

    1--- bought my niece a birthday present for the first time in her life, she is 8 YEARS OLD now.

    2---organized the Xmas gift-giving/donation for the foster kids in our area

    3---had Thanksgiving Dinner with my dad for the first time in 12 years.

    4---bought decorations for the winter for the house (a Norseman who kinda looks like Santa is on my dining room table)

    5---went away for the weekend a while back with WORLDLY PEOPLE! Oh my!

    6---let WORLDLY people babysity my daughter so I could work and my husband could go to a COLLEGE football game (Notre Dame and USC) tonight.

    Oh I am so bad I should be disfellowshipped. Oops, I already am.

  • Elsewhere

    What was frustrating is that I never felt guilty when I broke a JW rule... in fact I always felt invigorated when I did. My only concern was having the brothers give me a hard time.

    Free at last! Free at last! Thank god almighty, I'm free at last!

  • happyout

    My first forbidden thing was the act of, uh, self pleasure. Before leaving, I swear, I was almost afraid to bathe thoroughly in case it felt too good. Now, I love doing fun things with my two year old son, like dressing him up as Blue (from Blues Clues) for Halloween. My family (who are die hard JWs) thought the pictures were SOO cute until they realized why he was dressed up Then suddenly, they didn't want to look at the pictures anymore. And my son sings happy birthday whenever he sees a lighted candle, and I love the looks on their faces. I love giving and receiving Christmas presents, going to see any movie I choose, singing whatever moves me, and reading whatever I choose. Most of all, I love myself for being myself.

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