Thinking about Bill Bowen...

by Pathofthorns 112 Replies latest jw friends

  • Brummie

    I'm sorry, but that kind of reasoning doesn't make my stomach feel any better.

    Lol, I guess the only reasoning that is acceptable is to reason that Ray and co are beyond our critisism (In saying our critisism I'm not not reffering to BB's Vicious ATTACK on ray)...I thought only the GB were beyond our critisism, now thats JW thinking.

    If your stomach is still upset, you may want to try an anti - biotic

    Just kidding with ya


  • Trauma_Hound

    You know, I see alot of comments from people, yet, I don't see any of you putting a phone line into your home for abuse victims, spending thousands of dollars out of your own pockets. It's really easy to critisize someone, when your not putting as much energy into something, as he/she is doing. I challenge all of you to do what BB is doing.

  • fjtoth

    Edited by - fjtoth on 21 November 2002 18:20:52

  • Trauma_Hound

    Then, get off your ass, and do something about it.

  • fjtoth

    Edited by - fjtoth on 21 November 2002 18:22:24

  • Simon

    It's Pat Garza who says publicly that Ted Jarasz of the Gov Body molested her when a District Overseer in Los Angeles, and Jarasz does not deny what she has said.

    nancee park, I don't know how many times you plan on repeating this ... I suspect at every opportunity whether it is being discussed or not.

    I will say again, the fact that he does not deny or explain himself, least of all to you, is not surprising in the least. If accusations like this are being made then they should be made in court where it counts, not on internet discussion forums.

    Anyone reading about all this for the first time will, I suspect, immediately think we are desparate to believe anything bad about the WTS that we hear and will turn off.

  • Prisca

    All these Bill vs Ray threads.... maybe Simon should create a new forum for them?

  • Jesus Christ
    Jesus Christ

    There have only been two points in this thread that I can agree with. Trauma Hound's and Simon's.

    Ok, so Bill has said some stuff that some of you may not agree with. That, of course, would mean that all of his other work is gone into the crapper because of that. I'm happy to see that people who have done nothing that even compares to what Bill has done offering their advice on why the Silent Lamb's issue is worthless now. I'm sure that with your vast experience with matters such as this that you would be able to do so much better.

    Also, I'm sorry, but Nancee, you're a nut job. You latch onto any little rumor or paranoid expression and act like its the biggest thing in the world. If you want to publicize established facts that have been documented and proven that's fine but stop making all us other apostates look like raving loons. Yes, yes, I know you'll probably label me, or anyone else that dare disagree with you, as a WT mole because we're not as supportive of your delusional ramblings as you would like but truth be told, how are we to know that you're not a mole yourself? You're very active in attempting to distribute anti-JW material in one of the most offensive ways possible (spamming people) and on top of that the material is often so far out in left field its left the park. What better way to discredit apostates than to make them appear as paranoid jerks? Of all the people on this board that I would suspect of being a "spy" for the WT my very first guess would be you.

    Yeah, if you have a problem with Bill or the Silent Lambs issue, go out and start something better yourself. Yeah, Bill may not be absolutely perfect (especially all the continued stress that he's under) but I'd still take him over just about anyone else I can think of to lead it and you should be ashamed of yourselves, all of you, if you think you're helping the children of JW's by trashing him because he may have said some stuff that you disagree with.

  • RevMalk

    Simon, for what it's worth, I happen to know for a fact that there is proof to these allegations and many others just like them. I think it's a tactic they use. Kim was there the day Pat came forward, and I'm sure she was aware of what was happening. I can't say anymore for obvious reasons, but rest assured, we don't always know the grand plan, and for good reason. and please don't take this as me just 'sticking' up for Bill, I'm so sick of hearing it :)

    I stick up for him when it counts, and keep my mouth shut when it doesn't. Over-all I just don't see where the guy did this much harm. Maybe I'm stupid, but I don't see it. You know how stressfull all this can be, I'm pulling my hair out with just the site itself. It's impossible to know until you have lived it, and I would have NEVER made it as far as Bill has. I've gained alot of respect for him while working with him (and even wanted to stangle him from time to time, haha), but I just don't know how he does it, and then to constantly get hammered like this, it's just enough to drive a person over the edge.

    Oh well, I said I'd shut up about it and here I am rambling......I'll keep quiet now :)

  • Brummie


    It's just a bit beyond my comprehension that the fine reputation of good Christian men is now suspect

    I am not one of the people who has blasted anyone on any other forum. For me Ray's fine reputation is not tarnished by anything BB said. though I still admit to being disappointed by all involved that still doesnt make me wish to fold my arms and stomp over the doesnt tarnish either of them either. THEY ARE ONLY MEN and I only ever defended them as being such. They are are already tarnished with the same stuff you and I are tarnished with, sin or imperfection or the ability to speak out of line occasionally or what ever your definition of fallen humanity is. I saw the arguments from both sides and now defend neither one, they both had valid points and since I do not follow either man I had no problem seeing th validity from both arguments, obviousely some people have no desire to look for the valid points in someone they disagree with. I got tired of the same thread being re titled and re-ashed. I saw good arguments from both sides and refused to dismiss everything BB said just because I disagreed with some of it. Neither do I dismiss everything RF said just because I dont believe everything he says. This all might sound unreasonable to you, but I've seen things written that are far more unreasonable against BB and RF, perhaps I will exit the thread respectfully now.


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