Thinking about Bill Bowen...

by Pathofthorns 112 Replies latest jw friends

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    DannyBear said:

    So anyone that takes an alternate view, is fodder for your rebuke. This is typical of so many activists, it is the reason many choose to simply stay out of the lime light. It is not worth the effort, just because people like you, Grits, Undiss, RevMalk, cannot accept anything less than full compliance.

    I resent that statement. And I could very easily say that this statement was indeed slander or libel.

    But, unlike some people, I am going to forgive you for making that statement, because I understand that that statement was your opinion.

    Probably the main reason I first started to doubt the JW's is because of the Governing Body not allowing anyone to have "Independant Thinking".

    Let me make this very clear -- ANYONE (that means ANYONE) who tells you that you must follow them and go along with everything they say 100%, is flat-out WRONG!

    If anyone does that, then you have every reason to be upset.

    I am absolutely, completely 100% in favor of FREE SPEECH and FREE EXPRESSION!

    Thank God that we are allowed to have those Freedoms in this Country (at least for now), and Thank Simon for allowing this Website to have those Freedoms!

    Better not speak the truth, better not exspress your honest opionion, you might not get to testify. Well my friend all the prep, all the coaching in the world, does not change the truth. Is it the truth your looking for, or just well stated testimony?


    Never Stop Expressing Your Honest Opinions -- Ever!

    Don't let anyone take those Freedoms away.

    And, I don't want anyone to try and take those Freedoms from me either.

    Peace to you DannyBear!

  • DannyBear


    I'am very glad you agree with me about 'free speech' and expressing opinions. 'Forgiving' me for having them as well........

    What Hawk has implied as regards posting by COJ, RF, JP, Frank Toth, is very disturbing to me. Although technically he may be correct in his advice, the end result of his admonition is to suggest that one must 'hide' under an 'anonymous' name, before revealing 'the truth' as regards an opinion expressed on these boards.

    What he is suggesting smacks of 'political correctness', which imo has been the catalyst for so much loss of 'freedoms' we used to enjoy. From every corner of debate, every 'special interest', cherished cause, the message is the better not say, intimate, express, any word or phrase, that may or could be construed as 'against the cause'. Jokes and humor are now suspect in every nuance and word. I despise 'political correctness' makes people appear one way, when the very opposite may be true.

    Don't we have enough deceit, enough lies, to deal with in life? Why must we heap more 'guilt', more frustration, on those who may have something very important to say. Rewarding those who maintain 'pc' and hiding thier identities, with the 'carrot' of 'you may now be able to testify'. Oh and lets not forget, have the attorney's, really, really prep them, coach them well, so that the poor repressed sod, doesn't make one mistake.............god forbid.


  • herk


    I think you misunderstood Hawkaw. He was advocating discretion, not political correctness. Jesus himself said we need to be "cautious as serpents" when dealing with those who hate us or what we stand for.

    I agree that it's wise not to set a future trap for ourselves. It would be foolish to give WT lawyers an advantage by linking our personal name to something said on the internet or otherwise in the public eye that could be used against us in a court trial.

    Your points are good. In fact, they're very good. But I think you're applying the use of reason against something that Hawkaw never said or meant.


  • DannyBear


    Thanks for your reply.

    No misunderstanding, I understood Hawk's advice. It is the advice one expects from an attorney.

    Iam glad you got the spirit of my expression.

    With the advent of the internet, the whole ball game changed, as regards information, opinion's, commentary of any sort. Literally the entire world can now be privy to almost anyone's (with courage enough to post them) view of things.

    The internet providing a format of uncensored, unedited, commentary by anyone with access to a computer and phone line. I hope those freedom's are not restricted in any way.

    The wtbs has endeavored to squelch the rank and file from using it, they have tried to edit or censor thier past writing's, but have been thwarted by the internet. Thank you very much.

    Suggesting that an individual modify his name, opinion, or written expression to avoid scrutiny is a form of deception. I should think if 'truth', if justice is the issue, then someone's true agenda or belief's should be known, not supressed.

    Iam afraid Jesus's words regarding 'caustious as serpents' have been manipulated to justify almost any form of 'theocratic' or special interest cause at hand.


  • herk


    Now I have to disagree with you. Jesus meant what he said about being cautious. You yourself don't use your real name in these threads, so aren't you in effect condemning your own actions when you state that "Suggesting that an individual modify his name, opinion, or written expression to avoid scrutiny is a form of deception."?


  • Trauma_Hound

    Lame, Lame, Lame, who's in favor of pictures of trains?

  • DannyBear


    My first name is Daniel or Danny.........yes I prefer, for now, to leave my last name out. But for those who choose to reveal thier full identity, I applaud them.

    Those that do decide to reveal, should not be subject to any more or less critque for doing so. In fact I agree with you....they deserve more consideration for doing so.


  • herk


    I see your point clearer now. Makes sense. Thanks.


  • the_write_1

    I so agree JC! :)

  • hawkaw
    What Hawk has implied as regards posting by COJ, RF, JP, Frank Toth, is very disturbing to me. Although technically he may be correct in his advice, the end result of his admonition is to suggest that one must 'hide' under an 'anonymous' name, before revealing 'the truth' as regards an opinion expressed on these boards.

    Wrong. That is what you implied and I did not say it to all of those specific people.

    Don't put words in my mouth and distort what I am saying.

    Who am saying it too? - JP and possibly Mr. Toth or anyone else who is coming forward as an expert witness for a victim in a court of law.

    What I am saying is if you want to be an expert witness in a trial where a rape abuse victim is counting on you, you should choose to be very careful what you say on a public board if you use your own name. And think through what you say carefully. And I made a suggestion for those specific people (not everyone else as you suggest!!!!) to not post their names.

    They can take my advice which is based on years of experience or they can take your advice with __ experience.

    If you are going to call a person a "coward" and use other unprofessional language - all I am saying is be careful. Same with the rape stuff brought up by JP.

    I'm not impressed by all of this. Kinda like the way you accused me of not telling Bill that he may have damaged himself when in fact I did.

    You are a real piece of work dannybear.


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