Is Watchtower's stance against education only for North American witnesses

by wannaexit 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • NewYork44M

    The JW.Org organization is an American organization. This is clear based upon what is written. I have a tangential example that gets us to the same conclusion.

    As we know the does not like "R" rated movies. But guess what - the whole concept of movie ratings is an American concept.  I was in Honduras once and an elder arranged an event to take the witness children to a movie. Guess what the movie they went to was - an "R" rate movie (Yikes!), but the concept of ratings meant nothing to our foreign brethren.

    So, the scriptures were clearly written for 21 century Americans.  


  • opusdei1972
    I am living in Brazil, I lived in Perú and Argentina. So I can say that the anti-higher education Watchtower's propaganda is worldwide.  But I have noticed that here in Brazil the witnesses obey more seriously the Watchtower's ban against university studies.
  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    While kids moving away to campus is part of the problem, the big problem for WT is that colleges and universities try to teach critical thinking skills. As mentioned by several already, WT wants people who know how to read and perform assigned tasks, but they don't want people who know how to think for themselves and question what they are told or read. Consequently, WT wants the sheeples to stay close to the control of the cong and org. And they want them to make money with skills that they might get from limited classes... but not let them be exposed to the type of thinking that might go with a liberal arts degree.

    In my experience, the only time that JWs will "think critically," is when they want to get around WT directives. In this case, the GB gives the directive for no schooling beyond the minimum, unless it's a "get your plumbing certification" class at a local college. However, plenty of JWs start thinking about reasons to sidestep. As mentioned in the OP, outside the US they can say, "that only applies to America." Plenty of others around here have pursued degrees saying, "It's a skill that bethel is requesting, and I intend to go to bethel." Others, "I'm pioneering and only a part-time student living with my parents. So that's okay."

  • problemaddict 2
    problemaddict 2

    I was thinking what Billy said.  Part of it is the going away....but MOST of it is the teaching to think for themselves. Fostering that ole "independent spirit" if you will.

    In listening to Tomo tight pants rant on, he specifically mentioned countries where education is free.  this could also refer to scandinavian countries such as Sweden and Finland.  Largely secular societies where university is paid for.  Almost asll JW's attend, and numbers in those countries are stagnant.

    Ther eis only one JW culture.  But it is filtered through the culture of whatever nation its beng practiced in.  JW's in Latin America are alot more catholic-ish in their dealing with elders.  alot more heavy handed machismo.

    JW's in Sweden seem to be fairly progressive, making sure they attend university and are pragmatic for the future.

    But the society is rooted in American culture, so it expresses itself in an American way.  College......not good.

  • opusdei1972
    .....As I mentioned before, some years ago, in may last congregation here in Brazil, an elder gave frequently talks against those young ones who decide to study in the university. He said that those are being disloyals against Jehovah. So, this is not a destructive advice  only for US brothers, but a worldwide Watchtower's propaganda against the University. 
  • Oubliette

    The OP confuses how WT directives are interpreted and applied in different countries that have different cultures with a clear top-down mandate.

    Anthony Morris is a representative of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. They assert that they are the leadership of the "visible part" of Jehovah's Organization on earth. They regularly talk about this being an "international brotherhood."

    What any GB member says is meant to be a directive for all JWs everywhere. Clearly, some JWs are more literal in obeying the "Faithful and Discreet Slave" than others. But this does not change what the GB intends.

    They want everyone to obey them, even if what they say doesn't make any sense.

  • Max Divergent
    Max Divergent

    The American-written rule about college doesn't translate quite perfectly into all non-American educational / vocational contexts, so loopholes may emerge out of the US.

    And no Western culture is remotely as religious as America is, so the hold of any strict religion over its congregation must be weaker at a population level.  

    There may be a slightly weaker adherence to the rule out of the US as a result. 

  • Vidiot

    Max Divergent - " Western culture is remotely as religious as America is, so the hold of any strict religion over its congregation must be weaker at a population level. There may be a slightly weaker adherence to the rule out of the US as a result. "

    Makes sense.

    Must piss off the GB to no end, though.

  • Ancientofdays

    wannaexit , was not aware you're from Italy.

    Roberto Avon, you too.

    Ciao bella gente !!!

    di dove siete ? (in PM se volete)

  • fifth.column

    in France, we hadt he same instructions on not going to university. However, it seems that in most cong (depending of your BOE) these instructions were only counsels, not mandatory. 10 years ago, you had the choice to follow or not. 

    Today, I think it is a bit more complicated, we are pressured to follow more closely our American mother. Depending of your cong., if your father is an elder, if you want to avoid him some trouble while going to university, you have to pionneer every time you can. 

    Same for the beard. 

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