Xmas xchange present(s) arrived safely........

by scootergirl 459 Replies latest jw friends

  • CC Ryder
    CC Ryder

    Hi Scooter....Tink and I mailed our gifts out yesterday Priority mail to our designated recipients...Tink made up a great card for her person!....I hope the person will post the card it was tooo funny!!!!

    I want to thank you for organizing this. It was a lot of fun..we'll have to think of another occasion sooner than next Xmas to do this again....LOLOL


  • scootergirl

    Today I got home and their was a package on the table for me. What a surprise! Now, mind you, I know who has my name but this was package was from another part of the world.......AUSTRALIA!

    BeckMelbourne you are just too sweet! Thank you very much for your thoughtfulness and generosity! Ms. Beck sent me the most wonderful hardcovered date book w/scenic pics of Australia and a wonderful bookmark!


  • Valis

    My gifts went out yesterday. I wonder how long it takes mail to get to Ohio via Pony Express? I got a gift from joy, but I don't think she's my Secret Santa, and no joy I haven't opened it yet. However, I have also recieved gifts from elsewhere, which I have not opened, and from dizzycat...dizz sent me some of his awesome dub music, which all of you should have a listen to. here..



    District Overbeer

  • caligirl

    I FINALLY mailed mine out today - but I am told that it will still arrive at it's destination before Christmas. And by all the people posting who have not received theirs yet (me included) at least I know that I am in good company in the "Pracrastinators Club"! Merry Christmas Everyone!

  • ballistic

    Yeah, when I said earlier in this post I'd done mine, I'd put the order on Amazon, now it see it only actually left Amazon today.

  • Mulan

    Got mine today!!

    Cassiline and Maximumflash, you've got email!!

    Thank you!!

  • maximumflash

    Happy it arrived safely Mulan!! Cassi was worried that the tree skirt would not match a theam in your home. Us men don't worry about that sort of thing!

    The ornaments are the twelve days of Christmas we both thought you would enjoy those. Glad you like it, it will take a load off Cassi's mind. Now only for our other giftee. She will worry herself away!! LOL

    Merry Christmas all!!!!!

    We have the best present possible, she is ok from surgery. And its the last!!!!!!

    ( Of the stalking Mulan Class with copy and paste to your posts )

    No no you *have* not read this again its Deja Vous!!

  • Been there
    Been there


  • Been there
    Been there

    Technical Difficulities........................The problem is not in your computer......................Please stand by............................(Haven't got a clue what happened in the above post)

    Original message read:


  • scootergirl

    17 Days Till Christmas!

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