Crap,,,,,,, now I think I am addicted to cigs...

by LyinEyes 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • orangefatcat

    Scootergirl, I am just like you, I smoke once or twice a week at darts Monday night and when my girl friend comes over to my place and even then not necessarily so.

    I can go weeks and months at a time with out having any. I look at it as a social thing. I can stop and start any time I want. That makes my hubby crazy cus he craves them constantly and when he starts he can't stop, so I try never to smoke around him. This time he has gone several months but started yesterday as I left the pack in the living room. Now I feel terrible. I hope he will not continue. I have alway tried to understand why I am not addicted and he and others are.

    I love Moores cigarettes, and Benson and Hedges King Size Special Blend andRegular Matinee. None of this ultra light or mild yucky stuff for me. I love cigars and I smoke pipes with sweet tabacco. And speacking of sweet tabacco, does any one in the southern state of virginia know were I can get some sweet tabacco as in Canada, we cannot get sweet virginian tabacco, I have searched everywhere. I will gladly pay anyone if they could get it for me.

    Well this is my tale and I am sticking to it.

    Love Orangefatcat.

  • DanTheMan

    I have been smoking on and off about since about a year before I left the borg. I had smoked prior to JW, but I had quit about a year before my first JW contact, so it wasn't an issue.

    I have been smoking regularly for the past 3 weeks or so. It's always that first one that gets me. I enjoy the taste of cigarettes, and the nicotine is pleasurable also. Nothing goes with a beer like a cigarette.

    I plan on quitting Saturday. Don't laugh, I've quit before and stayed off them for years at a time. When you boil it down, they are a huge waste of money. And when I see folks in their 40's, 50's, 60's, and they have that "been smoking since they were a teenager" look about them, and the hacking cough/raspy voice that is the inevitable fate of a long-time smoker, no way do I want that.

  • breeze

    You are and Idiot?
    And that is the kind part of did it for the hell of it....
    you need something to do in your life....get a hobby..... 
    You will live to regret it? ; Don't you watch TV...people die from those stupid things.... 
    Hardest thing I ever did was quitting? ; 1975....when it became a disfellowshipping offense... 
    COUGH, COUGH, COUGH, COFFFFFF, COFFFF....weeeeesssssiiiiii</P> 

    Edited by - breeze on 31 October 2002 19:22:24

  • ballistic

    I feel like all my posts to this site about giving up were a waste.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Not trying to be a smart ass here but what makes a grown person start such a habit in the first place?? I know myself I hate the smell of the stuff. If I want a headache and watery eyes, I could always stick my head in a smoky fireplace.


    Edited by - william penwell on 31 October 2002 19:34:5

  • ballistic

    "I can honestly tell you right now ,,,,, I don't want to stop...... just wish I didnt start.....but if I tried to stop right now this day,,,,, i would fail. I know this because I have alot on my mind and that darn merlot taste so much better with a cig... Seriously I do not want to keep smoking forever, just hope that when I get ready to quit I will have the will power."

    What you are saying is completely illogical. You seem to think it is easier to give up the longer you have been smoking. Your ignorance with regard to this is making me mad. You need to get real now. You can stop now or just be lazy and cause yourself real pain over the coming years.

  • ballistic

    You may aswell have come here to tell us you're going to kill yourself. It's exactly the same thing.

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Dede - reformed smoker here!! Get ready for a lecture - naw just kidding.

    When I first made my exit from the borg, I was pretty messed up and I felt like I was gonna die (re: WT propaganda etc) So I reasoned that I might as well go down laughing and having the time of my life sort of thing. The end of this system was SO NEAR blah blah. So I took up smoking, as Andy was a smoker for 30 years, since he was 11 yrs of age. It was really easy to pick up the habit, I started on Peter Jackon's number 2's and Andy smoked 8's...the 8's were too strong for me.

    Within a year I was on 8's and then we both started smoking 12's. I used to plan my day so that I could accomodate my smoking habit, for eg. going to the movies and we'd have a quick fag, then after the movie we'd be lighting up before we're out the door. Even coming to work my whole day evolved around when I could have a smoke etc.

    Andy and I both used Zyban to help us both give was expensive but it worked. We've been off them for almost 2 years and have never felt better!

    I still crave, and I like walking behind a smoker when I'm walking up the street...but I'll never pick one up was too hard to give up...and when I was a smoker I was always feeling lethargic and useless. Sometimes when I crave, I want that fix, that hit from the nicotine, but I forget about the way I used to feel AFTER I'd had a smoke, which was always like I needed a nap, something to do with the absorbtion of oxygen levels in the muscles...hell I don't know, I used to feel shithouse (aussie slang) afterwards, that's all I remember.

    I'm glad I gave up, but I still crave...and I still envy smokers when I see them walking up the street...makes me wish it were me....but then I snap out of it. I tried smoking herbal ciggies while I was giving up, that worked wonders, you don't get the fix or hit, but you get the smoke inhalation effection...they smelt like horse dung, but that doesn't matter LOL.


  • ballistic

    Beck, I did the Zyban, obviously it's not expensive in the UK becuase all our medicare is free, but I was well impressed with it. Without any exageration it was 10 times easier than on the 2 times I had tried to give up without it. In January (22nd) it will be 1 year.

  • ugg

    i just loved to smoke,,,i still crave cigarettes and it has been many many years since i have had good words of advice lyin eyes,,,,i am at a point where i have done what is "right" for so long,,,that my feeling is,,,DO WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY,,,,,,healthy or not!!!!!

    like i said,,,,NO GOOD WORDS OF ADVICE...( ugg,,,of the sick and tired of doing what is right class!!)

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