Do you like black people?

by crownboy 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    Yes, I like some black people; I like some white people.

    (And I know I am prejudiced but I am always working on that.)


  • DebraDoll

    "No one can take advantage of you, without your permission." Ann Landers----Uh-oh, this is actually a rip-off of Eleanor Roosevelt's statement; "No one can make you feel inferior without your permission." So, we find out Ms. Lander's plagerizes!!! Shame! OK, that site was beyond hysterical, and of course my husband and I HAD to email them and send them our own satirical site: !!!!

  • crownboy

    LOL @ SixofNine.

    You said:

    ps. I don't think I've ever mentioned it, but I think you are very articulate, Crownboy

    Actually, you have said it before . On the 10th post in this page of this thread:

    you said:

    crownboy, I just want to comment on how very articulate you are.

    LOL, sorry, couldn't help my bad white self.

    Just for being so nice, I'll spot you a couple of points if we ever play a game of one on one basketball. But I'll still have to steal your ball afterward, BTW.

  • SixofNine

    ... and my car, and my women.

    Sorry 'bout the "articulate" thing. Whenever I find a hackneyed, backhanded racist comment that amuses me, I tend to beat it like an LA cop after a car chase. Also, I have no memory. :D

    Keep track of this Crownboy, in a couple of months, I'll forget I said it and use it again, cuz I mean, gee, how many people can I pull it on and they "get" it? This could go on longer than the "Vincent" thread, lol.

    Six- of the *gives that nice young man teejay a quizzical look, wondering why he would point out that I'm straight, and yes, a fool for love, in the same sentence?* class.

  • teejay


    I don't know what your problem is, but this is the second time in this one thread that you've called me "nice." The "young" I don't mind so much, but the "nice" is starting to get to me. Cut it out.

  • COMF

    Sure I like blacks. Every white boy oughta own a couple.

  • TR

    Even though a black dude killed my cousin, I have nothing against "those people" in general. I will, however, echo other statements such as not liking the rap music culture.

    I see many black youths who have this "I'm bad" attitude with a certain gestures, etc. Then again, white punks with baggy-ass pants, showing their boxers, and not caring what anyone thinks pisses me off even more.


  • Sabine

    I'm going to make wide, sweeping generalizations to express what I love about black people:

    They are for the most part funny as heck.

    They are usually very down to earth.

    They are more likely to be able to enjoy fun things like music, dancing, good food with lots of passion.

    I find them more able to express emotions, especially affection. My black girlfriends will hug me, hold my hand, put an arm around me more freely than most white girlfriends I've had.

    They have usually suffered more adversity and usually this makes them more compassionate towards other people's sufferings. This last point, in my opinion, is why all of the above also applies to most gay/lesbian people I've met.

    This is all just based on my personal experiences, and I've had white friends that have all the above qualities too.

  • sOOner

    I like brown better,yummy

    brown beans for a brown boy

    they are de-licious


  • SixofNine

    Why do I have the feeling that Crownboy has bloodied his forehead as he reads this thread, lol. Sheesh, try to post a funny website, and waddaya get? Serious opinions on rap music, for chrissy's sake!

    teejay, you 40+ asshole, I'm trying to be more poetic in my writing, would ya give me a break?

    Edited by - SixofNine on 3 November 2002 14:30:43

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