Good sex

by WildHorses 48 Replies latest social humour

  • gumby

    I can't believe none of you guys don't know what a Horndog is!

    Simply's someone who is horney alot.

    Now I have to ask.....what does horney mean?

    "If you play with the get the bull baby"

    I noticed Prisca hasn't stepped up to bat on this one. Where are ya sweetie?

  • Prisca
    I noticed Prisca hasn't stepped up to bat on this one.

    It's called the International Time Zones. I was asleep during this conversation was going on!

    I was confused as to what a "horndog" was, although I surmised that with the word "horn" in it, it must have had something to do with being horny.

    It sure does describe the way I often feel

  • gumby

    Poor prisca,

    It's a shame too. Such a beautiful woman ans no one to tell her so.

    I think it's time I come to OZland with some Shiraz and talk....if my wife don't mind dang it.

  • WildHorses

    gumby, I explained it right. What I meant by horney dog.........Horney meaning always has sex on the

  • KelleyBlair

    What is sex it has ben soo long, lol.


  • WildHorses

    Kelly, Let me think about it and see if I can remember. It's been awhile for me too. LOL

  • DakotaRed

    OMG!!! Are we all becoming virgins again???

    Lew W (of the also forgot what sex is like class)

  • WildHorses

    Yes Lew, I believe so. You see, I, in the past year and a half dated two men. The last one I left beacause he was as described above(a hornydog)edited to ad, this meant he cheated on me. The man before him was impotent, and we never had a sexual relationship. That wasn't the reason I left him though, I left him because he gambled and wanted to be secretive about our relationship. He didn't want his ex to know because he was afraid she would not let him see his daughter again if she knew. I can not deal with men such as this so I left them alone, thus living up to my signature. I can live without them. So I guess sex is out of the picture. oh well. One day my prince will come.

    Edited by - Lilacs on 28 October 2002 0:13:9

  • DakotaRed

    Shari, since the wife and I separated, I haven't even dated. The only female I have either kissed or hugged has been my daughter. Whether or not I get involved again, remains to be seen. As much s I always enjoyed sex and always did my best to help her enjoy sex (about the only part of the marriage that was good) I'm finding I am living just fine without it.

    GAWD!!! What am I saying? Let's just hope we don't get too used to going without it, LOL

    Lew W

  • WildHorses

    LOL, I know what you mean. I have decided that I am happier on my own, and energizer has become a friend of mine.

    I do miss the closeness of having a mate but I would rather be alone than to be with someone just so as not to be alone.

    If I ever do get involved again, he will be THE ONE. I will not allow myself to get close enough to get hurt again.


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