I'm being DF'ed...

by email 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • DJ

    Welcome to you email. The wt org. is not about love it's about rules. You are free, now. Take some time to do some reading. Have you read Crisis Of Conscience by Ray Franz or In Search of Christian Freedom. by the same author?. You probably recognize his name, eh? There is a long recovery process to get thru and you will need a lot of patience to deal with your wife. There are tons of books by us "apostates" that will help you to unravel all those false teachings. At the bottom of the page here you can click on Freeminds. You can find a lot of info there too. Much Love, Dj

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Well done Email...way ta go!! You should be congratulated for coming to your senses.

    When I first left, 4 yrs ago, I recall leaving with tears and pain and anguish. But it doesn't have to be that way...if I'd known then, what I know now, I would have embraced life as a worldly with open arms...but I was hesitant and wary.

    It doesn't have to be this way...look ahead email...don't look back or you'll turn into a pillar of salt LOL. Only now will your life really take off...so buckle in and enjoy the ride.

    Hey btw, you look like my little brother. You're not him are you?? I wish!!


  • Trotafox

    Hi, email: You're better off even if it is painful. Glad to see you on the Board. Jump in with both feet. The water's fine.


  • Xandria

    I know you felt afloat in the aftermath of it all. But welcome to the board and to those who have been there done that and witnessed the horrible. There is really no basis for disfellowshipping. It is unbiblical to abandon your brother /sisters in their time of need.

    So welcome.


  • jeannie

    Hi email...you may be getting disfellowshipped from the WT but you are being Fellowshipped here!!...We all were once the downtrodden..the broken hearted...but now we have been resurrected to a new life..a life where there is no more judging..no more conditional love..no more spying...no more shunning...You are home!!!

    I am sure my day will come to be df'd and it feels so good to know that I have a lot of friends who are holding the net..when the WT lets me down again...hugs jeannie/NY

  • SYN

    Hi Email, really sad to hear about this idiotic move on the part of your LEA (Local Elder Body (TM)).

    Why didn't you just tell them that you are a pedophile? Then you would probably have been "promoted"! (Just kidding )

    So what do you plan to do about it? Are you going to appeal? Don't give them so much power over you! Do you have issues with family that will shun you if you remain DFd?

  • SillyPutty

    Welcome email.

    I think congratulations are in order. I'm surprised it hasn't happened to me before now. Welcome to the boards. Hope to hear more from you.

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    A BIG WELCOME to email!

    I am sorry that you had to deal with those blind and stupid Elders, however, I am very happy that you know THE REAL TRUTH and THE REAL TRUTH has set you FREE!

    You have now joined the ranks of people who have been Disfellowshipped and Shunned for speaking the TRUTH!

    Also, I am very happy to hear that you saw Dateline.

    My parents (who have been Inactive JW's for the last 15+ years) saw Dateline, and now they are having serious doubts about the Governing Body.

    I thank the Lord Jesus Christ that you are FREE!

  • Angharad

    Hi Email.

    Sorry they are causing you so much hassle.

  • Kingpawn

    First, welcome to the board.

    Second, though you may not see it this way now, they did you a favor. You know how it feels to come home after a long shift at work and change clothes? That's what they've given you the chance to do. Here you can ask questions, do research, verify things, and not be a drone with blinders on, having to constantly fear a misstep. Maybe you should send them a thank-you card.

    The arrogance of the JC doesn't surprise me. You no doubt know how Paul's been criticized here for his stances on women teaching and so on. While looking for a verse on "gently reproving," to show that their attitude was anything but gentle and certainly not a reproof, I found 1 Tim. 4:8, where Paul speaks of his anticipated heavenly reward in a tone that strikes me as anything but humble. Then there's verses 14 and 15. To him it's a certainty that Alexander the coppersmith's gonna get it in the neck for opposing Paul. No possibility in his mind that maybe Alexander might change or that only God judges the heart with full knowledge of it.

    Being a JW reminds me of George Orwell's "Big Brother" and the Thought Police in 1984. Just don't relapse like Winston Smith did at the end.

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