Things JWs don't say

by WildTurkey 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Couldn't refer to the Hall as a Church (think someone already said that);

    Well.. don't know any more but this whole conversation is striking me as RIDICULOUS -- from a worldly person's view. I wonder what people must think when they read all this stuff, it's just so silly. It's all semantics... for which the double-standard, double-crossed, double talk world of the JW is famous for. Do we realize how ridiculous it all sounds now? Can't say this and this word, can't do this and this thing cuz it might bring demons.. it all sounds so surreal and unhuman to me now, like I can't even believe I was part of a world like this. A paranoid closed door society that used such ancient and barbarian tactics to keep control on its flock. This is stuff that novels are made of, for pete's sake!

    Well, we all know that what the JW's said in their literature "officially" and what they said in private were two entirely different things.. we can all attest to that. They don't discourage this behavior, in fact they foster it in the congregations because it provides "extra" fear.

    Country Girl

  • imanaliento

    They DON'T say their SORRY,

    I guess it's a word that wasn't programmed into the robots; oh I forgot the GB has to learn it first.

    One more thing, and it may not have happened to everyone--- is that for the past 3 to 4 weddings we've went to, elaborate invitations have been handed out but not one Thank You was given for the presents received. I know, I know everybody's busy.

  • starfish422

    I couldn't tell someone they were lucky; I had to tell them they were fortunate.

    I couldn't call my school friends "friends"; had to refer to them as associates. :P

    I will never forget the time my mother swore in front of the circuit overseer! :D She wanted to die. LMAO So I would say that *sshole is something JWs don't say but I know better. And so does Brother Ackerman.

    Edited by - starfish422 on 3 October 2002 12:34:35

  • concerned mama
    concerned mama

    Country Girl,

    You hit it on the head. I am a worldly person and I think the whole JW religion/sect/cult is ludicrous. Everything you said...exactly right. I look at the JW teenager I know and even he makes fun of some of this stuff, and what is even more crazy, he still thinks JWs are right. Anyone I tell about it, can hardly believe it, it sounds so weird.

    I just shake my head.

  • Crazy151drinker

    I had an orgasm

    Happy Birthday

    What did you get for Christmas??

    I was wrong

    Did you see that dateline special on Child Abuse???

    Hey, I got this cool book on cults....

  • Robdar

    In the 70's we weren't allowed to say "Peace" or give the peace sign.

  • Darkhorse

    I am a worldly person also. The more I read about what JW's could and could not do, say, etc. blows my mind! After a while, a person would not know whether to s*&t or go blind.

    What is up with all that? How can people function? I am really beginning to see why when a person leaves the JW, they just cannot leave mentally because of all that has been programmed into them. They have to totally learn a new behavior and a new set of social skills. I commend all of those who have chosen to leave and make a new life for themselves.

    I can see that with the person I befriended. This person does not attend Sunday meetings, etc. any more (I do not know the extent of the involvement with the JW in the past); but this person has displayed many of the characterics of somebody who does not know how to deal with people on a social level. I can tell just by the actions / reactions, comments made in conversations with me, and many other things too numerous to count. Some of the subjects that have come up in our conversations have been interesting (not religion). Some people would be speechless at first, but I know my friend is trying to have a conversation and is having a hard time starting one. It is hard to explain.... Some people may know what I am talking about.

  • InquiryMan

    Quite a few of the things mentioned above seems to apply to American witnesses. By and large, European, at least Northern European ones are less militant and more relaxed.

    (We do say good luck, or at least the equivalent of it, on noe one raises an eyebrow to that. It is common to say Good luck in service!).

    The fuss about R-rated movies is not as big either (they are rated differently, and people are simply not that obsessed with it as their american counterparts.)

  • Dia

    "Yes, you're right. This heartless religion makes no sense at all. What was I thinking?"

  • Dia

    "Well....actually, this big whoopdy-doo name, Jehovah, was invented by a Catholic Monk a few centuries ago, why?"

    Edited by - Dia on 3 October 2002 13:22:52

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