The "rocks" are not "crying out&...

by gumby 64 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • gumby


    Basically what you have said are guesses aren't they? You really don't know the answer do you?

    Typical of the Bible isn't it? God dosen't explain this all important question to us just like all the other things that are NOT CLEAR. Why didn't our loving father of the Bible say something about this instead of leaving us to wonder?

    "Narrow and cramped is the road to life and FEW are the ones finding it, yet wide and spacious is the road to destruction and many are those taking it........Tell are all the billions to find this narrow road, if that road is to be found in Christ and that road dosen't go by their neighborhood?

    Do you really think that all the people God has killed such as in the flood, the 7 pagan nations in Canaan, and all those he will kill in the future.............REALLY HAD THE CHANCE TO KNOW GOD WELL ENOUGH TO MAKE A CHOICE?

    Are all the Pagans in this word indoctinated well enough to choose the real God over their false God's that they truly believe is THE REAL GOD? Be honest

  • funkyderek
    What Jesus did go through was the rejection of his ministry by most of his family, the betrayal of his life by one of his closest friends, the abandonment in his time of crisis by the rest of his friends. Hunger, pain, sickness, the death of his earthly father, the death of close friends, a cruel and infamous death alone, doesn't sound like a walk in the park to me, bud.

    Not to you maybe, but to a spirit being who had never known suffering, pain or mortality, slumming it for a while would probably be fun. A lot like rich kids who go backpacking for a year in India. They may live in poverty for a while, and even get a bad case of "Delhi belly" but they know daddy's credit card is there to bail them out. It's hardly a sacrifice. Nor was Jesus' brief foray into the world of humanity. 30 years of perfect health, three years of fame and infamy, one hectic week during which he partied for a while, got arrested, and "died" for a day and a half. Big deal! And I bet he bored the angels half to death with his stories when he got back!

  • gumby

    If Jesus were truly God.....or just like him.....would he NEED to experiance pain, suffering, and live a life as a human to appreciate what we go thru? That limits God dosen't it? In other words......that's like saying, " unless Jesus suffered the things we do......he would have no idea what we go thru".

    Is God/Jesus, limited then? Was Jesus limited untill he experienced those things? Or did he do it so we would appreciate it more? Let's hear all the GUESSES!

  • gumby

    Waiting for some answers

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge


    Can you imagine the millions of Mormon's accepting the rantings of Joseph Smith without his gold tablets, inscribed by the angel Moroni? Hardly.

    Moses had to bring clay tablets down from a mountain top, with his face glowing from looking directly at god himself. Even then the Isrealites found it hard to believe..

    And where would those clay tablets be? Or, where's the original manuscript of the Koran, or the various Books of the Bible? I guess various religious people take a lot of their beliefs on FAITH, whether real or not.

  • gumby

    And where would those clay tablets be?

    Hell.....where is the Ark? That's alot bigger and easier thing to find! Espesially since it rested on top of a tall mountain.

    What I hope to find is the Golden there is where the money is!!!!!!!!

  • Kenneson

    Ezekiel 11:19 "...I will remove the heart of stone from their bodies, and replace it with a natural heart." Here's another one for the literalists.

  • DannyBear


    ***And where would those clay tablets be? ***

    Somewhere underneath the subway at 52nd and Broadway, NY, NY. Actually very close to where Freddie Franz would sit on a park bench, with eyes beseeshing heaven, waiting for inspiration on the Great Harlot...of course when he tired of it, all he had to do was stroll over to Times Square for some real inspiration.

    Thats my story, and Iam not sticking to it.


  • seven006


    So what you are saying is the world is in a great big pile of shit because a talking snake told a naked lady to eat a piece of fruit?

    Yep, makes sense to me.


  • Yerusalyim


    Quite the opposite, I'm saying the shit in the world is because of the PEOPLE in the world and what we do, not because of some fabled or not snake. The nature of the sin committed by Adam and Eve, or whom or what ever, is the same sin of mankind throughout history. They/we, have decided that WE will decide for ourselves what is good, and what is evil. If someone says that murder is good, then for them it is, yet it's sin and affects the rest of the world. The same with drugs, using the opposite (or same) gender for sex (as opposed to making love), if Dale decides he has a right to the money held in a bank, it's ok, and good, not evil. Yet Dale's sin affects untold numbers of people. That is the nature of sin.


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