by minimus 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dismembered


    Everytime, Always. It sucked !

    P.S. Most of the houses i went to were so filthy & smelled like an elephants butt. There would have been no way I would have studied with those filthy morons anyway.

    Edited by - Dismembered on 29 August 2002 9:9:21

  • minimus

    It seems most of us feel that "it sucks". You know what the worst thing was? In the summertime ,you had to wear a tie and often a suitcoat. The sisters couldn't wear pants in the wintertime......oh, the memories!

  • MikeMusto

    sounds to me like alot of your hatred of service stems from bad fashion.

    perhaps i could give you guys some pointers?

  • LDH


    The blind leading the blind, eh, Mike?

  • IslandWoman

    Hi Minimus,

    I enjoyed Field Service, not always of course but as many JWs say Auxillary Pioneering or Pioneering does change the character of Field Service for many. I had some good times associating with friends and making friends at the door.

    It was good and I would do it again. IF, the damn religion wasn't so anti-God!


  • VeniceIT

    Well it looks like I'm in the minority here. As a JW I'd a said that I luved service, although I was always glad to sleep in or take the day off. But there were times where I really enjoyed it, I luved getting into really deep discussions with people, and get their Bibles out I really felt like I was acomplishing God's Will. We had a lot of laughs in service, as you can imagine I was never one of those 'serious types'. I used my mom's rule for life 'whatever you have to do, make it fun'. That applied from doing chores, homework, yardwork, meetings and especially serivce.

    If it was a really hot day and especially if we had kids, we'd take about 30 min and go to the river, and wade in and through rocks. Or we'd take the kids to the park for a lil bit in the afternoon. We had a lot of rural territory and so there were tons of farms and animals, we even got to see a calf being born in a field one morning. My mom's theory on service and life was that Jehovah wanted us to be happy, and he'd rather we had a good time in service and enjoyed it, rather then grudge it by haveing to be so strict. Maybe that's why my one aunt has been able to reg pioneer for 36 years straight and my mom and all her 4 sisters, my sister and myself pioneered as long as we did. We always tried to have a good time, stop at a garage sale or mix it up a bit, do some streetwork, businesses.

    Of course I did have those service days from hell, but that was mainly to do with the cargroup. I usually drove, and worked my territory and of course took breaks, so there were some that ALWAYS had to be in my cargroup hahahah sometimes that got a lil tiring. We used to stop and pick other peoples kids up after school to take them out in service we always stopped to get a treat right when we picked them up and would go out for a few hours, then go play somewhere.

    There were times when I didn't want to go out, just to stay in bed and I would so that I wouldn't dread service being as that was my lifes occupation better to not burn out on it yet (blugh). Anyway I did have some great times and very embarrassing moments (as was shown in the funny serivce stories thread), but I'm SOOOO GLAD I NEVER HAVE TO DO IT AGAIN!!!!!!


  • California Sunshine
  • RR

    I pioneered for some years and I enjoyed it. I enjoy talking to people and giving them a witness. But like everything else, there arre good days and bad days. And sometimes I just didn't feel like going out, but ten their were those day, I didn't want to and have a beautiful day in service.


    HELL no I did not...IT SUCKED the activity and the people I was forced to be around and they know who they R..I could not wait to get back to my skippy dog now I love my Mammie kitty... I am a animal person not a people person..never was a peope person and never will be ! queenie


    The only time I enjoyed going out in the service was when I was a kid.I was a real ham.I knew how to work my householder (I`m a kid,I`m cute ,take my magazines,LOL).When I grew up,I didn`t like it at all...OUTLAW

    Edited by - OUTLAW on 29 August 2002 22:39:18

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